Unit22 Warm-up & Lesson 1 Global Warming—Language Points学案(含答案)

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1、Warm-up & Lesson 1 Global WarmingLanguage Points .写出下列单词的汉语意思(共 12 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 24 分) 1.ecology n.生态 2.consultant n.顾问 3.principle n.原则,道德准则 4.corrupt adj.贪污受贿的,腐败的 5.consensus n.一致的意见 6.beyond prep.超出 7.ray n.光线 8.bounce vi.反弹 9.coincidence n.巧合 10.federal adj.联邦的 11.pancake n.薄煎饼 12.hurricane n.飓

2、风 .写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共 12 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 36 分) 13.使困住 vt.trap 14.植物的 adj.botanical植物学 n.botany 15.保护区 n.reserve保护区;预订;保留 n.reservation 16.(联合)抵制 n. boycott 17.保护 n.conservation保护;保存;节约 v.conserve 18.有关的 adj.relevant关联,相关性 n.relevance 19.农业 n.agriculture农业的 adj. agricultural 20.牺牲;献出 vt. & vi.sacrifice 21

3、.主张,提倡 vt.advocate 22.回收利用 vt.recycle回收利用;要回收利用的物品 n. recycling 23.代替品,代用品 n.substitute 24.威胁 vt. threaten .写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) 25.a number of 一些 26.超出的控制,不受的控制 beyond ones control 27.展望未来 look ahead 28.指,意即 refer to 29.in turn 依次 30.lead to 引起,导致 31.rely on 依靠 32.采取行动 take act

4、ion 33.switch off 关闭 34.ahead of 在前面 .完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 4 分,满分 20 分) 35.Looking ahead, scientists believe that global warming could be one of the biggest environmental problems facing the 21st century.展望未来,科学家们认为全球变暖会是 21 世纪面临的最严重 的环境问题之一。 36.Without these naturally occurring gases,the suns rays would

5、 bounce back into space leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on. 如果没有这些自然产生的气体,太阳的光线将会被反射回太空中去,那么地球将处于寒冷之 中,而使生物不可能在地球上存活。 37.Given this data, it seems that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence. 考虑到这一数据,似乎人类活动与正在上升的全球气温之间的关联就不仅仅是一个巧合了。

6、 38.Increased temperatures will also cause the polar ice to melt,raising sea levels and flooding many islands and cities.温度的升高还会引起极地冰雪融化,海平面上升,从而淹没许多岛屿 和城市。 39.If we add up all these small changes made by everyone worldwide,they wont be such small changes. 如果我们把全世界每个人做的小改变加起来,它们将不再是如此微小的变化。 重点词汇重点词汇

7、 Because of the greenhouse effect, the Earth is warmed by gases trapped in the atmosphere. 因为温室效应,被困在大气层中的气体会使地球变暖。 trap vt.使困住;使陷入困境 n.圈套;陷阱 一词多义 写出下列句子中 trap 的词性和汉语意思 (1)The fox escaped from the trap at the cost of a leg.n.陷阱 (2)The police set a trap to catch the thief.n.圈套 (3)Some miners were tra

8、pped underground after the collapse.vt.使困住 trap sb.into (doing) sth.诱骗某人(做)某事 be/get trapped in 被困在中;陷入 fall into a trap 落入陷阱,落入圈套 set/lay a trap for 给设圈套 注意:表示“被困于中”的短语还有: be/get locked in;be/get caught in;be/get stuck in (4)He felt he had been trapped into accepting the terms of the contract. 他觉得自

9、己是中了圈套才接受这合同条款的。 高级表达 (5)When he was trapped in the burning building,he was very hopeless.(用非谓语动词改写) Trapped in the burning building,he was very hopeless. Jim,at the moment,youre working in botanical gardens to save a number of endangered birds. 吉姆,你现在正在植物园从事拯救一些濒危鸟类的工作。 a number of 一些;许多 表示“许多,大量”的

10、表达方式有: a large/great/good number of a great/good many a good few/quite a few 复数名词 many a单数名词(谓语动词用单数形式) a great/good deal of a great/large amount of quite a little 不可数名词 a lot of/lots of a great/large quantity of large quantities of a supply of/supplies of plenty of 可数名词复数或不可数名词 (1)The soldiers save

11、d a number of people trapped in the big fire last night. 昨晚这些士兵救了很多困在大火中的人。 (2)It is said that a large amount of money was(be) spent repairing the bridge last year. 据说,去年大量的钱花在了修缮这座桥上。 (3)Take it easy!We have plenty of time to finish the job. 悠着点儿!我们有充裕的时间来完成这项工作。 单句改错 (4)The number of students in t

