冀教版英语三年级上Lesson 8 Letters课件3

Lesson 19 Family,学习目标,1、能听、说、读、写family(家庭), father(父亲) mother(母亲 )brother(哥哥、弟弟) sister(姐姐、妹妹)。 2、能听懂、会说、认识me look in 3、能用This is my 介绍自己的家庭成员。,.,1.In

冀教版英语三年级上Lesson 8 Letters课件3Tag内容描述:

1、Lesson 19 Family,学习目标,1、能听、说、读、写family(家庭), father(父亲) mother(母亲 )brother(哥哥、弟弟) sister(姐姐、妹妹)。 2、能听懂、会说、认识me look in 3、能用This is my 介绍自己的家庭成员。,.,1.Introuduce youself and your friend介绍一下自己和自己的朋友Hi /Hello. My name isThis is my friend,个人展示我最棒,.,2. Introduce yourself body 介绍自己的身体器官 This is my.,Can you use a word to describe them? 你能找一个词形容这一张张的图片吗?,新知学习闯一闯,跟我学,family 家庭,家人,Lets watch and。

2、Numbers1-5,one book,一本书,+,two books,两本书,+,+,three books,三本书,+,+,+,four books,四本书,+,+,five books,五本书,I can match.,。

3、Lesson 6 Numbers 610,One book, two books, Three books, four. One, two, three, four, Five books more.,six,seven,eight,+,nine,=,?,ten,One, two. How are you? Three, four. Open the door. Five, six. Pick up sticks. Seven, eight. Dont be late. Nine, ten. Say it again.,One, two. How are you? Three, four. Open the door. Five, six. Pick up sticks. Seven, eight. Dont be late. Nine, ten. Say it again.,3468,114,119,879,2597,A: How many boys ?,B: Three.,boy book desk ruler girl,_,_,_,_。

4、Lesson 10,Red Yellow Blue Green,三年级第二单元,What we have learned last time?,kite lake mouth nose,Open the doorOpen the windowClose the door Close the window,What colour is it?It is red.,What colour is it? It is green.,What colour is it?It is blue.,What colour is it?It is yellow.,本课单词,句子,Red 红色 Green 绿色 Blue 蓝色 Yellow 黄色 -What colour is it? -Its _ .,连线,red,green,blue,yellow,。

5、Lesson 2 Boy, girl and teacher,冀教版三年级英语上册(三年级起始),This is a boy.,girl,This is a girl.,teacher,This is a teacher,这是一个女孩。 This is a girl.,她的名字是什么?Whats her name?,这是一个男孩。 他的名字是什么? 他的名字是张勇。,他的名字是什么?Whats his name?,Whats your name? My name is Denny.,Whats his name? His name is Li Ming.,Whats her name? Her name is Jenny.,。

6、,Welcome! Hello! Boys and girls!,Lets sing a song,A, B, C, D, E, F ,G, H , I , J ,K, L, M ,N, O, P ,Q ,R ,S,T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. Now I now my ABCs. Next time sing with me.,Lesson 13 How Do You Feel?,feel 感觉的意思,cold 冷的,How do you feel? I feel cold.,hot热的,How do you feel ? I feel hot.,tired累的,How do you feel? I feel tired.,happy,How do you feel? I feel happy.,sad,How do you feel? I feel sad.,Point to it.,cold,hot,tired,sad,happy,cold,Cold 冷的,hot 热的,tired 累的,sad难过的,happy高兴地,。

7、Lesson 7: My Friend,This is _.She is my friend.,This is _.He is my friend.,This is _. She is my friend.,This is _.He is my friend.,A a action actor angryB b boy banana blueC c cow cold cryD d desk dog duck,Homework:,Introduce your friend to your parents.Write the four letters.Sing this song .,。

8、How are you ?,Lesson 3,1 How are you?,How are you?,Im fine. How are you?,Im fine, thanks.,Trains coming,2 Lets sing!,3 Whats this?,Whats this?,Its a school.,-Whats this ? -Its a _.,Pairwork,Lets talk and play .,-Whats this ? -Its a _.,HOMEWORK,利用本课所学问候语how are you自己创作对话,找伙伴练习,下节课展示给同学们。,Thank you !,。

9、lesson 5 how many ? 多少,pen,ruler,pencil,crayon,pencil box,whats this ?,Its a pen .,pen,Its a pen .,whats this ?,Its a ruler .,whats this ?,whats this ?,Its a pencil box .,Its a crayon .,whats this ?,how many crayon do you have 你有多少支彩笔?,how many do you have 你有多少支刚笔?,how many do you have 你有多少支彩笔?,I have three books,how many do you have? 你有多少把尺子?,。

