2019-2020学年英语高中人教版必修4学案:Unit1 Period 1新知预习课

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1、Unit 1 Women of achievementPeriod 1 新知预习课学习目标1.Learn some words and expressions about a great persons qualities and achievements:considerate,organization,entertainment,connection,observe,inspire,determination,behave,respect,support,intend,etc.2.Master the usage of phrases,and can describe a person w

2、ith them:devote.to.,argue for,refer to,carry on,lead a.life,look down upon,etc.精讲词汇1.observe vt.观察;遵守;庆祝【完成句子】(1)I observed them enter/entering the shop.(被动语态)They were the shop. They were the shop. (2)We should strictly (遵守) the discipline. observe sb do/doing sth 观察某人做/正在做某事observe (rules,laws,etc

3、)遵守(规则、法律等)2.achieve v.完成 ;达到;实现【完成句子】(1)He had finally . 他最终取得了成功。(2)He hopes to soon. 他希望尽快实现他的目标。获得成功 achieve success 达到目的 achieve ones purpose 得到好的结果 achieve a good result实现某人的目标 achieve ones goal/aim3.inspire vt.鼓舞;激发;启示【完成句子】(1)We by the heroic deeds of Dr Bethune. 我们深受白求恩大夫英雄事迹的鼓舞。(2)He me to

4、 try again. 他鼓励我再试一次。inspiring 鼓舞人心的;激励人心的inspired 深受鼓舞的;受到启发的4.deliver vt.递送;接生;生(小孩儿);发表( 演说等)【完成句子】(1)Newspapers every day. 报纸每天都要递送。(2)The professor to us yesterday. 教授昨天为我们作了一次演讲。(3)As a doctor,she three babies on average every day. 作为一名医生,她平均每天接生三个孩子。deliver sth 递送;传送deliver a speech 发表演讲5.det

5、ermine v.决定,确定【完成句子】(1)They must where the conference will take place. 他们必须决定在哪里召开会议。(2)I to help him as soon as possible. 我决定尽可能快地去帮助他。be determined to do.下定决心做某事6.intend vt. 想要 ,打算,企图;意指,意思是【完成句子】(1)The book beginners. 本书是为初学者编写的。(2)What did you by that remark? 你说这话是什么意思?3)They marry on Christmas

6、Day. 他们打算在圣诞节这天结婚。intend sth by sth 意指; 意谓sth is intended for sb 某物是给某人准备的intend to do sth 打算/想要做某事运用词汇.根据首字母或括号内的汉语提示完成句子1.We have a what we set out to do. 2.The mailman d the mail twice a day in this area. 3.I ( 观察) him putting the watch into his pocket. 4.Stewart did his best to i his team to gre

7、ater efforts. 5.The little boy was (决心的) to study harder to make things different. .用下面方框中所给短语的正确形式填空crowd in concern oneself with refer to move off carry onlook down upon fight for by chance come across devote to1.Human beings have been a peaceful world for a long time. 2.I an old friend whom I had

8、nt seen for nearly five years in the street this morning. 3.More and more people are environmental problems. 4.When Liu Xiang ,his fans were still waiting there as if he would come back. 5.With so much noise around us,I found it hard to a conversation. 6.Its wrong to the disabled.Believe it or not,t

9、hey can do many things you cant do. 7.After the war,the scientist all his time his studies. 8.The speaker his latest book again and again during the speech. 9.He did not do that on purpose but ,so dont be angry. 10.Many thoughts on me but I dont know how to express them. .根据汉语意思及所给提示翻译下列句子1.这个位于市区的博

10、物馆值得参观。(worthwhile)2.今天早上我跟姐姐争论去看哪部电影。(argue)3.为了还清债务,这对年轻夫妇过着艰难的生活。(lead a/an.life)4.这本书仅供我校学生阅读。(intend).单句改错1.It is worth to discuss the question again.2.The audience was all moved to tears by the performance of the blind.3.Mrs Wang delivered of a girl yesterday afternoon.Shall we go to see her a

11、nd her baby tonight?参考答案精讲词汇1.(1)observed to enter;observed entering (2)observe2.(1)achieved success (2)achieve his goal/aim3.(1)are deeply inspired (2)inspired4.(1)are delivered (2)delivered a speech (3)delivers5.(1)determine (2)am determined6.(1)is intended for (2)intend (3)intend to运用词汇.1.achieve

12、d 2.delivers 3.observed 4.inspire 5.determined.1.fighting for 2.came across 3.concerning themselves with 4.had moved off 5.carry on 6.look down upon 7.devoted;to 8.referred to 9.by chance 10.crowd in.1.It is worthwhile to visit this museum in the urban area.2.I argued with my sister about/over which film to see this morning.3.In order to pay off the debts,the young couple lead a hard life.4.The book is intended for the students only in our school.1.worthworthwhile/discussdiscussing 2.waswere 3.delivered 前加 was


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