12、he university have has increased to 10,000 up to now. Breweries are often built in nature reserves. 啤酒厂通常建在自然保护区内。 reserve n.保护区;储备 vt.储备;保留;预订 a nature reserve 一个自然保护区 in reserve 贮存;备用 reserve.for sb./sth.为某人/某物保留/预订 reservation n.保护区;预订(房间、座位等);保留(意见) make a reservation 预订(房间、座位等) without reservat

13、ion 毫无保留地 (1)A number of rare animals are living in this nature reserve now. 现在很多珍稀动物在这个自然保护区内生活。 (2)It is advisable to keep some food in reserve in case of emergency.储备一些食物以应急需是明 智的。 (3)The waitress said that these seats were reserved for the elderly and disabled. 女服务员说,这些座位是留给老人和残疾人的。 (4)To my sur

14、prise,a number of people support my plan without reservation.让我惊讶的时候,很 多人毫无保留地支持我的计划。 一句多译 (5)你必须提前预订票吗? Do you have to reserve tickets in advance? (reserve) Do you have to make a reservation of tickets in advance?(reservation) .something previously seen as beyond our control. 这是一种原来被认为是超出我们控制能力的现象。

15、 beyond prep.超出 beyond belief 难以置信 beyond controlout of control 不受控制 beyond description/words 无法形容,难以言表 beyond ones power 超出某人的权限 beyond/out of ones reach 某人够不到 beyond question/doubt 毫无疑问 (1)I managed to get an A in that course and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the classroom.(

16、2018 全国) 那门课程我设法得了 A,并且学到了在课堂之外对我很有用的生活教训。 (2)Sweden is lovely in summer while it is cold beyond belief in winter.瑞典的夏天非常宜人, 而冬 天却冷得让人难以置信。 (3)The beauty of the West Lake is beyond description.西湖的美是无法形容的。 句型转换 (4)The fire started after an illegal campfire got out of control. The fire started after a

17、n illegal campfire was/went beyond control. Looking ahead,scientists believe that global warming could be one of the biggest environmental problems facing the 21st century. 展望未来,科学家们认为全球变暖会是 21 世纪面临的最严重的环境问题之一。 look ahead 展望未来;向前看 look down on/upon 轻视;看不起 look up to 仰慕;尊敬 look up 形势好转;查阅;抬头看 look fo

18、rward to 期待;盼望to 为介词 look into 调查;审查 look for 寻找 look through 快速浏览;审核;查看;翻找 (1)Look ahead, and you will see a happy and bright future.向前看,你会看到一个美好和光明的 未来。 (2)We look up to her because she has made a great contribution to our society.我们尊敬她, 因为她 为我们的社会做出了巨大的贡献。 (3)Doctors are looking into the cases fo

19、r new treatment of H7N9.医生们正在研究这些病例以发 现治疗 H7N9 的新方法。 (4)The girl looked through her notes before leaving the classroom. 女孩离开教室前匆匆看了一下笔记。 单句改错 (5)Fortunately,the day we had been looking forward to coming came at last. But what exactly is global warming,why is it seen as a danger,and how is it relevan

20、t to our lives? 但是确切地说,什么是全球变暖?为什么把它看成是一种危险?它如何与我们的生活相关 呢? relevant adj.有关的;切题的;有价值的;有意义的 be relevant to 与有关 relevance n.关联,相关性 have relevance to 与有关 注意:表示“与有关”的短语还有: be related to;be linked to;have something to do with;be connected with;be associated with (1)I completed the senior course of Compute

21、r Basics,plus five relevant pre-college courses. 我完成了计算机基础的高级课程,加上五门与大学预科相关的课程。 (2)I dont think what he said is relevant to the topic we are discussing. 我认为他说的与我们正在讨论的话题无关。 一句多译 (3)这位教授有时会说一些与这个主题无关的事情。 The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not relevant to the topic.(relevant) The professor

22、 sometimes makes remarks that have no relevance to the topic.(relevance) Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earths temperature that,in turn, leads to climate change.全球变暖指的是地球温度平均增长,继而导致气候变化。 in turn 依次,轮流;转而;相应地 take turns to do sth.轮流做某事 by turns 轮流地;交替地 It is ones turn to do sth.轮

