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1、 卷 区 第 1 页 共 8 二二 二二 九九 年年 牡牡 丹丹 江江 市市 初初 中中 毕毕 业业 学学 业业 考考 试试 第第 一一 次次 模模 拟拟 考考 试试 英语英语 试试卷卷 第 一 部 分 语 言 知 识 运 用 . Multiple choice(本 题 共 20 分 ,每 小 题 1 分) Choose the best answer from A, B or C according to the meaning of the sentence. 1. Is this your dictionary? No, it s Tina s. The thick one on the

2、 desk is . A. mine B. hers C. yours 2. The doctors and nurses are the of fighting against the virus (病 毒). I think so. They are always on the front line. A. leaders B. relatives C. pioneers 3. The beautiful woman over there may be our English teacher. It be her. She has gone abroad. A. must B. could

3、 C. can t 4. A cute bird flew into our kitchen the window while we were having lunch. A. across B. through C. above 5. When shall we watch the movie Lostin Russia ( 囧 妈 ), this Saturday or this Sunday? is OK. I m free this weekend. A. Any B. Either C. Neither 6. It is said that about of the koalas h

4、ave been dead since the Australian wildfires began. A. one three B. first third C. one third 7. To create a more space, eating or drinking on the subway in Beijing is not allowed. A. comfortable B. convenient C. uncrowded 8. Riding bikes and walking are good ways to exercise, for the people who work

5、 in offices. A. specially B. completely C. especially 9. Sonia, what s your New Year s resolution? This year I m going to writing in my free time. A. make up B. take up C. give up 10. The Chinese National Women s Volleyball T eam won the 2019 FIVB Women s World Cup. Wow, proud we Chinese felt! A. ho

6、w B. what C. what a 11. is Wanda Plaza (万 达 广 场) from here? It is about half an hour s walk. A. How long B. How often C. How far 12. In China, we can t start eating everyone is at the table. It s one of our Chinese table manners. A. since B. until C. although 卷 区 第 2 页 共 8 13. Listen! There is someo

7、ne knocking at the door. It must be Bob. I him to come to repair my computer. A. called B. will call C. am calling 14. What are the girls doing over there? They are talking about the boy short videos are very popular on Douyin. A. whose B. who C. that 15. Good news! Some mobile cabin hospitals (方 舱

8、医 院) in several days in Wuhan. Great! More people can get medical care there. A. built B. are built C. will be built 16. Mr. Miller along with his wife and children for the bus when the earthquake happened. A. was waiting B. are waiting C. were waiting 17. Mary, can you tell me ? She always cares mu

9、ch about others. A. how does Jane get on well with her classmates B. why Jane is liked by her classmates C. if Jane is popular with her classmates 18. The boss asked Tom to leave because he was usually late for work. The underlined phrase means . A. left Tom out B. advised Tom to leave C. kicked Tom

10、 off 19. In the near future, 5G technology will have an influence on our life. The underlined phrase means . A. have to do with B. make a big difference to C. have meaning to 20. Were you surprised when Mr. Trent appeared in front of you? . I knew he would come. But I just wasn t sure when he would

11、come. A. Don t mention it B. Yes and no C. You re kidding . Communication(本 题 共 15 分 ,A 题 每 小 题 1 分 ,B 题 每 小 题 2 分) (A)Choose the best response from A to G in the box to complete the dialogue. Each choiceshould be used only once. A. Sorry, we don t sell it. B. I ll wait until the next sale. C. Oh, t

12、hat s a little expensive. D. It s exactly what I m looking for. E. Here s another dress just like it. F. How about giving me the sale price? G. Next weekend we ll have another sale. MrsSmith tries on adressShe walks out of the changingroom A : How do you like this dress? B : I like it. (21) But how

13、much does it cost? A : Let me look at the price tag (标 签). Er. 380 yuan. B : (22) Is it on sale? A : Actually, the sale ended yesterday. B : You know, the sale only ended one day ago. (23) A : I m sorry, but I can t change the price on the computer. (24) B : Really? What s going to be on sale? A : D

14、resses, jackets, sweaters, coats. everything will be on sale. B : Good! (25) See you next weekend. A : OK. See you then. 卷 区 第 3 页 共 8 (B) Complete the dialogue with proper sentences. LiuLin meetsayoungforeign manonherwayhome A : Excuse me, I m new here. Could you tell me (26) ? B : Yes, there are t

15、wo bookstores near here. One is on Xinhua Street, and the other is on Guanghua Street. A : (27) ? B : I think the one on Xinhua Street is better. It has the newest books in town. A : (28) ? B : You can take a bus. The bus No. 6 will take you there. It only takes about 15 minutes. A : I got it, thank

