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1、 1 泉州市泉州市 2021 届高中毕业班质量监测届高中毕业班质量监测(一一) 英语英语 第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读(共两节共两节,满分满分 50 分分) 第一节第一节(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 2.5 分分,满分满分 37.5 分分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A The City of Toronto currently delivers three public art programs: the Public Art 每小题 2.5 分,,满分 12.5 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出以填入空

2、白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。 Superfoods are things you eat that do more than satisfy your hunger because they help your body work better an be better. Think of your body as a car. _ 36_Our body are just the same. Eating superfoods can change your life in many ways. 37 One reason for this is that many super

3、foods are naturally low in calories. Another reason is that sticking to eating them is very easy. With most diets, people concentrate on what shouldnt be eaten. With superfoods, they focus on all the great things they can cat. 38 Eating superfoods over time helps keep you looking young, fights heart

4、 disease and cures Type II diabetes and some cancers. 39 While many are low in calories, some, such as whole grains, are still high in them. Eating just superfoods won t make you instantly healthier. Instead, getting a wide variety of foods, superfoods included, and doing your best to make healthy c

5、hoices is the better solution. Besides, with all the energy that is packed in superfoods, you will be ready for any challenge that awaits you. If you want to start adding superfoods to your diet, do it at your own pace. 40 6 A. However, you should not eat just superfoods. B. Taking one small step ma

6、kes it easier to take the next. C. That is very true because you are eating energy-filled food. D. The better the gas you put in your car, the better it will run. E. There are other benefits to adding them to your diet as well. F. Lastly, whether superfoods benefit your health remains to be seen. G.

7、 Not surprisingly, people who start eating them lose weight quickly. 第三部分第三部分 英语知识运用英语知识运用(共两节共两节,满分满分 30 分分) 第一节宪形填空第一节宪形填空(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 15 分分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Angela never liked seeing plastic waste washing up on the shore near her home. S

8、he had been 41 to call on her community to clean it up, to change the 42 , so she tried to set up an organization called Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea. Her 43 proved quite a success. Heres how it 44 . Volunteers help clean up 300 miles of shoreline. Then, 45 only pasties from the beach cleanup,

9、 Angela and many other volunteers create sculptures of sea_46 . She explains, “ I mean to create sculptures that make people take a look and 47 ., How can there be this much waste on the beach ? 48 , these sculptures will make people consider what they have 49 in their daily life and realize how so

10、much plastic ends up in the oceans.” So far, about 10, 000 50 volunteers have collected 21 tons of waste and helped create more than 70 works of art. Four traveling 51 have demonstrated.the art works in 18 places of the country. One of the sculptures, Turtle Ocean, received a 52 honor. It was admitt

11、ed into the National Museum. The Washed Ashore team is now working on sculptures of a dolphin, with 53 for more sculptures. “ Until we 54 plastic on the beach, the work will continue. These sculptures are a(n) 55 for clean oceans. Angela says seriously. 41. A. offering B. longing C. claiming D. hesi

12、tating 42. A. landscape B. evaluation C. tendency D. situation 43. A. attempt B. choice C. fantasy D. instruction 44. A. describes B. ensures C. functions D. guarantees 7 45. A. submitting B. presenting C. delivering D. employing 46. A. waste B. floor C. waves D. creatures 47. A. rethink B. remark C

13、. confirm D. announce 48. A. Generally B. Hopefully C. Fortunately D. Surprisingly 49. A. achieved B. observed C. purchased D. recommended 50. A. devoted B.surprised C. grateful D. adventurous 51.A. guides B. managers C. advertisements D. exhibitions 52.A. regular B. simple C. special D. sensitive 5

14、3. A.plans B. calls C. elements D. exchanges 54. A. get down to B. keep away from C. run out of D. end up with 55. A. excuse B. appeal C. praise D. response 第二节第二节(共共 10 小题小题;每小题每小题 1.5 分分,满分满分 15 分分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填人 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Wang Hongmei, a master in the Forbidden City, specializes in res

