Unit19 Lesson 3 Body Language学案(含答案)

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1、Lesson 3 Body Language 默写练习默写练习(三三) .写出下列单词的汉语意思(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) 1.pat vt.& n.轻拍;拍 2.explicit adj.明确的;清楚的 3.upwards adv.向上地 4.upper adj.上面的 5.rigid adj.僵硬的 6.transparent adj.清晰易辨的;透明的 7.unrest n.不安 8.purchase vt.购买 9.outline vt.勾出轮廓 10.ambiguous adj.模棱两可的 .写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共 8 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 16

2、 分) 11.祝贺 vt.congratulate祝贺 n.congratulation 12.无意识的;不知不觉的 adj.unconscious有意识的;有知觉的 adj. conscious 13.像;与相似 vt.resemble相似;相像 n.resemblance 14.只;仅仅 adv.merely仅仅的,只不过 adj.mere 15.协商;谈判 vt.negotiate谈判 n.negotiation 16.冒犯;得罪 n.offence得罪;冒犯 vt.offend 17.赞成;赞许;批准 n.approval赞成;批准 v.approve 18.弯曲的 adj.bent弯

3、腰 v.bend .写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共 8 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 24 分) 19.consist of 由组成 20.增加,增添 add to 21.被用于做be used to do 22.differ from 与相异,不同于 23.故意地 on purpose 24.be aware of 意识到,觉察到;明白 25.另一方面 on the other hand 26.regardless of 不管,不顾 .完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 8 分,满分 40 分) 27.If you saw a father patting his son on the ba

4、ck while smiling happily, what would you think was going on? 如果你看到一位父亲愉快地微笑着,拍拍他儿子的背部,你会认为发生了什么事情呢? 28.You would know what was going on because you understood the message conveyed by the fathers body language. 你知道发生的事情是因为你明白父亲的肢体语言所表达的意思。 29.Somebody jumping for joy is easy to see while a raised eye

5、brow conveying doubt is easier to miss. 某人高兴地跳起来是很容易看到的,而挑起眉毛表示怀疑却更容易被人忽略。 30.They might also cross their arms and move in an abrupt way resembling a robot more than a human. 他们也可能交叉双臂,并突然移动起来,看起来更像机器人而不是人类。 31.Learning to be aware of your body language can be a very useful tool. 学会理解你的肢体语言可能是非常有用的工

6、具。 .True(T) or False(F). 1.A person with crossed arms is probably very calm.(F) 2.Americans take offence at the “OK” sign.(F) 3.Nodding your head means “yes” in most cultures.(T) 4.We congratulate people by jumping for joy.(F) 5.Body language is not useful if people speak the same language.(F) .Read

7、 the passage carefully and choose the best answer. 1.What does a pat on the back and a smile usually mean? A.Greeting you. B.You did a good job. C.I agree with you. D.Everything goes on well. 答案 B 2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.Body language is always conscious. B.We ca

8、n lie with words and it is as easy to do so with our bodies. C.People can not communicate with each other if they do not share a common spoken language. D.Learning to be aware of your body language can be a very useful tool. 答案 D 3.When you are nervous in foreign countries,which form of body languag

9、e can you use to make you feel better? A.Smiling. B.Nodding. C.Shrugging your shoulders. D.Crossing your arms. 答案 A 4.What does nodding mean in different countries? A.It always means “Yes”. B.It never means “Yes”. C.It means “Yes” in some areas but not in other ones. D.It always means nothing. 答案 C

10、5.From the sixth paragraph we can infer we must pay much attention to of body language. A.the offence B.the importance C.the differences D.the development 答案 C 重点词汇 You would probably think that the father was congratulating his son on doing something well. 你可能会认为父亲在祝贺儿子某事做得好 congratulate vt.祝贺 cong

11、ratulate on sth.祝贺某事 congratulate sb.on sth.祝贺某人某事 congratulation n.祝贺,恭贺(常用复数形式) congratulations to sb.on sth.祝贺某人某事 (1)Well done!Congratulate you on your new job. 好样的!祝贺你找到了新工作。 (2)I got that job I wanted at the public library. Congratulations!Thats good news. 我得到了在公共图书馆的那份我想要的工作。 祝贺你!这是个好消息。 (3)I

