新PEP人教版九年级英语Unit 14 Section A 3a-3c课件

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1、Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,Section A 3a-3c,Objectives,To learn how to use “remember doing sth“and be able to understand the poem. To learn the words and expressions:look back at, overcome, make a mess (of), graduate (from),keep ones cool, caring, ours.,What activities can the

2、writer remember about his or her life in junior high?,Warming up,morning readings,sports meets,I remember,New Years parties,preparing for exams,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1.What kind of writing is this? 2.What is the main subject of this writing? 3.Who do you think the writer is?,3a,

3、4,I Remember Looking back at these past three years I remember many things Trying to be on time for morning readings Running when the lunch bell rings I remember the excitement Of the school sports day each year The many long hours of training Pride of overcoming fear,5,I remember starting day one T

4、he shyest in my whole class Never speaking to anyone And thinking I would not pass Then slowly I made some new friends To remember forever Helping each other with homework Getting better together,6,Preparing for art festivals And making a great big mess Having fun at New Years parties Wishing everyo

5、ne the best We have learned a different language That is from a foreign land English brings many challenges We work hard to understand,7,And now its time to graduate We will leave our lovely school I cant believe its been three years Im trying to keep my cool But its difficult not to cry Ill miss th

6、e school trees and flowers And our kind and caring teachers Wonderful memories of ours,8,回顾过去的三年 我记得很多事情 尽量按时上早读 午餐铃响时的奔跑 我记得那些兴奋的时刻 每年学校的运动会上 长时间训练的时光 为克服恐惧而感到自豪,我 记 得,我记得开学的第一天 是班里最害羞的 不和任何人说话 感觉自己将无法度过 慢慢的我交到新朋友 永生难忘 功课上互相帮忙 共同进步,9,为艺术节做准备 还制造了一场大混乱 新年晚会上玩的开心 祝大家万事如意 我们学习了一门外语 它来自异国他乡 英语带来了很多挑战 我

7、们努力地去理解它,现在是毕业的时刻 我们将离开心爱的学校 我不敢相信已过去三年 我试图保持冷静 但很难做到不哭泣 会想念学校的花草树木 对我们无微不至的老师们 记忆永存,10,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. What kind of writing is this? 2. What is the main subject of this writing?,This is a poem.,The main subject is the writers memories of school over the last three year

8、s.,11,3. Who do you think the writer is?,The writer is the student who is just about to graduate.,12,Read the poem again. Write the words that rhyme with the words below.,things rings,year _,class _,land _,school _,flowers _,understand,cool,ours,pass,fear,3b,13,Have you experienced any of the follow

9、ing things? How did you feel? How does the writer feel about them?,trying to be on time for morning readings,It was a struggle to be on time for morning readings.,3c,14,2. running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings 3. training for sports day,They were excited about training and proud when

10、they overcame their fears.,They were hungry so they rushed to the dining hall when the bell rang.,15,4. starting the first day in Grade 7 5. slowly making some new friends 6. helping classmates with homework,He/She was shy when starting his/her first day in Grade 7.,He/She felt a little hard to make

11、 friends.,He/She was happy to help classmates with homework.,16,7. preparing for art festivals 8. going to New Years parties 9. learning English,There were many challenges and they had to work hard to understand.,They enjoyed preparing for art festivals and making a great big mess.,They had fun at N

12、ew Years parties.,17,I remember starting day one The shyest in my whole class Never speaking to anyone And thinking I would not pass,remember doing sth. 意为“记得做过某事”,表示动作已经发生 remember to do sth. 意为“记着去做某事”,表示动作尚未发生,Language points,18,Lisa remembers _ to her mother. But her mother doesnt receive the le

13、tter. A. to write B. writes C. writing D. wrote,【解析】C remember doing sth.意为“记得做过某事”;remember to do sth.意为“记得去做某事”。根据“但是她妈妈没有收到那封信”可知“莉萨记得给她妈妈写过信了”。,19,根据句意及括号内所给动词的提示填空。 1. Remember _ (call) us when you get there. 2. I remember _ (tell) you about it last week.,to call,telling,20,Looking back at thes