15、toring damaged paintings. I found conservation of paintings extremely 56 (challenge) at the beginning when I often had to stand for hours all day long due to the nature of the work.” Wang 57 (recall). “Commitment and time 58 (gradual) calmed down my heart.” It takes a seasoned conservationist like W

16、ang a whole year 59 (restore) just three to four paintings. Sometimes the work could take even 60 (long). A scenic painting over 170 square meters in size, 61 was created by Emperor Qianlong for his retirement, was worn. Wang and her colleagues spent five years restoring the painting to its previous

17、 brilliance. These treasures are not simply individual items, 62 heritages (遗产) of the craft and spirit passed on by the artists, collectors and conservationists of the past,” Qu Feng, one of Wangs 63 (workmate), said. “Strengthened conservation efforts symbolize increasing national power and 64 (pr

18、oud). If we can protect our cultural heritage to the best of our abilities, our nation will come to believe 65 itself more firmly Due to the efforts by the masters in the Forbidden City, the public now can have a further understanding of cultural heritage protection. 8 第四部分写作第四部分写作(共两节共两节,满分满分 40 分分

19、) 第一节应用文第一节应用文(满分满分 15 分分) 假定你是李华,请你用英语广播通知周六体艺活动的相关事项。内容要点如下: 1.参加对象:英语模联( MUN)成员和英国交换生; 2.集合:上午 7:30 在学校图书馆前集中乘车前往; 3.活动内容:登清源山比赛、短剧表演赛等。 注意: 1.写作词数应为 80 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答案卡的相应位置作答。 May I have your attention, please? 第二节书面表达第二节书面表达(满分满分 25 分分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 A teacher in New Yo

20、rk decided to honor each of her seniors in high school by telling them the difference they each made. She called each student to he front of the class, one at a time. First she told them how the student made a difference to her and the class. Then she presented each of them with a blue ribbon (缎带) i

21、mprinted with gold letters which read, “Who I Am Makes a Difference. Afterwards the teacher decided to do a class project to see what kind of influence recognition would have on a community. She gave each of the students three more ribbons and instructed them to go out and spread this acknowledgment

22、 ceremony. Then they were to follow up on the results, see who honored whom and report back to the class in about a week. One of the boys in the class went to a junior manager in a nearby company and honored him for helping him with his career planning. The boy gave him a blue ribbon and put it on h

23、is shirt. Then he gave him two extra ribbons, and told him what it was all about. Later that day the junior manager went in to see his boss, who had been noted, by the way, as being kind of a conceited( 傲慢的) fellow. He seated his boss down and he told him that he deeply admired him 9 for being a cre

24、ative genius. The boss seemed very surprised. The junior manager asked him if he would accept the gift of the blue ribbon and give him permission to put it on him. His surprised boss said,“Well, sure. The junior manager took the blue ribbon and placed it right on his boss s jacket above his heart. A

25、s he gave him the last extra ribbon,he said, Would you do me a favor? Would you take this extra ribbon and pass it on by honoring somebody else? The young boy who first gave me the ribbons is doing project in school and we want to keep this recognition ceremony going and find out how it affects peop

26、le.” 注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 That night the boss came home to his 14-year-old son. My days are really busy and I don pay a lot of attention to you,” continued the father. 10 泉州市 2021 届高中毕业班质量监测(一) 英语试题考答案及评分标准 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 21- -25 D C B A

27、C 26- -30 A B D B C 31- -35 D A A C B 第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2.5 分,滴分 12.5 分) 36- 40 D G E A B 第三部分.英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节完形填空(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 41- 45 B D A C D 46- 50 D A B C A 51- 55 D C A C B 第二节(共 10 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 56. challenging 57. recalled 58. gradually 59. to restore 60. longer 61. which 62. but 63. workmates 64. pride 65. in


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