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1、人教版九年级全一册英语Units1-4单元写作能力提升练习UNIT 1 How can we become good learners?写作能力提升练写作任务为了交流学习经验 , 提高学习效率 , 英语学习报正在举办以 “How to be a good learner”为主题的征文比赛。请你踊跃投稿。内容提示:habit, way, get ready, listen, review, homework, study in groups, help each other, work hard, do sports要求:1. 必须用上所有的内容提示;2. 词数100 左右, 已给出的内容不计入

2、总词数。How to be a good learnerTo be a good learner, we should I hope all these will be helpful to us.思路点拨谋篇布局开篇点题:have good habits and ways展开表述:分述要想成为一名好的学习者应该做的事get ready for lessons before class,listen carefully in class,review the lessons,finish our homework on time,study in groups and help each ot

3、her,work hard, do sports, keep healthy补充自己的观点和做法:do more reading, ask others for help遣词造句1. 我们需要课前做好预习,课上认真听讲。We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class.2. 课后我们必须复习,并且按时完成作业。After class, we must review the lessons and finish our homework on time.3. 小组学习和互助

4、是非常好的。Its good to study in groups and help each other.4. 在课余时间我们应该多阅读。We should do more reading in our spare time.5. 如果我们有任何问题我们最好向别人求助。If we have any problem, wed better ask others for help.巧妙衔接在写作时一些连词的使用会让文章更加流畅。比如在转折时用连词but,在假设时用连词if。连句成篇How to be a good learnerTo be a good learner, we should ha

5、ve good habits and ways of learning.We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. After class, we must review the lessons and finish our homework on time. Its good to study in groups and help each other. As a student, working hard is important, but dont forg

6、et to do sports and keep healthy. We should do more reading in our spare time. If we have any problem, wed better ask others for help.I hope all these will be helpful to us.写作实践你的初中学习生活快要结束了,请根据以下要点,以My English Study为题写一篇短文,谈谈三年来学习英语的心得体会。词数100 左右。要点:1. 你遇到过的问题;2. 你解决问题的方法;3. 你学习英语的感受。My English Stu

7、dyHow time flies! My middle school life will be over soon. Looking back on the past three years, Id like to say something about my English study. When I entered the middle school, I had some problems with my study in English. I didnt like learning grammar and I could not remember the new words and p

8、hrases. Once I even wanted to give up studying English. Luckily, my teacher and friends gave me lots of good advice. I began to watch English cartoons and films and read simple English stories. In this way, I became interested in English. Moreover, I listened to the teacher carefully in class, read

9、English aloud every morning and spoke English as much as possible. Day by day I have made great progress in English. In a word, you can learn English well only when you are interested in it. UNIT 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!写作能力提升练写作任务假如你是李华 , 你的美国笔友吉姆对中国传统文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件, 介绍一下中国的传统

10、节日春节。参考词汇:put up the Spring Festival couplets 贴春联;set off fireworks燃放烟花要求:100 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jim,Im very glad to tell you something about the Chinese Spring Festival. Yours,Li Hua思路点拨谋篇布局总体概述:春节是一个传统的节日及其时间a traditional festival in China, comes in January or February简要介绍人们在春节到来前的活动clean an

11、d decorate the houses carefully, help. clean. and wash. , put up the Spring Festival couplets on doors, set off fireworks, light candles主要介绍人们在春节期间的活动go home to get together, though far away from home, have dinner together on that day, visit their relatives and friends and say “Happy New Year” to th

12、em, greet their grandparents, get lucky money遣词造句1. 在春节来临之前,人们通常会认真打扫和装饰房子。People usually clean and decorate their houses carefully before the Spring Festival comes.2. 人们会在门上贴春联。And people _put up the Spring Festival couplets on their doors.3. 他们放烟花、点蜡烛,迎接新年的到来。They _set off fireworks and light cand

13、les to wait for the new year to come.4. 尽管有些人离家非常远,但是他们也要赶回家和家人团聚。Everyone goes home to _get together with their family though some of them are far away from home.巧妙衔接本文中,在衔接几项活动时可以使用also, and;在介绍春节来临前和春节期间的活动时,可以使用before, when, though 等词。连句成篇Dear Jim,Im very glad to tell you something about the Chi

14、nese Spring Festival. Its a traditional festival in China. It usually comes in January or February. People usually clean and decorate their houses carefully before it comes. I always help my mother clean the windows and wash the clothes. Andpeople put up the Spring Festival couplets on their doors.

15、They set off fireworks and light candles to wait for the new year to come.Its time to get together. Everyone goes home to get together with their family though some of them are far away from home. They have dinner together on that day. They usually visit their relatives and friends and say “Happy Ne

16、w Year” to them. When the kids greet their grandparents, they can get lucky money. Thats one of my favorite parts of this festival.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua写作实践假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Nancy 对中国传统节日很感兴趣,请你写一封邮件介绍一个中国传统节日并向她发出邀请。内容包括: 1. 简要说明你的写信意图;2. 节日基本信息及上次你是如何庆祝的;3. 邀请她来中国体验这个节日。幻灯片14作文要求: 100 词左右。格式已给出。Dear

17、 Nancy,Hows everything going? I heard that youre interested in learning about Spring Festival. Let me tell you some things about this holiday. Spring Festival usually falls in January or February. Before Spring Festival, we usually do some house cleaning. People who are working outside their hometow