12、 heartily congratulate myself on having chosen a good woman to be my wife. 我发自内心地庆幸自己能挑选到一位贤惠的女子作为妻子。 (4)We offer our congratulations(congratulate) to you on your passing the College Entrance Examination. 我们祝贺你们通过了高考。 易混辨析 congratulate,celebrate congratulate 后面的宾语只能是人,指用语言对某人表示祝贺,常见搭配 congratulate s

13、b.on sth.。 celebrate 后面的宾语只能是物,如节日、生日、纪念日等,指用行动来庆祝。 选词填空 congratulate,celebrate (5)The man came up to me to congratulate me on my success. (6)They will hold a party to celebrate their wedding anniversary. It is a language without words that consists of gestures,facial expressions and body movements

14、that greatly add toand sometimes even replacespoken language. 这是一种没有词语,由手势、面部表情和肢体动作组成的语言,它极大地丰富了有时甚 至取代了口头语言。 consist of 由组成(构成);包括 consist inlie in 在于 consist with 与一致 be made up of 由组成 (1)This is a big family consisting of ten people. 这是一个由十个人组成的大家庭。 (2)It is believed that happiness consists in g

15、ood health rather than money. 人们相信,幸福在于健康,而不是金钱。 (3)The fact is that what he says doesnt consist with what he does. 事实是他言行并不一致。 一句多译 (4)我听说这个班由一些来自农村的老人组成。 I heard that this class consisted of some old people from the countryside.(consist of ) I heard that this class was made up of some old people f

16、rom the countryside.(make up) 单句改错 (5)The team consisted consisting of about 100 people was sent to that area yesterday. People often use body language on purpose. 人们经常有意地使用身体语言。 on purpose 故意;有意地 with/for the purpose of 为了;带着的目的 for.purpose 用于目的 to the purpose 得要领的,中肯的 by design 故意地 (1)I wasnt doin

17、g anything on purpose to make myself better. 我并没有特意地做什么事来使自己变得更好。 (2)Using animals for medical purpose should be avoided. 应避免用动物做医学实验。 (3)He returned to his homeland with/for the purpose of serving his own people. 他返回祖国,意在为祖国人民服务。 (4)Totally speaking,the speech the professor gave is to the purpose.

18、总的来说,那位教授的演讲是得要领的。 They might also cross their arms and move in an abrupt way resembling a robot more than a human. 他们也可能交叉双臂,并突然移动起来,看起来更像机器人而不是人类。 resemble vt.看起来像;与相似 resemble sb./sth.in.与某人/某物在方面相似 look like 看起来像 take after(在外表、举止、性格方面)像(某家庭成员) be similar to 与相似 注意:resemble 是及物动词,本身已经含有“与”的意义,故不

19、必再加 with。 虽然 resemble 是及物动词,但是它不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态。 (1)Often the lives of writers resemble the lives of the characters they create. 通常,作家的生活和他们所创作的人物的生活很相似。 (2)The girl resembles her twin sister in looks. 这个女孩和她的双胞胎姐姐长得很像。 (3)The boy takes after his fatherbig eyes and high nose. 这个男孩像他的父亲大眼睛,高鼻子。 (4)My

20、 teaching style resembles/is similar to that of most other teachers. 我的教学风格和大多数老师相似。 On the other hand,you can also easily show what you dont like by shaking your head. 另一方面,你也可以简单地以摇头的方式表示你不喜欢某物。 on the other hand 另一方面 on the one hand.on the otherhand.一方面另一方面常表达相矛盾的两方面 for one thing.for another thi

21、ng.一则 再则陈述的两方面情况常一致,表示并列或递进关系 one.the other.一个,另一个 (1)On the one hand,he likes to travel around.On the other hand, he doesnt have much money to do so. 一方面,他喜欢四处旅游;而另一方面,他没有很多的钱来这么做。 (2)I didnt buy that car.For one thing,I didnt like its color.For another thing,I didnt have enough money. 我没有买那辆车。一方面,

