2019-2020学年英语高中人教版必修1学案:Unit4 Period 1新知预习课

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1、Unit 4 EarthquakesPeriod 1 新知预习课识记词汇1.Match the words and phrases.A.words (词汇连线 )1)burst2)event 3)suffering4)extreme5)electricity6)disaster7)shelter8)title9)damage10)congratulation1)n.灾难2)n.掩蔽;掩蔽处3)n.标题;资格4)n.电5)n.事件;大事6)adj.极度的7)n.苦难;痛苦8)n.祝贺;( 复数)贺词9)n./vi 爆裂;爆发10)n./vt.损失;伤害B.phrases(短语连线 )1)立刻;马

2、上2)不重视3)严重受损;破败不堪4)结束;终结5)掘出;发现1)in ruins2)dig out3)right away4)think little of5)at an end2.根据释义写出单词1) to prevent sb.from escaping from a dangerous place 2) put sth.under the earth 3) help to get someone out of danger 4) a thin metal piece that carries water 5) a deep place to store water to drink 6

3、) hurt 7) people who remain alive 8) a very long water way for boats 9) get ready 10) make sb.surprised 精讲词汇1.burst v. 爆裂;闯入;爆炸 n.突发,爆发【完成句子】1)I almost burst out when I saw what she was wearing.当我看到她的装束时几乎要笑出来。 2)I almost burst into when I saw what she was wearing.当我看到她的装束时几乎要笑出来。 3)My wife tears wh

4、en she heard the bad news.听到这个消息后 ,我妻子放声痛哭起来。 4)The crowd cheering.人们欢呼起来。 burst into sth.(tears/laughter) burst out doing (crying/laughing) 2.as if 仿佛,好像【填空】1)It seems (好像)our team is going to win. 2)She looks as if she (be)ten years younger. 3)He talked about Rome as if he (be)there before. 4)It l

5、ooks as if it (may)snow tomorrow. as if 从句后常用 : (1)从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用 。 (2)从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用 。 (3)从句表示与将来事实可能相反,谓语动词用 。 3.ruin vt.毁坏,破坏 n.毁坏,破坏(复数) 废墟, 遗址【完成句子】1)The big flood not only the crops,but also left the whole town in .洪水不仅毁了庄稼,还把整个镇子变成了一片废墟。 2)That mistake of getting the job.正是那个错误断送了他得到那份工

6、作的机会。 3)My new shoes in the mud.我的新鞋被泥浆给糟蹋了。 4)The building lay after the big fire.大火过后,这栋楼成为了一片废墟。 5)Sea water the ships goods.海水使船上的货物受到损害。 6)The bridge was completely .那座桥完全被毁了。 be/lie in ruins leave.in ruins destroy ; ruin 彻底的破坏,但往往是非暴力的,常指对 事物的破坏; damage 。 4.injure vt. 伤害 ,使受伤,【单词指导】1)He was se

7、riously (受伤 )in the traffic accident. 2)The (受伤的人)were rushed to hospital. 3)They escaped from the accident with only minor ( 伤害). 4)I didnt mean to (伤害)his pride. 5)He got (受伤)in the fighting. 6)What you said (伤害)my feeling. injured the injured injury injure ones pride hurt injure wound 5.judge vt.

8、 判断;判决 n. 裁判员 ;法官【完成句子】1)He was one of the at the horse race.他是赛马比赛的裁判员之一。 2)Never a man what he said.不要依据一个人所说的话判断他。 3) her last letter,they are living a busy life.从她上封信看,他们过着繁忙的生活。 4) ,it is he rather than you is to blame.据我判断,是他而不是你该受谴责。 5)You must trust in your own . 你必须相信自己的判断。 judge .from/by.