10、Lesson3,丁家中心校 王 静,How are you?,How are you?,Lets sing: Whats your name?,Listen,look and repeat(I),Listen,look and repeat(II),Listen,look and say,Lets sing,Lets practise,Homework,Whats your name?,Hello! Hello! Whats your name? Whats your name? Whats your name? Hello! Hello! Whats your name? My name is Mike/Li Shan.,Lets sing,Listen,look and repeat(I),Listen,look and repeat(II),H h,a hand,h,A HAND,H,I i,a bike,i,A BIKE,I,J j,A JEEP,J,a jeep,j,K k,a key,k,A KEY,K,L。

11、Lesson 21,Jennys family,family,father mother brother sister me,tall,Im tall. I am tall. Hes tall. He is tall. Shes tall. She is tall.,short,Im short. I am short. Hes short. He is short. Shes short. She is short.,我爱你。 I love you. 你爱我。 You love me.,policeman,bus,bus driver,worker,职业,student 学生 policeman 警察 bus driver公共汽车司机 worker 工人,Nice to meet you!,见到你很高兴!,Meet Jennys family.,见见詹妮的家人。,This is my family. We live in Canada.,What is her name?,Her name is Lynn.,。

12、Lesson22: How old are you?,old,young,old,young,How old are you ?,Im seven . Im seven years old.,How old is Li li ?,She is five. She is five years old.,7,4,7,5,4,。

13、Lesson 14 My body,hand,foot,head,arm,leg,What is this?,This is a hand.,What is that?,That is an arm.,stamp your foot,clap your hands,wave your arm,shake your leg,。

14、Lesson9 Open and Close,Kk,L l,Mm,Nn,Kk LlMm Nn,kite,lake,mouth,nose,把大小写字母连成一条线,连连 看,K J I M H N L,h j i l k n m,open,打开,close,关闭,Homework:1.在练习本上,每个字母,单词写三遍。2.同桌之间熟练的进行open 和close 的对话练习。,G!,。

15、Lesson 23 Li Mings Happy Birthday,1. My mother got the presents from _ . A. school B. the post office C. the police office 2. I love the _ you gave me, Jenny.A. cap B. shoe C. jacket 3. _is my favourite colour.A. Red B. Yellow C. Green 4. Does the jacket fit me well?_A. Yes B. No C. We dont know 5. Every time I wear the cap, I will think of_.A. Jenny B. Danny C. Li Ming,Listening:,B,A,B,C,A,Lead in,6.They in。

16、Lesson19: Family,family,This is my family.,father,This is my father.,mother,This is my mother.,mother,father,Liu Xings family,sister,This is my sister.,brother,This is my brother.,1. Open your books and turn(翻到) to page(页) 50. 2.Look at the pictures(图片) and discuss(讨论) with your parter(同桌). 3.Whose family is it ? 4.How many people(人) in the family? 5.Who are they?,grandfather,grandmother,。

17、Lesson 12 More Letters,Lets sing!,What do they like?,Ff,Hh,Ee,Bb,Jj,Whats this?,_ea,t,_mbrella,u,_egetables,v,_indow,w,Ww,Ww,Xx,x,_-ray,Xx,_ellow,y,Yy,Yy,_oo,z,Zz,Zz,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz,X,Y,W,Z,X,w,y,z,m,d,v,s,Lets write.,Lets sing!,A, E, I, O, U, A, E, I, O, U,A, E, I, O, U, Now I know my a, e, i, o, u,Homework,1.练习字母Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz.,2.找到生活中的字母和朋友分享。,Thank you!,。

18、Lesson 12 More Letters,Lets sing!,What do they like?,Ff,Hh,Ee,Bb,Jj,Whats this?,_ea,t,_mbrella,u,_egetables,v,_indow,w,Ww,Ww,Xx,x,_-ray,Xx,_ellow,y,Yy,Yy,_oo,z,Zz,Zz,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz,X,Y,W,Z,X,w,y,z,m,d,v,s,Lets write.,Lets sing!,A, E, I, O, U, A, E, I, O, U,A, E, I, O, U, Now I know my a, e, i, o, u,Homework,1.练习字母Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz.,2.找到生活中的字母和朋友分享。,Thank you!,。

19、Lesson 8: Letters,Ee: egg eye earFf: fish five four friendGg: girl good go good-byeHh: hand his he hello howIi: ice cream it is inJj: juice jeep,Play a game: Whats missing?,。

20、Lesson 8: Letters,Ee: egg eye earFf: fish five four friendGg: girl good go good-byeHh: hand his he hello howIi: ice cream it is inJj: juice jeep,Play a game: Whats missing?,。

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