18、ns will go home for the holiday, no matter how hard it is. All the family members will get together to have a traditional dinner on the day before Spring Festival. Watching the Spring Festival Gala is also a must. Next day, children will wear new clothes and visit relatives. They usually get red env

19、elopes with money inside. My mom always says she will save it for me, but I am afraid she will pretend to forget about it when I am older. I hope you can spend the holiday with me and my family some day! Yours,Li HuaUNIT 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?写作能力提升练写作任务假如你是吴明,成都第四中学的一名学

20、生,你爱好绘画并且经常在业余时间从事志愿者活动。你收到一位微信好友发给你的消息:一位来自武汉国际学校的英国男孩Michael 称他的学校正在举办为贫困学生募捐的画展。你非常兴奋,想加Michael 为好友,于是准备给他发一则英语消息。内容:* 自我介绍;* 表达自己想去参加画展的意愿;* 对画展的具体时间、去Michael 学校的交通方式等进行询问。要求:100 词左右。思路点拨谋篇布局写信咨询相关信息介绍自己be from, paint, voluntary表达意愿go to the show礼貌地询问信息学校位置:where 如何达到:how画展时间:when每幅画的价钱:how much

21、期待回复look forward to遣词造句1. 闲暇时,我总是乐意做一些志愿者工作。In my spare time, Im always ready to do some voluntary work.2. 我能了解更多关于画展的信息吗?May I get some more information about the painting show?3. 请问你能告诉我你们学校在哪儿吗?Could you please tell me _where your school is?4. 请问你能告诉我怎样到达你们的学校吗?Could you please tell me how to get

22、 to your school/ how I can get to your school/the way to your school?5. 请问你能告诉我画展的时间吗?Could you please tell me when the painting show is/ when the painting show will start?巧妙衔接要想使几条信息连贯,我们可以使用表示列举的连接词,如 first, then, next, last / finally。连句成篇Hi, Michael,Im Wu Ming and Im glad to make friends with you

23、. Im a middle school student from Chengdu No. 4 Middle School. I like painting and Im always ready to do some voluntary work in my spare time.Im interested in the painting show in your school and I would like to go there. May I get some more information about the painting show? Could you please tell

24、 me when the show will start? How much is each of the paintings? Could you please tell me where your school is? Could you please tell me how I can get to your school from Chengdu?Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Wu Ming写作实践假如你校有几位来自美国的交换生, 他们打算周末步行去滨湖公园。根据提示为他们写出前往的路线 , 并简要介绍公园的情况。要点:1. 路线见下图;

25、2. 公园环境优美,人们可以去公园游泳、野餐。Binhu Park is not far from here. Its easy to get there. Just go straight Binhu Park is not far from here. Its easy to get there. Just go straight and turn right at the first corner. Walk along the road and turn left when you find a hospital. Binhu Park is down the street on yo

26、ur right. Across from the park is a restaurant. The park is really a good place to have fun. Its beautiful with a lot of green trees and colorful flowers. You can swim, play games and have a picnic with your friends there. Its very relaxing. You may also get a chance to practice Chinese. I hope you

27、will enjoy yourselves. UNIT 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.写作能力提升练写作任务青春校园校报正在征稿, 题目是“How Ive Changed!” 请你根据下面的要点提示写一篇英语短文介绍你的变化。要点:1. 从外貌、性格、爱好三个方面描述你的变化;2. 介绍你的一个重要变化、变化过程及原因。How Ive Changed!My life has changed a lot in the last few years._思路点拨谋篇布局How Ive Changed!引出话题change a lot今昔对比外貌 short, t

28、all性格 shy, quiet, outgoing爱好 reading, writing重要变化、变化过程及原因遣词造句1. 我过去羞涩,并且安静。I used to be shy and quiet.2. 我爱交际,并且喜欢交朋友。Im outgoing and _like to make friends.3. 我已经爱上了读书。I have fallen in love with reading.4. 在我的人生中最重要的变化就是对读书产生了兴趣。The most important change in my life is that I become interested in rea

29、ding.5. 读书给我很多知识并且让我很快乐。Reading gives me a lot of knowledge and makes me very happy.巧妙衔接写作中在描述今昔对比时可以用but 来转折,也可以通过动词时态的前后对照(如used to 和一般现在时)来连接,还可以使用表示时间的词来进行衔接。连句成篇How Ive Changed!My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be short, but now Im one of the tallest students in my clas

30、s. I used to be shy and quiet, but now Im outgoing and I like to make friends. I used to hate reading, but now I have fallen in love with it.The most important change in my life is that I become interested in reading. Last summer my best friend gave me an interesting book to read. I enjoyed it so mu

31、ch that I started to read other books. It is the most important change for me because reading gives me a lot of knowledge and makes me very happy. As a famous saying goes, “Books are the ladder of human progress.”写作实践我们的每一次变化都见证着我们的成长。请以“The changes Ive ever made” 为题,根据要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。要点:1. 变化是什么? 2.

32、 变化是如何发生的? 3. 变化后有何感受?要求:词数100 左右。The changes Ive ever madeFirst, I used to be short, but now Im one of the tallest girls in my class. Second, I dont feel nervous before exams anymore. I used to be so nervous about them that I couldnt sleep. Third, I didnt use to read any books in my free time. Now things have changed. Ive fallen in love with reading. Ive found that reading is like talking with a wise man and reading makes me happy. Im happy with all these changes because now Im confident, brave and smart. And they have brought me the happiness of growth. 第 10 页 共 10 页


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