牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit6 Study skills 教案

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牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit6 Study skills 教案_第1页
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牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit6 Study skills 教案_第2页
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1、Unit 6 Birdwatching Study skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. master the usage of the suffixes -er, -or, -ist;2. guess the meanings of the new words in contexts.II. Teaching contentsNew words and phrases: speaker, tour, make beautifu

2、l sounds, at bird shows, include birds in poemsIII. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyLearn to use the suffixes -er, -or, -ist.Learn how to use some useful expressions.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inShow some pictures and fill in the blanks.I love teaching English. I am an En

3、glish _. (teacher)He wrote many articles all his life. He was a famous _. (writer)She is good at dancing. She is a _. (dancer)Singing is their hobby. They are _. (singers)He is playing the piano. He is a _. (pianist)He has acted in many films. He is an _. (actor)【设计意图】利用自我介绍、展示图片导入新课。Step 2 Presenta

4、tion1. Explain the rulesT: Suffixes (-er, -or, -ist) can form nouns for people.We can add -er, -or and -ist to some words (n./v.) to form nouns for people.Verb/Noun + Suffix Nounspeak + er speakervisit + or visitortour + ist tourist2. Offer a tipSometimes we need to change the ending of the verb/nou

5、n when we add the suffix.dance dancer win winnerpiano pianist science scientist3. Finish Part AChange the following words into nouns for people by adding the correct suffixes.4. Offer another tip 加-er, -or, -ist 无明显规律可以利用,不过有几个小 tips:er 远比 or 多,如果你实在要猜时,选 er 吧。动作的执行者用 er,比如 reporter,fighter,cleaner

6、。结尾单个 e 的单词用 er,比如 writer,diver。ate,it,ct 结尾的单词通常用 or,比如 creator,editor,conductor。 5. Change the words in the box into words and categorize them【设计意图】了解基本规律后,对所学的后缀做巩固练习,这样能更深刻的记忆所学的词的后缀。Step 3 Practice1. Finish Part B on P77Complete the following sentences with the correct nouns of the words in bra

7、ckets. Use the plural form if necessary.Birds are _ (sing). They can make beautiful sounds. Some _ (act) can make different bird sounds. It is very interesting.A lot of _ (tour) go to the wetlands to watch birds every year. There are many _ (visit) at bird shows too. Some _ (art) like to paint birds

8、. The birds in their pictures are really beautiful. Some _ (write) like to include birds in their poems too. Birds are part of out lives. They are our friends.2. Guess the meaning of some unfamiliar wordsT: We can use this kind of skill to solve some problems. Try to guess the meanings when we come

9、across new words.3. Write an articleT: All in all, we should use some study skills when studying English. If we do like that, we can learn English more easily.【设计意图】通过不同类型的练习来巩固所学知识。指导学生利用所学技能解决实际问题,引导学生在阅读中猜测词义,初步培养学生根据词的构成猜测词义的意识。V. Homework1. Finish the exercises.2. Revise how to form nouns for people by adding -er, -or and -ist.


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