
上传人:理想 文档编号:169824 上传时间:2021-02-03 格式:DOCX 页数:20 大小:270.15KB
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1、i)从下面每小题的)从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划三个选项中选出可以替换划 线部分的最佳选项线部分的最佳选项  1 (1 分) How bright he is! He has already received the offer from the London College  Good for him ( )  Aintelligent Blively  Ccolourful  【分析】他多聪明啊!他已经收到了伦敦学院的录取通知书  对他来说很好  【解答】bright 明亮的,聪明的根据他已经收到

2、了伦敦学院的录取通知书可知在此处意为聪明的 intelligent 聪明的;lively 活泼的;生动的;colourful 色彩丰富的bright 与 intelligent 含义相同  故选:A  【点评】根据语境了解划线部分的含义,结合选项选择与其含义相同的选项  2 (1 分) George won a gold medal as a result of his sticking to running every day  That sounds great Congratulations on him!( )  Ain case of

3、 Binstead of Cbecause of  【分析】由于坚持每天跑步,乔治获得了一枚金牌  这听起来不错祝贺他!  【解答】as a result of 由于,作为的结果in case of 万一;instead of 代替;而不是;because of 因为;由于as a result of 与 C 项含义相同  故选:C  【点评】根据语境了解划线部分的含义,结合选项选择与其含义相同的选项  3 (1 分)Have you prepared for everything?  YesWe plan to set o

4、ff early tomorrow morning, ( )  Amake a sudden break Bstart a talk  Cstart a journey  【分析】一切都准备好了吗?    是的我们计划明天一早出发  【解答】 set off 出发; make a sudden break 突然中断; start a talk 开始谈话; start a journey 开始旅行 set off 与 C 项含义相同  故选:C  【点评】根据语境了解划线部分的含义,结合选项选择与其含义相同的选项 &

5、nbsp;4 (1 分)What should we do to keep healthy?  Its the best way to take in fresh air, do exercise and keep a balanced diet ( )  Atrick into Ballowin  Cunderstand  【分析】我们应该做什么来保持健康?  呼吸新鲜空气、锻炼身体和保持均衡饮食的是最好的方法  【解答】take in 吸收;trickinto 诱使;allowin 允许进入;understand 理解take i

6、n 与 allow in 含 义相同  故选:B  【点评】根据语境了解划线部分的含义,结合选项选择与其含义相同的选项  5 (1 分)Hey, have any of you guys exchanged money yet?  Oh, no I was totally unaware of it ( )  Adidnt realize Blost my sight of  Cfelt worried about  【分析】嘿,你们有谁换钱了吗?  哦,不我完全没有意识到  【解答】was totall

7、y unaware of 完全没有意识到didnt realize 没有意识到;lost my sight of 看不见; felt worried about 感到担忧was totally unaware of 与 A 项含义相同  故选:A  【点评】根据语境了解划线部分的含义,结合选项选择与其含义相同的选项  6 (1 分)My uncle sold his old car for a song  Really? Why didnt he ask for a better price?( )  Aat last Bat a low price  Cat times  【分析】我叔叔以极低的价格卖掉了他的旧车    真的吗?他为什么不要求一个更好的价格呢?


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