9、judging from/by as far as .can judge judgement 运用词汇.单词拼写1.Life would be very difficult without (电). 2.It was a (可怕的)night because of the terrible earthquake. 3.Dont (判断)a book by its cover. 4.The earthquake caused great (损害). 5.The whole city lay in (废墟)after the earthquake. 6.The soldiers built s f

10、or those homeless people. 7.Every year natural d can cause heavy loss to the world. 8.Most of the buildings were completely d in the earthquake. 9.That boy was really lucky.After being caught in his car for 60 hours he was r . 10.These days,we are busy p for the final examination. .单项填空1.Whats the m

11、atter with her car?It looks the engine couldnt work. A.as if B.like C.as D.that2.The UN is to an end to the dispute between the two countries.Im sure the issue will an end soon. A.come;put B.come to;bringC.put;come D.bring;come to3.The scientist knew nothing about the matter,because he was always hi

12、mself his study. A.burying;in B.devoting;inC.focusing;in D.concentrating;in4.Scientists say a big earthquake might a whole city in thirty seconds. A.ruin B.be destroyedC.be stopped in D.not ruin5.When the girl learnt that her boyfriend was in the earthquake,she . A.injured;burst in tearB.killed;burs

13、t into tearsC.still alive;burst into tears C.killed;burst into crying6. people killed and injured in the earthquake reached several million. A.A number of B.The number ofC.A lot of D.A great many7.A car exploded(爆炸)near the store.Luckily,nobody was reported . A.hurt B.wounded C.harmed D.injured8.Ope

14、n the windows,Jack,and let in some air. A.new B.different C.fresh D.proper9.Why dont you a club? That will make you stronger and help you achieve your goal more quickly. A.organize B.make C.build D.discuss10.I shall make my own on this matter when I see the result. A.justice B.judgement C.intention

15、D.conclusion.短文填空Dirty water rose in (井), ( 池塘)and (运河)before the earthquake.But no one (判断)it and got (准备好).Suddenly,everything shook.Thousands of (砖)houses and (大量的 ) (水坝)were ( 摧毁).Giving out (难闻的) (蒸汽),90 percent of the (水管)in the coal ( 矿井) (爆裂)and became (无用的 )steel.The army were ( 震惊的).They w

16、ere (组织)to ( 援救)the (伤员)and offer (新鲜的 )water and ( 避难所)to them (立刻).Without (电),they (挖出)the ( 幸存者) ( 被埋在)the (废墟)with hands.At last,the (灾难)was ( 结束).Speeches were given in honour of the army. 参考答案识记词汇2.1)trap 2)bury 3)rescue 4)pipe 5)well 6)injure 7)survivor 8)canal 9)prepare 10)shock精讲词汇1.1)laug

17、hing 2)laughter 3)burst into 4)burst out突然起来;突然起来2.1)as if 2)were 3)had been 4)might虚拟语气;一般过去时;had+过去分词;would / could / might+动词原形3.1)ruined;ruins 2)ruined his chance 3)got ruined 4)in ruins 5)damaged 6)destroyed毁坏,成为废墟;使成为废墟 ;彻底的毁灭;美好; 可指不同程度的破坏、损坏,局部的破坏4.1)injured 2)injured 3)injuries 4)injure5)wo

18、unded 6)hurtadj.受伤的;伤者;n.伤口,伤害;伤某人的自尊;可以指肉体上的伤害 ,也可以指精神上的伤害;一般指由于意外造成的损伤 ;一般指外伤,尤指战争、战斗中受伤。5.1)judges 2)judge;from/by 3)Judging from/by 4)As far as I can judge 5)judgement依据来判断;依据 判断; 据某人判断;n.判断。运用词汇.1.electricity 2.frightening 3.judge 4.damage 5.ruins 6.shelters 7.disasters8.destroyed 9.rescued 10.preparing.15.ADAAB 610.BDCAB.wells;ponds;canals;judged;prepared;brick;a number of;dams;destroyed;smelly;steam;pipes;mines;burst;useless;shocked;organized;rescue;injured;fresh;shelters;right away;electricity;dug out;survivors;buried in;ruins;disaster;at an end


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