22、我不喜欢它的颜色;另一方面,我没有足够的钱。 (3)He has two sisters.One is a doctor;the other is a teacher. 他有两个姐姐。一个是医生,另一个是教师。 单句改错 (4)On the one hand,she was very pretty,but on the other hand,she had very bad manners. You can negotiate the price by using your fingers and even ask questions by using your hands to outlin

23、e the shapes of things you wantalthough this can cause confusion and a few laughs too! 你可以用手指讨价还价,甚至可以用手比划你想要的东西的形状来问问题尽管这会让人 迷惑不解,还会引人发笑! negotiate v.谈判;协商;交涉 negotiate with sb.for/about sth.与某人商议/谈判某事 negotiate sth.with sb.与某人商议/谈判某事 negotiation n.协商;谈判 under negotiation 在商谈中 in negotiation with 和

24、协商中 (1)We have been negotiating with the manager for/about a short working week. 我们一直在和经理协商缩短周工作时间的问题。 (2)The airline is negotiating a new contract with the union. 该航空公司正在和工会商议新的合同。 (3)As far as I know,the contract is under negotiation. 据我所知,合同正在谈判中。 Regardless of these differences,experts agree tha

25、t across the globe there is one form of body language that receives universal approvalthe smile. 尽管存在着这些差异,专家们却一致认为有一种身体语言得到世界各地的普遍认同,那就是 微笑。 approval n.赞成;赞许;同意;批准 without approval 未经许可 with ones approval 经某人同意 meet with ones approval 获得某人的赞成 approve vi.赞成;同意;vt.批准,通过(计划、提案、要求等);认可,核准 approve of sb

26、./sth.同意某人/某事;赞成某人/某事 (1)A major study found many youngsters now measure their status by how much public approval they get online,often through “likes”.(2018 江苏) 一项重大研究发现很多青少年根据自己在网上得到的认可衡量自己的地位,一般通过“赞” 的形式。 (2)Tom is my partner.I cant make the final decision without his approval. 汤姆是我的合伙人。没有他的认可我不能

27、做最终决定。 (3)He hoped that his suggestion would meet with his managers approval. 他希望自己的建议能获得经理的同意。 (4)They liked that young man and they quite approved of their daughters marriage. 他们喜欢那个年轻人,并且很赞成女儿的婚事。 单句改错 (5)I approved of him joining the club because he was very active. 经典句式 If you saw a father patt

28、ing his son on the back while smiling happily,what would you think was going on? 如果你看到一位父亲愉快地微笑着,拍拍他儿子的背部,你会认为发生了什么事情呢? 句中的 while smiling happily 是状语从句的省略形式,完整句为:while he was smiling happily。 在状语从句中,如果主句和从句的主语一致,且从句中的谓语含有 be 动词时,可以把从句 的主语和 be 动词一起省略。 当从句中含有“itbe 动词”时,可将 it 和 be 动词省略。 (1)While walkin

29、g in the park,he came across one of his old friends. 在公园散步时,他偶遇了他的一位老朋友。 (2)When asked(ask) about his personal information,the young man kept silent. 当被问到个人信息时,这个年轻人保持了沉默。 (3)Suddenly the man stopped and looked around as if to look(look) for something. 突然,那个人停下来,四处看,好像要找什么。 (4)The director was fully

30、 convinced that this moving story, if (it was) adapted for television, would be a hit. 导演完全相信这个感人的故事,如果被改编成电视剧,一定会大受欢迎。 单句改错 (5)When he 或 was living with his parents,he often got up early to cook the meal. Somebody jumping for joy is easy to see while a raised eyebrow conveying doubt is easier to mi

31、ss. 某人高兴地跳起来是很容易看到的,而挑起眉毛表示怀疑却更容易被人忽略。 while 的用法总结: while 用作并列连词,表示对比,意为“而,然而”。 while 用作从属连词。 (1)引导时间状语从句,意为“当时候”,句中的动词要用延续性动词。 (2)引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然;尽管”,从句常置于主句之前。 (3)引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”,相当于 as long as。 while 用作名词,常与 a 连用,意为“一会儿,一段时间”。 一词多义 写出下列句子中 while 的汉语意思 (1)In general,keep an eye on their property wh

