泽林牛津版九年级英语上册Unit 1 周测二含答案

牛津译林版 9 上 Unit 5 Art world Period Six Task 课堂评价I词汇过关根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词。1 His uncle is interested in (文学) and often does some writing.2 My tea

泽林牛津版九年级英语上册Unit 1 周测二含答案Tag内容描述:

1、牛津译林版 9 上 Unit 5 Art world Period Six Task 课堂评价I词汇过关根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词。1 His uncle is interested in (文学) and often does some writing.2 My teacher often (表扬) me for my good handwriting.3 There is a (a small area of dirt) on my new coat and I must wash it right now.4 Mr Li used to (give sb support, courage or hope) me to work hard at English sothat I could communicate with foreigners.5 The boy always wins first prize in the sports meeting。

2、Unit 6 TV programmesGrammar 同步练习一、根据句子意思,用所给词的正确形式填空,每空一词。1. The audience can enjoy young _(direct) films from different countries. 2. The _(decide) he has made attract me after the talk between us. 3. The police are trying to find out whether he was killed or he killed_(he)4. In that film a nurse was found _(die) in her house. 5. The_(对话)in the play are very funny. 6. A large number of _(亚洲)can speak Chinese. 7. The music_。

3、牛津译林版 9 上 Unit 6 TV programmes Period Six Task 课堂评价I词汇过关根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词。1 That man was arrested as a (入室窃贼) last week and hell be in prison for afew years.2 In China, only the policemen are allowed to carry (枪).3 Many tourists like enjoying the (beautiful views) in Hainan. The beautiful palmtrees, wonderful beaches and nice sea food are their sweet memories.4 How can you tell the brothers from each other? They look exactly th。

4、Unit 6 TV programmesReading 同步练习一、翻译下列短语1. 一周摘要_ 2被发现死了_3许多采访_ 4首席工程师_5即将到来的世界杯_ 6. 找到答案_7在线投票_ 8. 充满恐怖和神秘的色彩_9发送短信至_10赢得两张免费的音乐会门票_二、填写适当的单词1. The girl looks worried because she (lose) her purse. 2. Children all enjoy _ (watch) TV programmes. 3. She is a very active girl. Her hobbies include hiking and _ (photo). 4. There were many _ (death)。

5、19 上 Unit 4 Growing up Grammar一、 单项选择。( ) 1. I will buy you a new bike if you learn how to swim this summer.Is that a _? Im sure Ill get the bike. A. chance B. promise C. trick D. treat( ) 2. -How soon will you start your journey? - Im not sure. I havent decided_.A when shall I ask the boss for leave B where I will go to spend the holidayC whether I would go by train or by plane D who could invite me to go( ) 3. David is a bookworm. _ we see him, he alwa。

6、牛津译林版 9 上 Unit 2 Colours 同步阅读一、完形填空What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow, orange, or red? If you do, you must be an optimist(乐观者),a leader, a(n) 1 person. You enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you 2 grey or blue? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead. If you love green, you are strong-minded and determined. You wish to succeed and want other people to see you are 3 . Psychologists(心理学家)tell us that we dont choose our favour。

7、Unit 6 TV programmesWelcome to the unit 同步练习一、翻译下列短语1完毕,结束_ 2喜剧_3纪录片_ 4真实生活的 _5对话_ 6访谈节目_7系列剧_ 8游戏表演,竞赛节目_二、单项选择1. The Pig Brothers belongs to _.A. drama series B cartoon C. documentary D. chat show2. Would you like to _ game shows.A. take part in B. come C. attend D. join3. You can fly kites with your partners if your。

8、Unit 1 Growing upWelcome to the unit 同步练习一、根据句意及首字母或汉语意思提示完成句子1. We must try our best _ (无论什么) we do.2. You cant leave your son by h_ at home.3. The loss of the money has been a weight on my m_.二、单项选择1. John didnt give up looking for a job _ he got an offer from a German company.A. until B. since C. because D. if2.Will you open the door?_A. All right. B. Its right. C. Thats all right. D. Quite right.3.I can hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Lucy?Yes. It has。

9、Unit 5 Art worldWelcome to the unit 同步练习一、单项选择。1.Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV?Sometimes. Its an interesting programme, but I _ Sports News.A. would like B. prefer C. want D. prefer to2. Roy, I have _ to tell you.Oh? Whats that?A. anything important B. important nothingC. something important D. important something3. A kind of rose in the shop smells very _. You can send it to your mot。

10、牛津译林版 9 上 Unit 4 Growing up Reading 1 随堂测试一、根据句意和所给汉语写出单词。1. LeBron James _(得分) 30 points. And finally Cleveland Cavaliers(克利夫兰骑士队)won the game.2. People _(简直) couldnt control their feelings when they were watching the documentary about the Nanjing Massacre(大屠杀) which happened in December 1937.3. Unless invited to speak, you should _(保持) silent at the meeting.4. It doesnt _(要紧) if I miss the train, because theres another one later.5. In order to enter 。

