Unit21 Lesson 3 Epidemics Explained学案(含答案)

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1、Lesson 3 Epidemics Explained 默写练习默写练习(三三) .写出下列单词的汉语意思(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) 1urban adj.城市的 2rebuild vt.重建 3trial n实验;试用;审判 4unite vt.联合;团结;统一 5pause n停顿;暂停 6acute adj.严重的;剧烈的 7statistics n统计资料;统计数字 8symptom n症状 9routine n常规;惯例 10parallel n极相似之处;平行线 .写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共 10 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 30 分) 11禁止 vt

2、. prohibit禁止;禁令 n.prohibition 12新闻界;报界 n.press 13变化;变种 n.adaptation适应 vi.adapt 14预见 vt.foresee 15感到悲痛;表示哀悼 vi.& vt.mourn 16带菌者 n.carrier携带 vt.carry 17表明重要性;强调 vt.underline 18彻底的;细致的 adj.thorough 19协作;配合 n.teamwork 20信心 nfaith忠实的 adj.faithful如实地;忠诚地 adv.faithfully .写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分

3、 20 分) 21彻底毁灭;彻底消灭 wipe out 22die of 死于(疾病、过度悲伤等) 23(使)扫过/掠过/迅速传遍于sweep through 24do trials on 对做试验 25up to 达到(某数量、程度等) 26rather than 而不是 27缺乏,缺少 a lack of 28be harmful to 对有害 29stop sth.in its tracks 终止;消灭 30漏掉,忘掉 leave out .完成句子(共 3 小题;每小题 10 分,满分 30 分) 31 Since the SARS epidemic ended, scientists

4、 have been doing trials on treatments to prohibit any future outbreaks. 自从“非典”疫情结束后,科学家们就已经着手做治疗实验以防止将来该疫情再次爆发。 32 Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months, with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old,the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acute epidemic in h

5、istory.西 班牙流感在 18 个月的时间里就杀死了 5 000 万人, 它有传染年轻人和身体健康的人而不是老 年人的倾向,因此该流感被认为是人类历史上最严重的传染病。 33It struck near the end of the First World War and left families mourning worldwide. 它于第一次世界大战的尾声来袭,使全球的家庭陷入了一片哀伤之中。 .True(T) or False(F) 1Flu kills millions of people every year.(T) 2Most diseases are very new.(

6、T) 3Epidemics have affected historical events.(T) 4It takes years for a disease to spread worldwide.(T) 5Epidemics can wipe out up to half of the population in urban areas.(T) .Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer. 1Why is it important to look at the spread of diseases through the h

7、istory? ABecause it can enlarge our knowledge. BBecause many epidemics could be the next global epidemics. CBecause people are curious about the history of epidemics. DBecause it can help us discover the causes and effects of epidemics,and foresee and prevent them in the future. 答案 D 2Which of the f

8、ollowing is one of the earliest epidemics on record? AThe Black Death. B The epidemic which happened about 500550 AD and swept through North Africa, the Middle East and Europe. CThe Spanish Flu. DSARS. 答案 B 3Which of the following is one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire according t

9、o the passage? AUp to 50% of the areas population died from a serious epidemic. BThe king of the Roman Empire died. CThe economy of the Roman Empire had fallen down. DOther countries invaded the Roman Empire. 答案 A 4Which of the following is NOT the condition for “The Black Death” to spread worldwide

10、? AWar. BCrowded cities. CA lack of basic health routines. DFood. 答案 D 5What kind of people did the Spanish Flu strike most? AWomen. BThe young and fit. CThe old. DThe weak. 答案 B 重点词汇 Epidemics can wipe out up to half of the population in urban areas. 传染病能够彻底毁灭城市一半的人口。 wipe out 彻底毁灭;彻底消灭 wipe away/o