32、ile they are gone.(2018 浙江)当时候 (2)While I admit his advantages,I can see his shortcomings.虽然 (3)It is beneficial to some people,while it puts others into a dilemma over whether to vote or not. 而;然而 (4)While there is life,there is hope.只要 (5)Would you like to come in and rest for a while?一会儿 单句改错 (6)

33、While I dislike her,but I often help her when she gets into trouble. They might also cross their arms and move in an abrupt way resembling a robot more than a human. 他们也可能交叉双臂,并突然移动起来,看起来更像机器人而不是人类。 现在分词(短语)在句中作状语可表示: 时间:相当于 when,as,while,as soon as,after 等引导的时间状语从句。 原因: 相当于 as, because 等引导的原因状语从句,

34、表原因的现在分词(短语)一般放于句首。 条件:相当于 if,unless 等引导的条件状语从句,表条件的现在分词(短语)一般放于句首。 结果:通常用现在分词的一般式表示自然而然的结果,常常放于句末。 伴随:现在分词(短语)所表示的动作或状态伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在,或 表示连续的两个动作或附带说明事情。 (1)The lawyer listened with full attention,trying not to miss any point.(伴随状语) 律师全神贯注地听着,尽量不漏掉任何一点。 (2)Going down/Following this road,you wil

35、l find the post office.(条件状语) 沿着这条路走下去,你会找到那家邮局的。 (3)The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment,allowing(allow) more patients to be treated.(结果状语) 医院最近获得了新医疗设备,从而使更多的病人能够得到治疗。 (4)Not sensing(sense) danger,the boy walked into the deep forest.(原因状语) 因为没有意识到危险,这个男孩向着森林深处走去。 单句改错 (5) Saw S

36、eeing its mother,the lovely baby stopped crying and began to smile. .单句语法填空 1.He wrote to me to offer his congratulations(congratulate) on my marriage. 2.I know you didnt break the valuable vase on purpose,so dont cry. 3.It is known that it is an Asian country consisting(consist) of a lot of islands

37、. 4.The beast is fond of a plant which resembles(resemble) grass in appearance. 5.On the other hand,the girl didnt like the present job at all. 6.The chairman has also given his approval(approve) for an investigation into the case. 7.While/Although/Though all of them are strong candidates,only one w

38、ill be chosen for the post. 8.The farmer saw the valuable stone while working(work) in the field. 9.We have been negotiating(negotiate) for more pay these days. 10.The little boy sat by the window,staring(stare) at the screen. .完成句子 11.The building (which/that was) completed three years ago is now i

39、n bad condition. 三年前完工的那座大楼现在状况很差。 12.He was praised by his teacher on the one hand,but blamed by his friends on the other hand. 一方面他被老师表扬了,另一方面他又被朋友责备了。 13.Later the more my teacher explained,the more confused I became. 后来,我的老师越是解释,我就越是糊涂。 14.Someone hit him on the head while he was walking in the

40、street. 他在街上走着时,有人打了他的头。 15.He was very disappointed,for his father didnt approve of him going there. 他很是失望,因为他的父亲不同意他去那里。 .课文短文改错 Body language is used every single day by people of different nationality all over the world.It is a language consists of gestures, facial expressions and body movement.

41、It differs spoken language as it is not always explicit.Someone who does not know an answer to a question will move their shoulders to upwards away from their upper body and then let them fall.Therefore,body language can be unconscious as well.As you know, body language can be very usefully when peo

42、ple didnt share a common spoken language.Although sometimes body language can be ambiguous,experts agree that smile mean the same in the world. 答案 Body language is used every single day by people of different nationality nationalities all over the world.It is a language consists consisting of gestur

43、es,facial expressions and body movement movements.It differs from spoken language as it is not always explicit.Someone who does not know an the answer to a question will move their shoulders to upwards away from their upper body and then let them fall.Therefore However, body language can be unconscious as well.As you know, body language can be very usefully useful when people didnt dont share a common spoken language.Although sometimes body language can be ambiguous,experts agree that smile mean means the same in the world.


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