闽教版英语五年级上Unit1 Meeting New Friends PartB 名师教案

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1、Unit1 PartB 教学设计Part B 教学目标语言知识目标1.学习单词 short,long 和 hair,熟练掌握介词 with,beside,behind,on 的用法。2.学习句型:Whos that girl?Which girl?The girl with.Come and play basketball with us.I like to watch you play.3.功能:描述人物的特征。语言技能目标1.能用所学形容词描述人物特征。2.能用方位介词表达他人所处的位置。中国*% 教育出版网情感态度通过学习谚语 We should get along well with

2、our friends.告诉学生要与人友好交往。教具准备1.单词卡片:tall,short,long,hair 等。2.长短不一的铅笔两支、钢笔两支,长短不同的尺子两把。3.课文中人物的头饰和一个贴有本班学生照片的大转盘。4.课文录音或课文动画。教学过程Step 1 Warming up1.师生互致问候。2.听录音,齐唱歌曲:Do You Know the Tall Boy?3.教师对全班学生说:“Peter is a new pupil. He meets some new friends in this school.”揭示并板书课题:Unit 1 Meeting New Friends

3、Part B。Step 2 Review1.教师出示课本第 3 页的第一幅图,请学生用英语简单介绍 Peter,如:He is a new pupil. He is from Australia. He is in Grade Five now. He is tall. He can play basketball. He is good at sports.等。2.出示课本第 3 页中 Ask and answer.部分的四幅图,请学生描述图中人物。3.教师请学生分别站在书桌旁、躲在门后、站在椅子后面,让其他学生用方位介词beside 和 behind 来描述。Step 3 Presenta

4、tion(一)初步感知课文内容。1.教师说:“In the playground, Peter sees a girl with short hair. He wants to know her name. Lets watch the flash.”2.教师播放课文录音或课文动画,学生初步感知课文内容。3.教师出示下列句子,请学生自读课文,并根据课文内容判断下列描述是否正确。正确的画“”,错误的画“”。(1)Lily is a girl with short hair.()(2)Peter is in Class 1.Lily is in Class 2.() 中国教育 出版网&*%(3)L

5、ily will play basketball with Peter.()(二)教学单词 short ,long, hair 和句子 Whos that girl? Which girl? The girl with short hair.1.教师将 Lily 的头像贴在黑板上,边贴边说:“Lily is Chinese. She is a girl with short hair.”2.教师出示单词卡片 short,教学单词 short。3.教师拿出两支长短不一的铅笔,通过对比教学单词 long。4.教师拿出两把长短不同的尺子和两支长短不一的钢笔,让学生练说 This is a long

6、ruler. This is a short ruler. This is a long pen. This is a short pen.等。5.教师指着一位长发的女生 A 说:“A is a girl with long hair.”接着指着一位短发的女生B 说:“B is a girl with short hair.”教师出示单词卡片 hair,教学单词 hair。教师板书句子:The girl with short hair.进行教学及操练活动。6.教师请两位学生上台比高矮,引出一对反义词:tall 与 short。教师告诉学生 short 有两个含义,分别表示“短的” 和“ 矮的”

7、。7.游戏唱反调。游戏规则:教师任意说一个形容词,全班学生快速说出这个形容词的反义词。如:教师说 tall,学生说 short 等。(三)教学句子:Come and play basketball with us.1.教师说:“Peter is very good at sports. What about Yang Ming and Lily? Lets watch the flash once again.”2.教师再次播放课文录音或课文动画,引导学生找出答案:Yang Ming can play basketball. Lily isnt good at it.3.教师问:“How ca

8、n you find the answer?”引出 Come and play basketball with us.的教学。www.*zz%step.#com4.PPT 上出示课文的第三幅图,教师说:“Lily isnt good at playing basketball. But what does she say?”引出句子 But I like to watch you play.的教学。(四)熟读课文,分角色表演对话。1.请学生翻开课本第 4 页,教师播放课文录音或课文动画,学生模仿跟读。2.教师再播放录音,请学生戴上头饰分角色跟读。3.教师请学生根据课文内容填空。Peter: t

9、hat girl, Wang Tao?Wang Tao: girl?Peter: The girl with _.Wang Tao: Thats .Shes our class.Peter: Come and play basketballs.Yang Ming: OK.Lily: Im sorry .Im not at it. But I like to _ you .4.情感教育。教师在 PPT 上出示句子:We are a big family. We should get along well with our friends.帮助学生理解它们的含义,并告诉学生:“我们是一个大家庭,我

10、们要相亲相爱、友好相处。”(五)巩固练习。1.完成课本第 5 页的 Ask and answer.部分。(1)教师出示第 5 页的第二幅图,问:“Whos that girl?”引导学生问:“Which girl?”教师说:“The girl with short hair.”学生回答:“Thats Lily.”教师也可针对图中人物 Julia 与学生进行对话练习。(2)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。来源:中国教*% 育#出版网(3)学生两人一组,合作完成对话练习。2.完成课本第 5 页的 Read and answer.部分。来源:zzs#*te%(1)请学生自读对话,然后在人物图下写出相应的

11、名字。(2)教师将人物图片贴在黑板上,请两位同学上台介绍 Betty 与 Linda。(3)教师播放录音,学生跟读。ww&w.z*zs#(4)学生两人一组,合作完成对话练习。3.完成课本第 7 页的 Listen and circle the right answer.部分。(1)教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习,教师个别指导。(2)教师展示个别学生所做的练习,然后讲解并订正。听力材料:I have two good friends. They are Eric and Jenny. Eric is in Grade Four. He is a boy with big eyes. He is

12、tall with short hair. He is good at math.Jenny is in Grade One. She is a girl with small eyes. She is short with long hair. She is good at English.4.游戏大转盘。游戏规则:教师拿出自制的一个大转盘,转盘的每一格都贴有学生的照片,由教师或者一位学生来转动转盘,当指针停住时,全班学生观察指针停在哪一格,然后快速说出指针所停位置中照片的人物特征,如:She is a girl with long hair. He is a boy with short

13、hair. She is a girl with big eyes.等。Step 4 Extension综合活动:介绍我的好朋友。1.教师先示范说:“In my class I have a good friend. She is a girl with short hair. She is good at music. She can play the violin. Who is she?”学生根据教师的描述猜是哪位同学。2.教师请每位学生拿出作业本,写下自己好朋友的特征,然后与同桌同学说一说,最后选出几位学生上台展示。Step 5 Homework1.听录音,熟读本课内容。来源:中%&教网#2.完成课本第 6 页的 Learn to write.部分。3.完成活动手册中本课的练习。4.完成课本第 8 页的自我评价表。5.为自己的爸爸或妈妈画一幅画,并用英语标注他们的特点。Unit 2Teachers Day


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