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1、,第三课时,Unit 4 I have a pen pal,人教版 (三年级起点) 六年级上册,2,课前热身,Lets review!,Phrases: live in pen pal doing word puzzle Sentences: Does he live inYes, he does.No, he doesnt.,话题导入,draw,各种各样的活动,swim,话题导入,sing,read,studies /stdiz/ (动词)学习 (study 的第三人称单数形式),puzzle /pz()l/ (名词) 谜,1,2,新词展示,新词展示,3,hiking / hak/ (名词)

2、远足,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,Lets play a game!,新词展示,studies puzzle hiking,Does he live in China, too?,课文原文,他住在中国吗? 不,他住在澳大利亚,但是他学习汉语。,No, he doesnt. He lives in Australia, but he studies Chinese.,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,Lets learn,课文朗读,课文原文,课文原文,Remember,studies /stdiz/ (动词)学习 (study 的第三人称单数形式),

3、短语,重难点探究,studies Chinese 学习汉语,例句,延伸,She often studies English.她经常学习英语。,study 书房,puzzle /pz()l/ (名词) 谜,短语,重难点探究,word puzzle 猜字谜,延伸,puzzle 使迷惑(动词),重难点探究,hiking / hak/ (名词)远足,短语,例句,go hiking 去远足,She likes going hiking. 她喜欢远足。,详解, Does he live in China, too?他住在中国吗? No, he doesnt. He lives in Australia,

4、but he studies Chinese.不,他住在澳大利亚,但是他学习汉语。,Where is ? 询问地点句式Its 直接回答地点在哪儿 next to 表示方位:紧挨着、旁边,重难点探究,例句, Does she live in Sydney? 她住在悉尼吗? Yes, she does. 是的,她是。,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他表示第三人称单数的句式及答语,Does he study Chinese? 他学习汉语吗? Yes, he does. /No, he doesnt. 是的,他是。/ 不,他不是。,如:Does she like cake? 她喜欢蛋糕吗?No,

5、 she doesnt. 不,她不喜欢。,动词短语,重难点探究,cooks Chinese food 做中国食物 studies Chinese 学习汉语 does word puzzles 做单词迷宫 goes hiking 去远足,注意:,这些动词短语都是主语时单数第三人称的形式。,其他句式,重难点探究,祈使句: Come and see my new pen pal. 来看看我的新笔友。,例句,Come and help me! 来帮我一下!,Groups work,请同学们分角色表演Lets learn。,课堂互动,课堂互动,课文原文,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.My pen

6、pal_(like) going hiking. 2.She is writing_(a) e-mail to his pen pal. 3. _(Do) your uncle live in London? 4. _(He) name is Mike. 5.Does she like_(go) hiking?,一、汉译英。 1.来看看我的新笔友。_ 2.但是他学习汉语。_ 3.做单词迷宫 _ 4.做中国食物 _,巩固练习,Come and see my new pen pal.But he studies Chinese. do word puzzles make Chinese food,

7、likesanDoesHisgoing,巩固练习,三、按要求写句子。 1. His name is John. (对画线部分提问) _ 2. live, does, China, in ,he (?) (连词成句)_ 3.he, but, Chinese, studies,(.) (连词成句) _ 4.Does he do word puzzles every day? (作否定回答)_ 5.Does he often going hiking?(改错) _,Whats his name?Does he live in China?But he studies Chinese.No, he d

8、oesnt.Does he often go hiking?,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结, Does he live in China, too?他住在中国吗? No, he doesnt. He lives in Australia, but he studies Chinese.不,他住在澳大利亚,但是他学习汉语。,studies(学习)puzzle (谜)hiking(远足),27,Talk about the activities(活动) your classmates like with your friends and your family.,课后作业,Thank You,


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