11、ff/up (用布、手等)擦干净,抹掉 wipe sth.down/wipe down sth.(用湿布)彻底擦干净 (1)This kind of disease was nearly wiped out in the United States 14 years ago. 这种疾病 14 年前在美国就已经被彻底消灭了。 (2)Wipe your tears away/off/up;believe yourself and try again. 擦干你的眼泪,相信自己,再试一次。 (3)When youve washed the car,wipe it down well. 洗完车后,要把它

12、用(布)彻底擦干净。 Since the SARS epidemic ended,scientists have been doing trials on treatments to prohibit any future outbreaks. 自从“非典”疫情结束后,科学家们就已经着手做治疗实验以防止将来该疫情再次爆发。 prohibit vt.禁止 prohibit doing sth.禁止做某事 prohibit sb.from doing sth.(prohibit ones doing sth.)禁止某人做某事 prohibition n禁止;禁令 prohibition again

13、st.的禁令 注意:表示“禁止/阻止某人做某事”的其他表达法: discourage sb.from doing sth. ban sb.from doing sth. prevent sb.(from) doing sth. forbid sb.from doing sth. keep sb.from doing sth. stop sb.(from) doing sth. protect sb.from doing sth. (1)The new rules prohibit smoking in places like restaurants,hotels and railway sta

14、tions. 这项新规禁止在像餐厅、旅店、火车站等地吸烟。 (2)We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours. 我们禁止在工作时间内喝酒。 (3)The prohibition against drunken driving will save many lives. 酒后开车的禁令将会挽救许多人的生命。 (4)China has consistently stood for the complete prohibition(prohibit) of the use of nuclear weapons. 中国一贯主

15、张全面禁止使用核武器。 It is important to look at the spread of diseases throughout history to discover the causes and effects of epidemics,and hopefully,foresee and prevent them in the future. 重要的是回顾一下历史上疾病的传播情况,从而弄清楚流行病的起因和后果,并且希望将来 能够预见并阻止它们的发生。 foresee vt.预见;预知 foresight n.先见,远见;预见 foreseeable adj.可预知的;能预测

16、的 注意:foresee 的过去式为 foresaw,过去分词为 foreseen。 (1)I dont foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget. 只要我们不超出预算,我不会预见会有什么困难。 (2)He had the foresight to invest his money carefully. 他深谋远虑,投资谨慎。 (3)He could never have foreseen that one day his books would sell in millions. 他从没预想过有一天他的书会卖掉几百万本

17、。 (4)The increased demand for organic produce was not foreseeable(foresee) ten years ago. 对有机产品需求的增长在十年前是无法预见的。 With all the international effort being made,we have to have faith that there will be solutions in time to stop a Bird Flu epidemic in its tracks. 随着国际间的共同努力,我们应该相信人们会及时找到解决方案来彻底消灭禽流感。 fai

18、th n信心;信任;信仰;信念 have faith in sb.信任某人/对某人有信心 lose faith in 对失去信心/不再相信 in good faith 真诚;诚心诚意地 faithful adj.忠诚的;诚实的;如实的 be faithful to 忠实于,忠诚于 faithfully adv.准确地;如实地;忠实地 (1)I think the faith that everyone has shown in him has touched him.(2018 北京) 我认为大家对他的信任打动了他。 (2)The woman who sold me the car claim

19、ed she had acted in good faith. 那个卖给我汽车的女人声称她是真心实意出售的。 (3)He is always telling lies,so nearly all the people lose faith in him. 他总是撒谎,因此几乎所有人都不再相信他了。 (4)Every translator should try to keep the translation as faithful(faith) as possible to the original book.每一位译者的翻译都应该努力忠实于原著。 stop sth.in its tracks

20、终止;消灭 stop sb.in sb.s tracks 由于恐惧或吃惊某人突然止步或怔住 back on track 重新步入正轨;恢复正常 be on track 稳步前进;做法对头 keep/lose track of.了解/不了解的动态;与保持/失去联系 (5)This famous sportsmans career was stopped in its tracks because of doping. 因为服用违禁药品,这位著名的运动员的运动生涯被终止了。 (6)What happened then? The noise stopped me in my tracks. 后来呢?

