牛津译林版英语七年级上Unit1 study skill课件(共33张PPT)

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1、英语最新国际音标简解,2,最新国际音标简介,第一单元,1,学习英语首先是掌握英语音标(现在更广泛地称为音素)的发音.音素是英语发音的最小单位。英语中字母和单词的读音,都是由一个或多个音素拼读而成。记录英语音素的符号叫作音标。音标通常放在两条斜线(/)内. 2,英语语言在其发展的历史进程中产生了繁多的音标种类。而我们要学习的,同时也是教科书中所采用的最新“国际音标” 。,3,第一节 国际音标简介,3,最新“国际音标”共有48个音素,由发音时气流是否受阻可分辅音和元音两大类。在发音过程中由气流通过口腔或鼻腔不受阻碍而发出的音叫元音;在发音过程中由气流通过口腔或鼻腔受阻碍而发出的音叫辅音. 4,英语

2、辅音和元音在英语语言中的作用,就相当于汉语中的声母和韵母。,4,国际音标,元音,分类:英语中共有48个音标,元音20个,辅音28个。,单元音,双元音,前元音,中元音,后元音,/i:/, /, /e/, /,/:/, /, /,/u:/, /, /:/, /, /:/,/e/, /a/, /, /, /a/, /, /e/, /,辅音,爆破音,磨檫音,鼻音,半元音,舌边音,/ p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/,/f/, /v/, /, /3 /, / /,/ /, /s/, /z/, /h/, /r/ , /t/, /d3/, /tr/, /dr/ ,/ts/, /dz/,

3、/m/, /n/, /,/l/,/w/, /j/,第二节 发音器官,要想掌握好英语音标,我们要了解发音器官和发音部位,并学会运用舌,唇,软颚,硬颚等位置和形状的变化正确发出各种不同的音。为了更好的理解 各小结的发音要领描述,从而以正确的方式调动所需的发音器官,我们必须仔细学习下面的发音器官图。,6,认识发音器官,Study skillsvowels (元音),Unit 1 This is me!,How many letters(字母) are there in English?,How many of them are vowel letters? (元音字母),a e i o u,单词按音

4、节来划分,分为单音节词,双音节词和多音节词.单音节词中,常常分为重读开音节和重读闭音节.,音标共有48个,其中元音20个,辅音28个.,单音节词,重读开音节,重读闭音节,【链接】 什么是开音节呢?一般来说,开音节包含两种情况: 1. 以一个元音字母结尾的重读音节。这个元音字母在单词中发它本身的音,如no中字母 o,he中字母e,we中字母e等。 2. 在含有一个元音字母的重读音节中,在元音字母后有一个辅音字母(r 除外)加一个不发音的字母e,这个元音字母在单词中发它本身的音,如name中的字母a,fine中的字母i,cute中的u等。,Learning contents 元音字母在重读开音节当

5、中的发音 就是元音字母(vowel letters)本身的发音。 分别是开音节 (1)指以发音的元音字母结尾的音节,如:no, be(2)以“元音字母+辅音字母(r除外)+不发音的e“结尾的音节,如: name, time, use,/eI/, /i:/, /aI/ , / , /ju:/,a e i o u,Theres a funny face on the cake. The name of the game is “Cross the Lake”.,/eI/,/leIt/late/teIk/ take/pleIs/place,face gate same page race,Today

6、s race will take place(发生) at the same place. Theres a man with a white face at the gate on that page.,Can you read them?,/eI/,Who is he? He is Andy. Who is she? Shes Amy. We can see. What are these? They are photos.,/i:/,/i: /she / i:z / these,me Chinese evening,He is a Japanese. She is a Chinese.

7、He and she want to be teachers like me. We study these words in the evening.,Read these sentences,/i:/,Its fine. The kite is flying high. Girls are eating rice. Boys are riding bikes.,/aI/,/aIs/ice /laIf/life /laIk/like,nice rise hide size wife,Read the rhyme,The sun is rising higher. A man finds a

8、nice tiger. It hides beside its mother. Its size is bigger. He invites his wife to see it together.,/aI/,Its so cold. We all go home. On our way home, walks a man with a rose under his nose.,/,home joke hope rose note,/kk/Coke/klz/close,Cute pupils usually use computers to listen to music.,/ju:/,/,j

9、u:kei/UK /tju:zdei/Tuesday,usually student unit duty,cake,face,game,lake,name,be,he,me,we,these,bike,fine,kite,rice,time,go,home,no,nose,so,computer,cute,music,pupil,use,/ ei /,/ i: /,/ ai /,/ u /,/ ju: /,Turn to Page 15. Finish Part A.,grade,he,hello,like,make,me,music,those,use,white,/ju:/,/,/aI/,

10、/i:/,/eI/,1. Listen to the music. Its nice. 2. These students often fly kites. 3. Those pupils like playing games. 4. He likes the cute baby. 5. Sometimes we go home late.,Read the following sentences,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 1. A. make B. take C. map,( ) 2. A. close B. fox C. hello,C,B,( ) 3. A. ice

11、B. hi C. his,( ) 4. A. these B. bed C. she,( ) 5. A. use B. music C. hurry,B,C,C,Exercise,Exercise,听写单词,根据发音请写出横线上所缺的字母。,p_pilj_ker_ceh_h_de,u,o,a,e,i,Exercise,读一读,写出单词划线部分的发音。,1、unit date climb those evening,2、shape phone music me knife,/ ju: /,/ ei /,/ ai /,/ u /,/ i: /,/ ei /,/ u /,/ ju: /,/ i: /,/ ai /,


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