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1、八年级上八年级上 Units3Units34 4 . .单项填空单项填空 1.Im going to take part in the speech competition next week. ! I am sure you will win. A. Never mind B. Good luck C. What a pity D. My pleasure 2.Life is very much like a : if you smile at it, it will smile back at you. A. candle B. movie C. mirror D. tour 3.Thou

2、gh I sleep for almost 11 hours every day, I still often feel tired. I think you exercise more. You know, exercise can make you relaxed. A.will B. should C. cant D.neednt 4.Do you agree with me? Not really, but my idea is similar yours. A. for B. at C. with D. to 5.Which of the two magazines will you

3、 take? Ill take either, though I find of them are very useful to me. A. both B. all C. neither D. none 6.Susan, whats your new maths teacher like? He is , so Im kind of afraid of him. A. brave B. patient C. serious D. friendly 7.China has formed a deep friendship with countries around the world. Tha

4、ts true. We are working together in many fields. A. closely B. nervously C. terribly D. humorously 8.He could find the way home he was only three years old. A. though B. because C. until D. if 9.The traffic is so heavy. You should drive than before. A.most quickly B.more wildly C.most quietly D.more

5、 carefully 10.The English Speech Competition the best in her. As a result, she is more active now. A. checked out B. tried out C. left out D. brought out . .完形填空完形填空 I have two older brothers, Matt and Martin.They love me very much.Perhaps it is because I am the 1 child and the only sister they have

6、. Both Matt and Martin have thick and dark hair.They look alike (相像)with 2 short hair and big eyes.They are also tan (晒黑的)because they enjoy outdoor 3 . For example, Matt likes football and Martin is a tennis player.They are much taller than me and I always have to look up when I 4 to them.They both

7、 love to 5 , so Mum often says that they could eat a horse. Their personalities (性格)are very 6 . Matt is very active and lively.He often takes part in club activities and gets along 7 with people. But sometimes Mum is not very 8 with Matt because he plays so much and doesnt work hard enough. Martin

8、is the quiet one.He is less active than Matt, 9 he has a really close group of friends.He also does well in his 10 because he works very hard on his studies.Mum never has to worry about Martin. 1.A. fattest B. youngest C. rudest D. strongest 2.A. their B. our C. your D. her 3.A. trips B. picnics C.

9、sports D. risks 4.A. talk B. write C. bow D. fly 5.A. sing B. eat C. laugh D. drive 6.A. important B. difficult C. dangerous D. different 7.A. loudly B. easilyC. suddenly D. recently 8.A. nervous B. honest C. happy D. angry 9.A. whether B. if C. or D. but 10.A. exams B. hobbies C. interviews D. adve

10、ntures . .补全对话补全对话 A: Excuse me. 1 B: Oh, yes. And youre? A: Im Li Lei. Your friend Miss Wu asked me to meet you here. 2 B: Nice to meet you, too. A: 3 B: No, this is my second time. I came here in 2008 for the first time. A: How do you like the city? B: I like it very much. 4 A: Im glad you like th

11、e city. And now Xuancheng is becoming more and more beautiful. 5 B: I think so. Thank you very much for meeting me. A: Its a pleasure. A. Im glad to see you. B. What about your hometown? C. Im sure youll have a good time. D. Are you Mr. Smith from Australia? E. Is this your first visit to Xuancheng?

12、 F. Its a nice place to visit. G. How long will you stay here? .阅读理解 A Quiet Flat (公寓公寓) in Yaohai, Hefei 2 bedrooms, a large kitchen Near shops and restaurants Small 3rd-Floor Flat in Central Building in Hefei 1 bedroom 2 minutes walk from the bus station ¥650 a month ¥800 a month Tel: 0551-6567897

13、6 Tel: 0551-68529458 House Available in the Center of the City from the End of December 3 bedrooms, a small garden Near a university ¥1,000 a month Tel: 0551-67476933 House Available in Binhu, Hefei Two students looking for one more to share the house One room with one bed, one desk and one chair Ne

14、ar a university and a shopping center ¥500 each month 房屋老旧;空气河水 2.现在:路面洁净、空阔;高楼林立;蓝天白云,满城绿树鲜花 3.感受: 写作要求: 1.要点齐全,不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥; 2.语句连贯,条理清晰,详略得当,书写工整; 3.词数 80100,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Great Changes Around Me In the past few years, great changes have taken place around me._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 八年级上 Units 34 .

15、15 BCBDA 610 CAADD .15 BACAB 610 DBCDA .15 DAEFC .14 DBCA 5.They are for business as well as relaxing. 6.They are made of bamboo./Bamboo. 7.The tea service master. .One possible version: Great Changes Around Me In the past few years, great changes have taken place around me. The roads used to be nar

16、row and crowded. The houses were old and small. The air wasnt fresh enough and the river was polluted badly. Nowadays, the roads are wide and clean and we can choose different kinds of transportation to go anywhere. Lots of tall buildings have been built in the city. Most of us have moved to big beautiful houses. The sky is blue and the cloud is white. The birds are singing happily. My hometown looks like a big garden with green trees, grass and colorful flowers. Im sure as time goes on, our life will become better and better!


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