16、s. By the way, I m hungry. I wonder where I can get something to eat. B : There s a dumpling house across from the bookstore. A : That s great! (29) ? B : Very delicious, but the restaurant is always crowded. You should go a little earlier to get a table. A : I see. Thanks a lot. B : (30) . . Cloze

17、test(题 共 15 分 ,每 小 题 1 分) Once upon a time, there were two neighbors living next to each other. One of them was a retired (退 休 的 ) teacher and the other was an engineer. 31 of them planted the same plants in their gardens. The retired teacher gave a small amount (数 量) of water to his plants and didn

18、 t always take care of them, 32 the other neighbor interested in technology, gave a lot of water to his plants and 33 them very well. One day, a storm started suddenly during the night. The next morning, the engineer was 34 to see that his plants were uprooted (将 连 根 拔 起 ). However, the plants 35 th

19、e retired teacher planted were very well. The engineer went to the retired teacher and asked 36 , We grew the same plants together. I 37 looked after my plants better than you did to yours, and 38 gave them more water. Still, my plants were uprooted, but yours were not. How is that 39 ? The retired

20、teacher smiled and said, You gave your plants more 40 and water, but because of that your plants didn t need to work to find water. You made it easy for them. While I gave them just proper water and let their roots (根) 41 for more. And their roots went 42 , which made their position stronger. This s

21、tory is about parenting and the children are like plants. If everything 43 to them, they will not understand the hard work it takes to get those things. Teach them 44 to walk, but let them follow their path ( 路 线 ). Sometimes it s best to 45 them instead of giving them. This helps to develop their i

22、ndependence. Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to what you read. 31. A. Neither B. Both C. All 32. A. while B. unless C. though 33. A. dressed up B. parted with C. cared for 34. A. afraid B. surprised C. scared 35. A. who B. whose C. which 36. A. in disbelief B. for sure C. with excite

23、ment 37. A. exactly B. actually C. recently 38. A. even B. anyway C. almost 39. A. simple B. necessary C. possible 卷 区 第 4 页 共 8 40. A. attention B. preparation C. pressure 41. A. search B. to search C. searching 42. A. longer and longer B. faster and faster C. deeper and deeper 43. A. gave B. is gi

24、ven C. has given 44. A. why B. how C. when 45. A. accept B. change C. guide 第 二 部 分 阅 读 理 解(共 计 35 分) . Reading comprehension(本 题 共 35 分 ,A、B、C 题 每 小 题 1 分 ,D、E 题 每 小 题 2 分) (A) A. Sunshine English A small school in North West London. It offers one to one teaching for professionals (专 业 人 士) from al

25、l industries. You can learn how to strike a bargain (达 成 协 议). B. Happy English A new school in Scotland. It is so beautiful and lively that you can spend lots of time learning English and culture. Gardening is the newest course this term. C. ABC Education A special school for foreigners who want to

26、 learn basic English in North East England. There are many experienced teachers. You can start learning from ABCs. D. Mudchute Farm A farm in East London. There are many animals, gardens and green fields. And there s no need to study English in a boring little village just because kids can see life

27、on a farm. E. The Garden of England A language school in South East England. It shouldn t be difficult to find a program there where you can learn English in the morning and spend the afternoon outside on the tennis court (球 场). F. King s College London A century old school in the center of England.

28、 It has the best educational resources (资 源). As for money, if you can t afford the course, you can apply for a grant (申 请 拨 款) from a European Union fund (基 金) available. Match the information according to what you read. 46. Tommy is a student from Croatia. He finds it s quite difficult to afford a

29、n English course in England, but he really wants to get the best education. 47. Mark would like to learn English in the countryside, together with his two boys who are animal lovers. 48. Tina wants to learn basic English and develop practical gardening skills in one go. She hopes there is a school o

30、ffering such courses. 49. Mike has got a new job in London and he really needs to improve his negotiation ( 谈 判 ) skills quickly before he starts. He wants to find a school that doesn t just have normal Business English courses. 50. Emmy is looking for a special kind of blend (融 合) learning an Engli

31、sh course and sport. She likes tennis best, although she is a bit out of practice. (B) Peter lived in a village. He was sad recently because he thought that he had nothing left. One day, Peter went to ask a wise man for help. He said to the wise man, I have nothing left. so I don t want to live. The

32、 wise man smiled sympathetically (同 情 地). The wise man took out a piece of paper and drew a straight line down the middle. He explained that he would write down the things Peter had lost on the left side and the things Peter still had on the right side. The wise man asked, When did your family leave

