2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修6:Unit 3 Section Ⅰ课时作业(含答案)

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1、Unit 3 A healthy lifeSection Prereading (Warming Up he meant business. In his introduction, he made it _9_ that our credits would be hardearned. In order to _10_ the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to _11_ what we would learn in class to our future professions and

2、, _12_, to our lives. I managed to get an A in that _13_ and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the _14_.Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, Im still putting to use what he _15_ me:“The absolute most important _16_ that you learn when you play chess is how to make good _17_

3、. On every single move you have to _18_ a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and _19_ the best move from among all your options.” These words still ring true today in my _20_ as a journalist.篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了“我”在大二学的免费课程下棋,并讲述了它对“我”生活的指导意义。1A.put forward Bjumped at C tried out D

4、turned down答案:B 根据上文的“a free course”和下文“谁不想省下几美元”推断,作者欣然接受了上这门课的想法。jump at 意为 “迫不及待地接受” ,符合语境。2A.waste Bearn Csave Dpay答案:C 此处和上文的“a free course”呼应,指能省钱。save “节省”,符合语境。3A.excited Bworried Cmoved Dtired答案:A 根据上文可知,作者对免费上课能拿学分这件事很感兴趣,而且他想学国际象棋。此句是 even if 引导的让步状语从句,因此选择 excited,表示即使对免费的学分不激动,教练也足以吸引他。

5、4A.title Bcompetitor Ctextbook Dinstructor答案:D 此处是指国际象棋课程的教练(instructor)。5A.urged Bdemanded Cheld Dmeant答案:D 此空格后是对上文“an international grandmaster”的进一步解释说明,mean (that) . 意为“意味着 ”,符合语境。6A.fastest Beasiest Cbest Drarest答案:C 根据上文“教练是国际象棋大师”可知,作者能师从这个项目顶尖人物,故选择 best,意为 “最好的人 (或事物 )”,符合语境。7A.interview Bm

6、eet Cchallenge Dbeat答案:B 根据上文,教练是国际象棋大师,作者能从中受益良多,因此作者迫不及待地想见到他,故选择 meet。8A.chance Bqualification C honor Djob答案:D 根据上文的“returning to teach”可知,教练回到母校任职。job “工作” ,符合语境。9A.real Bperfect Cclear Dpossible答案:C introduction 一词提示教练向大家讲清楚学分不好挣。clear “清楚的” ,符合语境。10A.attend Bpass Cskip Dobserve答案:B 根据下文的“crit

7、eria”以及“write a paper”可知,此处是说如何顺利学完课程。pass “通过” ,符合语境 。11A.add Bexpose Capply Dcompare答案:C 根据下文“what we would learn in class to our future professions”可知,把课堂所学应用于未来的职业中。apply sth. to sth.意为“把某事物应用于某事物” ,符合语境。12A.eventually BnaturallyCdirectly Dnormally答案:A 把课堂所学应用于职业中,最终再应用于生活中,因此选择eventually。13A.ga

8、me Bpresentation Ccourse Dexperiment答案:C 此处指作者的该课程(course)得了 A。文章第一段的 “a free course”亦有提示。14A.criterion Bclassroom Cdepartment Dsituation答案:B 根据下文“作者把课堂所学用于人生”可知,作者学到的已经远远超越了课堂的范围。15A.taught Bwrote Cquestioned Dpromised答案:A 下文内容都是教练在课上教(taught) 给作者的 。16A.fact B step Cmanner Dskill答案:D 作者学习的是国际象棋,再根据

9、下文对下国际象棋的描述推断此处是在讲最重要的技巧(skill)。17A.grades Bdecisions Cimpressions Dcomments答案:B 根据下文“下每一步棋你都要分析”推断,此处表示最为重要的是作出明智的决定(decisions) 。18A.analyze B describe Crebuild Dcontrol答案:A 此处是讲下棋时每一步都要分析(analyze)局势,考虑对手的下法。19A.announce Bsignal Cblock Devaluate答案:D 此处指通过分析局势,研究对手的下法,从而评估 (evaluate)最好的走法。20A.role B

10、desireCconcern Dbehavior答案:A 空格后的“as a journalist” 点明作者的社会角色 (role)。 短文改错(2019潍坊高三上学期统一考试)School life is a large part of my adolescence. I have learned how to get on well with my fellow schoolmate and teachers at school. Its quite usual what arguments happen between students. For an example, we may

11、have different opinions when it come to organizing an activity. However, we have to learn to respect other peoples opinions and think about it carefully. It is necessary for us to have a discussion after we make a final decision. School life had really taught me how to communicate each other. It wil

12、l certain play an important role in help me find a good job in the future.答案:难项分析:第二处:what that 考查连接词。分析句子结构可知,It 在句中作形式主语,此处引导的从句作真正的主语,且此处在从句中不作句子成分。故将 what改为 that。第五处:itthem 考查代词。此处应用 them 代指该句中的复数名词“opinions”。第八处:communicate 后加 with 考查介词。根据固定用法 communicate with sb. “与某人交流” ,故在 communicate 后加 with。


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