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1、,Unit 8 Whats Your Dream?,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part B Lets learn more Part C Look and talk about Sams dreams, Lets learn more,Look and talk about Sams dreams,Lets learn more 视频,Presentation,Warm-up/Revision,If you have a dreamIf you have a dream Youll be able to fly. Fly into the sky, To touch every rain

2、bow.If you have a dream, Youll be able to fly. Fly with the wind, To feel the snowflakes.,Lets chant,Whats your dream?,Presentation,阅读对话回答问题,1.What is Lemontrees dream? 2.What is Superplayers dream? 3.What is Rainbow123s dream? 4.What is Bobos dream?,1.What is Lemontrees dream?Answer:She hopes to la

3、nd on the moon one day. 2.What is Superplayers dream? Answer:He wants to be a basketball player. 3.What is Rainbow123s dream? Answer:At his age of 5,he hoped to fly like a bird.Now,he wants to be a scientist and studies the birds. 4.What is Bobos dream? Answer:He wants to study computer science.,Ans

4、wer the questions,I think we need more players like Yao Ming and Lin Shuhao. 我认为我们需要更多像姚明和林书豪一样的运动员。,重点句型一,I want to buy more fruits.,Lets go!,Maybe I will join the National Team one day.或许将来的某一天,我可以加入国家队。,重点句型二,I want to be a math teacher one day(in the future).,I believe work hard and my dream wil

5、l come true.我相信努力工作我的愿望就可以实现。,重点句型三,Read again and match,Lets learn more,点击“Lets learn more”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Write down your dreams,Look and talk about Sams dream,Toby:Look at Sams dreams.What did he want to be at the age of eight? Aggie:He wanted to be a scientist and fly to the moon. Toby:What was his

6、 dream when he was twelve? Aggie:He liked swimming.So he wanted to join the National Swimming Team. Toby:.,Lets do it!,Test,翻译下列句子。 1.I think we need more players like Yao Ming and Lin Shuhao. 我认为我们需要更多像姚明和林书豪一样的运动员。 2.Maybe I will join the National Team one day. 或许将来的某一天,我可以加入国家队。 3.I believe work hard and my dream will come true. 我相信努力工作我的愿望就可以实现。,Maybe I will join the National Team one day.,I believe work hard and my dream will come true.,I think we need more players like Yao Ming and Lin Shuhao.,Sum-up,重点句型,Homework,1.背诵Lets learn more部分。2.学会发帖子。,Thank you!,


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