33、 you? What do you mean? They haven t left me. They love me. That s great! said the wise man. Then that will be the first thing on the right side Family 卷 区 第 5 页 共 8 haven t left. Now, do you have freedom (自 由)? That s a silly question. Of course I do. Good! That s the second one on the right side Y

34、ou have freedom. said the wise man, writing it down. After Peter was asked some more questions in the same way, he finally understood and smiled. Things will change when you think of them in a different way! he said. As a matter of fact, change your attitude (态 度) and you will change your world. It

35、s necessary to have a positive (积 极 的) attitude to life. Judge the following statements true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. 51. Peter felt down recently because he thought his life was meaningless. 52. Peter thought he had nothing left except freedom. 53. The things that Peter still had

36、were written down on the left side. 54. The wise man gave Peter some advice directly. 55. From the passage, we can know that we should have a positive attitude to life. (C) Greeting people can be confusing ( 令 人 困 惑 的 ) during cross cultural ( 跨 文 化 ) communications. Will a simple handshake do? Shou

37、ld you give a hug or offer a kiss on the cheek ( 脸 颊 )? People in different countries have their own greetings. The COVID 19 ( 2019 冠 状 病 毒 病 ) has challenged traditional greetings such as shaking hands, kissing and hugging. After all, close physical contact will increase the chance of spreading the

38、 virus (病 毒). People have realized the risk and stopped using some traditional greetings. Shaking hands is a common greeting. Now in the US, the elbow bump (碰 肘) is the new handshake. US Surgeon General Jerome Adams introduced the elbow bump, which has been used by political (政 治 的) leaders, health

39、officials and professional athletes (运 动 员). Brad Hazzard, a health minister in New South Wales, Australia, advised people to pat (拍) each other on the back in place of a handshake. French Health Minister Olivier Veran has advised the public not to kiss on the cheek. Italian authorities (官 方) have m

40、ade the same suggestion. French lifestyle expert Philippe Lichtfus said simply looking into a person s eyes is enough. In the face of such changes, how should you go about changing the way you greet people? Australian etiquette expert (礼 仪 专 家) Susan Wilson has suggested simply greeting people by lo

41、oking them in the eye, smiling and saying hello. Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to the passage. 56. Why did people stop using traditional greetings during the outbreak (疫 情 爆 发) ? A. Because it can be safer for each other. B. Because different countries have different customs. C. Be

42、cause new greetings can increase the risk of spreading the virus. 57. Who has used the elbow bump according to US Surgeon General Jerome Adams? A. The people all over the world. B. Jerome Adams and Brad Hazzard. C. Political leaders, health officials and professional athletes. 58. What does the unde

43、rlined word contact mean in Chinese? A. 碰 撞 B. 接 触 C. 隔 离 59. Which countries have suggested avoiding kissing each other on the cheek? A. France and Australia. B. France and Italy. C. Italy and Australia. 60. What is the story mainly about? A. Safer ways to greet. B. Changing the tradition. C. Smili

44、ng and saying hello. 卷 区 第 6 页 共 8 (D) At the bottom of the sea, there lived a beautiful mermaid princess (人 鱼 公 主). She was good at singing. ( 61) But she was not allowed until she turned fifteen. Finally, it was her 15th birthday. The little mermaid rose up to the surface of the sea. There was a l

45、arge ship on the sea. And she saw a handsome prince standing on it. (62) However, a sudden storm turned over the ship. Many people fell into the sea, including the prince. The princess saved the prince and brought him to the shore ( 岸 ). The princess took care of him all night. When the prince came

46、to life, the little mermaid hid behind a nearby rock. ( 63) Just then, a young girl came by. Thinking the girl had saved his life, the prince thanked her. The little mermaid watched the prince leave. She wanted to tell the prince the truth, but she couldn t. From then on, the little mermaid always s

47、wam near the palace at night to see the prince. (64) So she asked the sea witch ( 女 巫 ) for help. The witch agreed to turn her into a human, but she had to give up her beautiful voice. ( 65) And if the prince married someone else, she would become foam (泡 沫). The little mermaid took the medicine and

48、 swam to the prince s palace. What would happen? Read the story The Little Mermaid to find it out Choose five sentences out of the six in the box to complete the passage. Each choice should be used only once. A. She thought he might get scared by her tail. B. The princess fell in love with him at fi

49、rst sight. C. What s more, she could never return to the sea. D. The little mermaid wanted to go and see the world. E. The princess and the prince lived happily from then on. F. She wanted to become a human so that she could stay with the prince. (E) Zhong Nanshan a Brave Fighter Zhong Nanshan became a well known name in the fight against SARS in 2003. Seventeen years later, the new fight against COVID


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