14、e past three years I remember many things Trying to be on time for morning readings Running when the lunch bell rings look back at 回顾 on time 准时,21,e.g. Every time I look back at my childhood, I cannot help missing my dear grandma. 每当回忆童年生活,我总是忍不住想念我亲爱 的祖母。 I like to look back at my high-school days

15、, which were among the happiest days in my life. 我喜欢回顾我的高中生活,那是我一生中最快 乐的日子。,22,Dont _ the sad things. I think you should cheer up. A. look around B. look after C. look forward to D. look back at,【讲解】D look around“四处查看”;look after “照顾;照看”;look forward to“盼望;期待”;look back at“回忆,回顾”。根据句意“我认为你应该振作起来。”可知

16、“不要回顾那些悲伤的事情了。”,23,on time 准时 in time 及时 on time和in time都可在句中作状语,但二者意思不同。 选用in time或on time填空。 1. We students should go to school _. 2. The doctor came _ and saved the little boys life.,on time,in time,24,I remember the excitement Of the school sports day each year The many long hours of training Pr

17、ide of overcoming fear,excitement n. 兴奋 excite v. 激动,兴奋 excited adj. 兴奋的 exciting adj. 令人兴奋的,25,pride n. 自豪,骄傲 proud adj. 自豪,骄傲 不同点: pride 常用搭配为:take pride in或be the pride of proud 常用搭配为:be proud of,26,根据句意选用恰当的选项填空。 1. Im _ (pride / proud) to be your friend. 2. He wore his medals with _ (pride / pr

18、oud). 3. Im proud _ (of / on) my hometown. 4. He loved his daughter and took pride _ (of / in) her. 5. She is the _ (pride / proud) of China.,proud,pride,of,in,pride,27,And now its time to graduate We will leave our lovely school I cant believe its been three years Im trying to keep my cool cool用作名词

19、 keep ones cool = keep cool 沉住气;保持冷静 e.g. Keep cool! 保持冷静!(cool用作形容词),28,e.g. “I must keep my cool,” she thought. “Losing my temper isnt going to help.” 她想:“我要保持冷静,发脾气是不会起作用的。”,29,The underlined sentence “Im trying to keep my cool” means _ in Chinese A我一定让自己很酷 B我保持清新的模样 C我极力保持冷静,C,30,But its difficu

20、lt not to cry Ill miss the school trees and flowers And our kind and caring teachers Wonderful memories of ours caring adj. 体贴人的;关心他人的,31,I. 根据句意或汉语提示填写单词。 1. You have to _ (克服) your shortcomings. 2. What a _ (混乱) your room is!Please clean it up. 3. Her son _ from Harvard last year. 4. No matter wha

21、t happens, do remember to keep your _ 5. Ill try to be a loving, _ person in my life.,overcome,mess,Exercises,graduated,cool,caring,II. 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Their school is very beautiful, _ is even more beautiful.(we) 2. Bills wife is very gentle and _(care) 3. Ill never forget the _ of the scho

22、ol art festival.(excite) 4. Jessica is a _ girl with two big eyes.(love),ours,caring,excitement,lovely,III. 根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 当我们面对困难时,我们应该沉住气。 We should _ when we face difficulties. 2. 当我回想起那些日子,我禁不住笑了。 When I _ those days, I couldnt help laughing.,keep our cool,looked back at,3. 迈克在他妈妈出去的时候把卧室里搞得一团糟。

23、 Mike _ in the bedroom when his mother went out. 4. 彼得来自异国他乡。 Peter is _ 5. 我们在准备期末测试。 Were _ the final exams.,made a mess,from a foreign land,preparing for,中考链接,(2019北京) Did you notice in her office? Yes. She was going over our writing. A. what was Miss Lin doing B. what Miss Lin was doing C. what does Miss Lin do D. what Miss Lin does,B,36,Read the poem and write a short passage about a person or event that you will never forget.,Homework,


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