11、 (9A Unit 1)夯基固本 限时:15 分钟I. 根据中文提示或用所给词的适当形式填空l. He is _(慷慨) and willing to share things with others.2. If youre _ (自信 ), you can do almost everything.3. Girls are willing to work as_(会计).4. My brother is too _ ( care) to do the job well. Change another!5. He is _ (organize) enough to become a leader.6. Neither Tom nor I _ (be) good at English. We need to work hard.7. There are lots of useful _(express) 。

12、牛津译林版 9 上 Unit 5 Art world Period TwoReading 1 课堂评价I词汇过关A 根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词。1 The president presented the (奖牌) to the player.2 My grandparents live in the (中央的) town.3 His uncle is a famous (a person who writes music).4 Most of us are only _ (not special) people.5 Kitty can play all kinds of musical . And she is especially good at the piano.B用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空。1 He often says he will go abroad when he 2 A gold。

13、牛津译林版 9 上 Unit 3 Teenage Problems 同步阅读一、完形填空A few weeks ago, a friend from an unknown Smile Groups sent me $120 to do 1 things with. Since then I have used the money in the UK and US. It hashelped families and strangers, and generally raised a lot of 2 . They have warmed my heart, but none was so much as the gift I was able to give just an hour ago.One day I was in a 3 , looking at the second-hand books. It 4 that the book shelves were next to the toy shelf. I turned around and s。

14、Unit 7 FilmsReading 同步练习一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Gong Li is one of the most beautiful _ (actress) in China. 2. Audrey _ (choose) to play the lead role in Gigi by Colette. 3. The boy fell asleep _ (peace) after driving some milk. 4. They _ (water) the flowers when I got to the garden. 二、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. The event m_ the beginning of Hepburns successful career. 2. Her _ (成就) went beyond the film industry at that time. 3. The f_ test is co。

15、牛津译林版 9 上 Unit 8 Detective stories Period TwoReading 1 课堂评价I词汇过关A 从右栏中找出左栏单词的正确释义。1 victim - A the act of seizing sb by power of the law2 bleed - B lose blood3 breathe - C information that may help solve a crime4 arrest - D a person who has been attacked, robbed or murdered5 clue - E take air, gas, etc. into lungs and send it o。

16、19A Unit 1 Know yourselfPeriod 1 Comic strip and welcome to the unit一、根据句意及括号内所给汉语提示写出单词:1. Linda is such a _(有耐心的) person that she never gets angry easily.2. Tom is _ (精力充沛的) enough to play basketball for hours every day.3. Linda does best in English in our class. But she is very _ (谦虚的).4. Billy is _ (好奇的)about everything. He likes asking questions. 5. Suzy is well _ (有条理的).She keeps all her things in good order. 6.How_(。

17、牛津译林版 Unit1 Know yourself Period Six Task 课堂评价I词汇过关根据中文完成句子。1 彼得不自信,不敢在许多人面前做演讲。Peter is not _and is a in front of many people.2 经理总是花很多时间做些额外的工作。The manager always _ much time _ some _ work.3 他已经好几次科学竞赛获奖了。He has _ _ _ _.4 我父亲已学会使用电脑来使自己变得更有条理。My father has learnt use the computer himself5 当我们缺席时,老师们总是乐于帮我们补习功课。When we from school, ou。

18、Unit 1 单元检测卷一、单词拼写。 (20 分)1. My brother doesnt like to go fishing. He is an _(patient) boy.2. My cousin is a _(practice) boy. He always pays attention to details.3. To make yourself more _(power), you should practice harder.4. Sam always makes mistakes because of his _(careless).5. The towns are _(connect) by train and bus services.6. Excellent teachers are usually _(interest) in their students.7. A good writer should have _(。

19、牛津译林版 Unit1 Know yourself Period OneWelcome to the unit 课堂评价I词汇过关A 根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词。1 Different people have different (个性).2 The boy is very (有耐心的). He doesnt get angry easily.3 He is_ (有创造力的). He wishes to be a writer or an inventor.4 1 want to be an (会计) when I grow up.5 Who do you think is the most (able to keep everything in good order) in ourclass?6 1 think John is (always willing to share th。

20、Unit 1 周周测一、单词拼写。(20 分)1. I find German _(语法) very difficult.2. Lang Lang is a _(天生的) pianist and of course, his hard work also helps him achieve such great success Praise3. Jims father is a _(总的) manager in a big computer company.4. Li Hong came first in the 100-metre_ (赛跑) in the sports meeting last week.5. The young man is trying to be a _ (先锋) in the field of high technology.6. The product of this company has reached the international_ (标准), so i。

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