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1、幼儿园大班英语教案:Supermarket 一、活动名称:Supermarket 二、活动对象:大班 三、活动设计意图:在英语的学习中,小超市里活动的扮演也是孩子经常 喜欢参与的。孩子通过熟悉场所的角色扮演,在游戏中学习能更好地激发 孩子学习的动力,提高对学习英语的兴趣。 四、活动目标: 1、 复习购物架上所陈列实物的单词 Daily Goods: mirror、 comb、 cup、 soapFruit: apple、 orange、 banana、 watermelon、 pearDrink: milk、 water、 cola、juiceVegetable:tomato、potato、c

2、arrot、onion 以及句型this is. 2、学习句型what do you want to buy? I want to buy. 3、给予幼儿信心,提高幼儿积极主动的开口说英语的能力,为以后学 习英语打下基础。 五、活动准备:购物架、购物篮、各类实物、小奖励 六、重难点:让幼儿明白句型what do you want to buy? I want to but.的意思和准确的发音,以及让幼儿主动开口参与情景对话。 七、活动过程: (一)Warming up: T: hello, Babies! Now! Lets call the roll. Song:where are you

3、T: xx,xx,where are you ? C: Here I am, here I am, how are you? T: Im fine .thank you. xx,xx,where are you? C: Here I am, here I am, how are you? T: Im so good. Are you happy today? (二)Presentation 课堂呈现 1、T: ok, Today, we came to a supermarket, There are many things we have learned. This is. 老师可以任意的选

4、择购物架上的食物进行单词复习和纠音,或者可以 故意说错单词对幼儿进行抽查。 2、shop assistant 引出句型what do you want to buy?S:Can I help you? T: yes. S: what do you want to buy? T: I want to buy a cola. 3、kids, what did she said? She said, what do you want to buy? Right? Read after me, please! What do you want to buy? (反复教 3 次) 老师提起篮子把买到的东

5、西放到购物篮中。 Now, I want to buy a banana. (幼儿跟读)I want to buy a comb. (幼儿跟读)I want to buy a cup. (幼儿跟读)4. I need a shopper, who wants to try? Say let me try! T: what do you want to buy? C: I want to buy. (如果幼儿不会说,老师要引导幼儿开口并给 予鼓励)T: I need a shopper,and another kids ask her What do you want to buy? Who w

6、ants to be a shopper? C: What do you want to buy? C: I want to buy. (其他幼儿跟读)5. Situational Dialogues: Kids,can you buy things by yourself? Come on, dont be shy. Say let me try. 请小朋友独自买东西并与 shop assistant 对话。 S: welcome on our market. Can I help you? C: yes. S: what do you want to buy? C: I want to buy. S: here you are. C: thanks. T: anybody wants to try? C: T: you will be a shopper. And you will be a shop assistant. Ok. Are you ready? 老师引导幼儿对话。


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