23、到某人做某事。 in return 作为回报 (1)The children answered the questions relevant to their lessons in turn. 孩子们轮流回答与他们的功课有关的问题。 (2)They helped the villagers without asking for anything in return. 他们不求回报地帮助村民。 (3)Generally speaking,theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. 一般来说,理论源于实践,反过来又服务于实践。

24、(4)Theyll take turns to be(be) monitor of the class. 他们将轮流当班长。 (5)The guests have left and now its your turn to sweep the floor. 客人们都走了,现在轮到你扫地了。 lead to 引起,导致;通向 lead sb.to sp.带某人去某地 lead sb.to do sth.使得某人做某事 lead sb.to sth.使某人得出结论等 lead the way 带路 注意: lead to 中的 to 是介词,后跟名词、代词或动词-ing 形式。 表示“引起,导致”

25、的词或短语还有: cause;result in;bring about;contribute to (6)Studying babies play may lead to a better understanding of science. 研究婴儿的玩耍或许会使人更好地了解科学。 (7)Not far away there is a bridge that can lead him to the tree for more fruit.不远处有一座桥, 可以 让他到达那棵树旁摘到更多的水果。 (8)In class I will lead them to practice(practice

26、) speaking English in an interesting way.在课堂上, 我将用一种有趣的方法引导他们练习说英语。 单句改错 (9)The discovery of new evidence led to the thiefs be being caught. .we are condemning life on Earth and should expect severe consequences. 我们将宣告地球生命的终结,并应该能想到其严重的后果。 condemn vt.迫使(某人)陷于不幸的境地;谴责;宣判,判处 condemn sb.to death 判处某人死刑

27、 condemn.as/for sth.因某事而谴责 condemn sb.to do sth.迫使某人接受困境或不愉快的状况;迫使某人做不愿做的事 (1)To my surprise,he didnt condemn me for what I had done. 让我奇怪的是,他并没有因为我所做的事指责我。 (2)He was condemned to death for murder and later hanged. 他因谋杀罪被判处死刑而后被绞死了。 高级表达 (3)As the manager was condemned for abusing his power,he felt

28、very sorry.(用非谓语动词改写) Condemned for abusing his power,the manager felt very sorry. Many people believe that they are simply not prepared to sacrifice the amount of money they make from industry to save the Earth. 许多人认为他们只是不准备牺牲自己从工业中赚到的钱来拯救地球。 sacrifice vt.& vi.牺牲;献出 n.牺牲;舍弃 sacrifice.for.为牺牲 sacrif

29、ice.to do sth.牺牲去做某事 at the sacrifice of 以牺牲为代价 make sacrifices/a sacrifice 做出牺牲 (1)From that day on,we learned together,traveled together,and sacrificed together.从那天起, 我们一起学习,一起旅行,一起做出奉献。 (2)The mother was very great,for she had sacrificed everything for her children. 这位母亲非常伟大,因为她为子女牺牲了一切。 (3)Its n

30、ot worth sacrificing your reputation to achieve(achieve) a goal. 牺牲名誉去达成目标是不值得的。 单句改错 (4)He saved the child for at the sacrifice of his life. But why wait around for governments to take action?但是为什么要等待政府来采取行 动呢? take action 采取行动 take action to do sth.take measures/steps to do sth.采取行动做某事 in action 在

31、活动中;在运转 take effect 见效 take care 保重;注意 take office 上任;就职 (1)It is high time that we should take action to protect the earth.该是我们采取行动保护地球的时 候了。 (2)About ten months later,our efforts were beginning to take effect. 大约十个月后,我们的努力开始见成效了。 (3)It was when the President took office that he gave an inspiring s

32、peech. 总统是在上任时发表了鼓舞人心的演说。 Experts advocate that each person play their part. 专家提倡大家各尽所能。 advocate vt.主张,提倡 n.提倡者,拥护者 advocate (doing) sth.提倡/拥护/支持(做)某事 advocate that.主张,提倡(从句谓语动词用 should do,should 可省略) an advocate of/for.的提倡者/拥护者 (1)There is no point advocating improving public transport unless we c

33、an afford it. 提倡改善公共交通毫无意义,除非我们能支付得起改善的费用。 (2)Many experts advocate rewarding(reward) children for their good performances. 很多专家主张对小孩的良好表现加以奖励。 (3)The expert advocated that the government (should) take(take) action to reduce pollution. 这位专家主张,政府应该采取行动来减少污染。 (4)She later became an advocate of/for pri

34、soners rights. 她后来成了犯人权利的倡导者。 句型转换 (5)He advocated a reduction in military spending at the meeting. He advocated reducing military spending at the meeting. He advocated that military spending (should) be reduced at the meeting. After all,theres no substitute for our Earth. 毕竟,我们的地球无可替代。 substitute n