21、 那声音使我突然怔住了。 (7)Curtis is on track for the gold medal. 柯蒂斯正踏上夺金之途。 (8)Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going. 银行对账单有助于你了解你的资金流向。 经典句式 It struck near the end of the First World War and left families mourning worldwide. 它于第一次世界大战的尾声来袭,使全球的家庭陷入了一片哀伤之中。 本句中使用了“leave宾语宾补”的结构,其用法

22、如下: 1leave宾语形容词/副词/介词短语,表示“使处于某种状态”; 2leave宾语名词,多表示一种结果; 3leave宾语现在分词/不定式,其中宾语与构成宾补的动词之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。 其中现在分词常用来表示使某人或某物一直做某事; 而不定式则表示让某人或某物去做某事 多指动作尚未发生; 4leave宾语过去分词,常用来表示宾语所处的状态或表示动作已经完成,其中宾语与宾 补之间是逻辑上的动宾关系。 (1)He had to give up the match,for his illness had left him very weak. 他只好放弃比赛,因为他的病使他的身体很虚弱。

23、 (2)His parents both died last year,leaving him an orphan. 他父母去年双双去世,使他成了孤儿。 (3)He left his lawyer to deal(deal) with his will after his death. 他让律师在他死后处理他的遗嘱。 (4)Keep in mind that you shouldnt leave the work half done(do) 记住:不应该半途而废。 单句改错 (5)Dont leave her wait waiting outside in the rain. .单句语法填空

24、1I have searched thoroughly(thorough) for the book but couldnt find it. 2Common people are prohibited from entering this palace. 3He made a quick adaptation(adapt) to the new environment. 4 An experienced doctor judges a patients illness according to the various symptoms(symptom) 5Several facts have

25、 told us humans must stop the destruction of the environment in its tracks. 6The old man told us that he had foreseen(foresee) the bright future before. 7No matter what happens,the girl is always faithful(faith) to her friends. 8He left the room,leaving his son standing(stand) there,crying loudly. 9

26、Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops. 10The teacher asked the students to pay attention to the underlined(underline) words. .完成句子 11John rushed out in a hurry,leaving the door unlocked. 约翰匆忙地冲了出去,门都没有锁。 12Tom has been playing the online games for more than twenty hours. 汤姆持续玩网游已经超过二十个小时

27、了。 13We should give more help to such people who/that still live/lead/have a poor life. 我们应该给予那些依然过着贫穷生活的人更多的帮助。 14We should have faith in him,for he is always honest. 我们应该信任他,因为他一直很诚实。 15The government is thought to be planning an election in June. 人们认为政府正计划在六月举行大选。 .课文短文改错 One of the earliest epid

28、emic on record happened about 500-550 AD when the Roman emperor at the time was attempted to rebuild the Roman Empire.In the 1330s,“The Black Death” appeared in Asia,that spread rapid.Years ago,SARS breaks out.Since then,scientists had been doing trials to prohibit any future outbreaks.Before SARS,

29、the Spanish Flu is believed to have been most acute epidemic in history because of it killed 50 million people in 18 months.However,since Bird Flu first appeared in 1997,it has taken many than a hundred lives.With all the international effort being made,we have faith which there will be solutions to

30、 stop it. 答案 One of the earliest epidemic epidemics on record happened about 500-550 AD when the Roman emperor at the time was attempted attempting to rebuild the Roman Empire.In the 1330s,“The Black Death” appeared in Asia, that which spread rapid rapidly.Years ago,SARS breaks broke out.Since then,

31、 scientists had have been doing trials to prohibit any future outbreaks.Before SARS,the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acute epidemic in history because of it killed 50 million people in 18 months.However,since Bird Flu first appeared in 1997,it has taken many more than a hundred lives.With all the international effort being made,we have faith which that there will be solutions to stop it.


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