牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit1 Grammar time教案

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1、Unit 1 CinderellaGrammar timeTeaching contents 教学内容Grammar time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标知识目标:1. 进一步巩固并掌握故事中出现的词汇:prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, put on, before, have to, try on, fit2. 进一步巩固并掌握四会句型:Why? Because 3. 能理解并掌握运用 Grammar time 中以 wh 开头的特殊疑问词的用法及规则;Focus of the lesson

2、and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点: 1. 在复习故事的过程中进一步理解并巩固词汇及句型 Why? Because 2. 能够通过交流与学习,正确运用疑问词 why, 以及其它 wh 开头的特殊疑问词提出问题并回答。教学难点: 能够理解并正确运用 Grammar time 中以 wh 开头的特殊疑问句。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Play a gameT: Boys and girls, lets play a game. Look at the rule: Ill say something about

3、myself. If you have the same situation, you could say “Me too”. If you have different answers, please tell me. OK?S: OK!T: Really? Good! Id like to show you some characters of fairy tales. Lets talk about them together.【设计意图: 通过游戏引出喜欢阅读童话故事这一话题,然后可以自然与学生谈论通话角色。 】Step 2 Lets talk1. T: (PPT 显示 Goldilo

4、cks) Do you remember this little girl? Who is she?S: Shes Goldilocks.T: Right. Goldilocks goes into the bears house. Why is she in the kitchen now?S1: Because she is hungry and thirsty.T: Yes. Look! Shes sleeping. Why is she in the baby bears bed?S2: Because the bed is just right.T: Good try! Oh! Go

5、ldilocks looks so afraid! Why?S3: Because there are three bears in front of her.2. T: Thats right. Now Ill show you some other pictures and some key words. Please talk about them in pairs. The tips may help you. (PPT 展示卡通人物,要求学生两人一组根据单词或短语的提示练习用 why 和 because 问答)【设计意图:通过谈论学生们熟悉的童话故事角色,激发他们的兴趣,营造英语学习

6、的氛围,为接下来对 Cinderella 的讨论做好铺垫。 】3. T: Good job! Last lesson we learned the fairy tale Cinderella. Do you like Cinderella? S: Yes. T: Why do you like her?S1: Because shes beautiful and kind.T: I see. How about other characters? Look, here they are. Do you like them too? Why or why not? Ask your classm

7、ates, please. (教师请学生随机向全班同学提问,被点名的学生先回答问题然后继续提问下一位同学,PPT 呈现主要句型)4. T: Oh, I like the fairy too. Look at the fairy and Cinderella. What do they say? Can you act in groups of two? (两人一组看图说话)【设计意图:复习故事文本,加深学生对文本内容的理解。进一步发散和拓展课文中已有的语言,最后将两者之间的对话呈现给学生,引出本节课的语法重点,学生在语言情境中感知语法结构和功能。 】Step 3 Grammar time1.

8、Read and thinkT: When we answer the questions beginning with “why”, we usually use “because”. (板书单词 why 和 because)Now open your books. Turn to page 9. First, lets read the sentences together. Then, try to find the rules. What is the word next to “why”?S: (读完句子一起说说在 why 的后面可以加上哪些单词 )T: (边听学生的答案边板书并进行

9、总结)Yes, we can put be verbs, helping verbs, or modal verbs next to why, and then, we can add subjects. 【设计意图: 学生在教师的引领下进行适当的自主归纳和总结,教师的板书帮助学生梳理知识结构,并为下一环节的活动做好铺垫。 】2. Play a gameT: Boys and girls, lets play a game now. It is called “Can you guess why?”(PPT 呈现规则 )S: OK!T: Look, this is Bobbys mum. Sh

10、e looks so happy. Do you know why? Who can ask?S1: Why is Bobbys mum so happy?S2: Because its her birthday today. S3: Because its Mothers Day today.T: Who is right? Lets have a look. Lets answer together.S: Because its Mothers Day today.(同法进行剩下的图)【设计意图:通过图片与语言提示引导学生用 Why? 提问,结合学生熟悉的童话故事人物以及生活中熟悉的人物等

11、话题,在欢快的图片竞猜和音乐氛围中进一步感知语言,操练和巩固语法点。 】3. Brainstorming: Talk about more wh-words: who, whose, what, where, when.T: Children, I think you can ask questions beginning with why now. We also have learned many other question words beginning with wh. Can you show me these different words?S: (教师板书学生提到的 wh 开头

12、的特殊疑问词 )4. Make a new play(1) T: Good job! I have some pictures about the story. I need you to make a new dialogue with the wh-words? Ill show you a model. (PPT 呈现)【设计意图:激发学生的好奇心理,同桌合作交流,进一步感知和强化语言知识。 】(2) T: Ill show you more pictures. Try to use these wh-words to make a new play in groups of four.

13、 Then act your new play in groups of four.(学生四人一组,仿照教师给的例文自编新的对话。)(3) Try to act one picture in groups of four. 【设计意图:教师再次引导学生思考更多已知的以 wh 开头的特殊疑问词,并通过板书呈现给学生,学生的已有知识再次激活,结合新知,达到融会贯通,为下一环节的活动做好铺垫。学生的英语短剧表演热情在这一环节中得到释放,趣味性和语用性得到兼顾。 】T: Great! Now we know how to use these wh-words to ask questions.Home

14、work 家庭作业1 Write down the wh-questions you know. The more, the better. Enrich the text and act in groups.2 Preview Fun time. Teaching aids 教学准备 (含板书设计)教学准备: PPT,板书。 板书设计: Unit 1 Cinderella (Grammar time)Why + is / isnt + I / we + ? Because am / am not youare / arent he / she / itdo / dont theydoes /

15、 doesnt can / cant ( cannot)说课本节课是第一单元 Cinderella 第二课时,主要教学内容为 Grammar time。本节课的教学重点预设为:能够通过交流与学习,正确运用疑问词 why 以及其它 wh 开头的特殊疑问词提出问题并回答。在复习导入环节,教师通过一个小游戏引出喜欢阅读童话故事这一话题,进而开始谈论学生熟知的童话故事角色,并过渡到对 Story time 的讨论。教师通过连环问答的环节,帮助学生复习课文并适度拓展课文中已有的语言。最后通过呈现仙女和灰姑娘之间的对话,引出本节课的语法重点。这三个活动旨在让学生在语言情境中感知语法结构和功能。在学习语法知

16、识的环节,学生在教师的引领下进行适当的自主归纳和总结。在巩固环节,教师首先安排了一个游戏,学生在欢快的图片竞猜氛围中进一步感知语言,操练和巩固语法点。然后教师引导学生思考更多以 wh 开头的特殊疑问词,并借助 Cinderella 这一故事情境展开操练这些疑问词。相对于前几个环节,话题逐渐开放,难度也相对加大,语法学习能够循序渐进地在语境中展开。运用环节主要采用短剧创编与表演的形式。教师要求学生运用所学的特殊疑问句拓展和丰富图片上的场景对话,对学生的语言输出提出了更高的要求,同时也兼顾了学习的趣味性和语用性。语法教学的最终目的依然是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,因此语法学习离不开话题和语境的创设。学生通过在语境中交流和运用感知语言点,自主归纳和发现语法现象与规则,这将比教师一味地灌输概念和机械操练有效得多。


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