35、.代替者,代用品 vt.用()代替 vi.替代,取代 as a substitute for.作为的代替者/代用品 a substitute for sb./sth.的替代者 substitute A for B substitute B with/by A 用 A 代替 B substitute for sb./sth.代替/取代某人/某物 (1)You must carry the necessary equipment with you,since its all but impossible to find natural substitutes.你必须随身携带这些必要的设备,因为它们

36、都无法找到天然的替代品。 (2)For convenience,he advocated that they should substitute paper money for gold. For convenience,he advocated that they should substitute gold with/by paper money. 为方便起见,他主张他们应该用纸币取代黄金。 经典句式经典句式 Without these naturally occurring gases,the suns rays would bounce back into space leaving

37、the Earth cold and impossible to live on. 如果没有这些自然产生的气体,太阳的光线将会被反射回太空中去,那么地球将处于寒冷之 中,而使生物不可能在地球上存活。 without 表示一个假设的条件,相当于一个 if 条件句,后面的主句要用虚拟语气。像这样表示 假设条件的词或短语还有 but for,or,otherwise,它们引导的句子在英语中称为含蓄虚拟条 件句。 (1)Without his support,we wouldnt be where we are now.(2018 北京) 假如没有他的支持,我们就不会取得现在的成就。 (2)I was

38、 very busy then,otherwise/or I would have helped you out. 我当时太忙了,否则我就帮助你了。 句型转换 (3)Without your help,we couldnt have finished the work ahead of time. If it had not been for your help But for your help Had it not been for your help ,we couldnt have finished the work ahead of time. leaving the Earth c

39、old and impossible to live on 是现在分词短语作结果状语。此处的 leave 意为 “使处于某种状态”,常用于“leave宾语宾语补足语”结构中,其常见的形式有: leavesb./sth. 形容词/副词 介词短语 现在分词 过去分词 (4)Leave the door open and you will breathe fresh air. 让门开着,你将会呼吸到新鲜的空气。 (5)We are going to leave the car at the airport. 我们打算把车停放在机场。 (6)They walked off and left me si

40、tting(sit) there alone. 他们走开了,留我一个人坐在那儿。 (7)He hurried to the office,leaving his breakfast untouched. 他匆忙去了办公室,早饭都没动。 单句改错 (8)The woman walked out of the room,leaving her little son cried crying there. Given this data,it seems that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is

41、not merely a coincidence. 考虑到这一数据,似乎人类活动与正在上升的全球气温之间的关联就不仅仅是一个巧合了。 句中的 Given this data 在此为介词短语作状语,不要误以为是过去分词短语作状语,given 在 此为介词,也可作连词。类似的结构有: given/considering sth./(that)从句 考虑到;鉴于 seeing (that)从句 因为;鉴于 providing/provided that suppose/supposing that assuming that 从句 假设;如果 (1)Given the present conditi

42、ons,I think shes done much better than others.考虑到目前的条件, 我认为她已做得比其他人好很多了。 (2)Providing/Provided (provide) that there is no opposition,I will act as a representative of our class. 倘若没人反对的话,我将担任本班的代表。 (3)Seeing(see) that youre already at the door,I suppose I must invite you inside. 鉴于你已经到了门口,我想我必须邀请你进来

43、。 .单句语法填空 1.The man managed to rescue the people who were trapped(trap) in floods. 2.All of us have to take action to protect(protect) our environment. 3.Generally speaking,too much work and too little rest will lead to illness. 4.As we all know,feeling sorry for someone is no substitute for love. 5

44、.He walked in and went directly to the reserved(reserve) seat. 6.This car is so expensive that it is beyond the reach of those with average incomes. 7.Her mother taught her,and she in turn taught her own daughter. 8.Mark was condemned(condemn) to do most of the work. 9.Would you sacrifice some of yo

45、ur salary for more holiday time? 10.The professor advocates reducing(reduce) childrens homework. .完成句子 11.Without your advice,I wouldnt have made it. 没有你的建议,我就不会成功。 12.Dont leave her waiting outside in the rain. 别让她在外边雨里等着。 13.The player was widely condemned for/as his behavior after the match. 那位运动员因为赛后的行为受到广泛谴责。 14.Given the circumstance,youve done really well. 鉴于这种情况,你已经算是处理得很好了。 15.Its impolite for you to refer to something relevant to politics in that situation. 在那种场合,你提到与政治有关的事情是不礼貌的。


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