2019-2020学年北师大版英语选修6课件:Unit 17 Period Seven

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1、,PART 1,技法点拨,PART 2,写作训练,Period Seven WritingA personal anecdote,PART1,技法点拨,文体分析 把握写作动脉,本单元的写作任务是写轶闻趣事,轶闻趣事属于记叙文范畴。要遵循下面五个步骤: 1.简述故事的梗概 给出简要的信息,说明在某时、某地你做了什么,遇到了什么人,在此之前发生了什么事情。 2.故事的开始 描述这个带有幽默性质的故事是怎样开始的。 3.故事的发展 描写下面发生的事情,即在哪些方面出了问题。,4.故事进一步走向高潮 又有了新的插曲,使得故事更具有幽默性。 5.进行总结,1.That was the worst day

2、 I have ever had when I was doing. 2.As I was waiting for a bus,a taxi passed by and splashed rainwater over me. 3.When we hurried to the station,there was a long queue and we had to wait for a long time.We got disgusted. 4.I was having a photo taken when my classmate fell into the water.Luckily,at

3、the moment. 5.In the end,the keeper took us to the office and we dried out Jacks clothes. 6.When we finally got home,my parents saw us funny and we all burst out laughing.,PART2,写作训练,弄清文络 写作妙笔生花,仔细观察下面两幅图画,用英语写一篇幽默故事,讲述在星期天发生的“污水代墨”的趣事,反映“污染严重”这一主题。词数100左右。,注意:可以适当发挥,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:化工厂chemical plants,

4、审题 写作要求是看图写幽默故事。写作时应注意下面几点: 1.确定文体:这是一篇叙事类文章,写作中应注意叙事类文章的常规格式。 2.主体时态:文章应以一般现在时为主。 3.主体人称:由于是介绍自己经历的事情,所以人称应该以第一人称为主。,谋篇 第一段:介绍故事。 第二段:故事起因、发展、高潮、结局。 第三段:作者的感慨。,必备词汇 1.在路上 _ 2.惊讶地发现 _ 3.把倒入 _ 4.对感到满意 _ 5.做某事有用 _,查看答案,on the way,be astonished/surprised to find.,pour.into.,feel/be content/satisfied wi

5、th.,It is useful to do sth.,关键句式 1.我发现了一种不花钱的特殊墨水。 I found special ink that cost nothing. 2.这种墨水让人觉得好笑。 The ink amused me. 3.接着,我匆忙到附近的商店里。 Then I hurried to a store nearby. 4.我想买一瓶墨水。 I want to buy a bottle of ink. 5.在路上,我发现河里有些黑色的水。 On the way,I found some black water in the river.,6.我对此感到吃惊。 I wa

6、s astonished at it. 7.我看到它从附近的化工厂流出来。 I saw it flowing from the chemical plants nearby. 8.化工厂总是往河里倒黑水。 The chemical plants was always pouring black water into the river.,句式升级 1.请把句1和句2按下面括号内的提示合成一句话。 (1)I found special ink that cost nothing .(并列句) (2)I found special ink that cost nothing, .(非限制性定语从句

7、) 2.请把句3和句4按下面括号内的提示合成一句话。 (1)Then I hurried to a store nearby .(不定式) (2)Then I hurried to a store nearby a bottle of ink. (because),查看答案,and it made me amused,which was amusing,to buy a bottle of ink,because I wanted to buy,3.请把句5和句6按下面括号内的提示合成一句话。 (1)On the way,I was astonished to .(find宾语宾补) (2)O

8、n the way,I was astonished to _. (there be句型) 4.请把句7和句8按下面括号内的提示合成一句话。 (1)I saw it flowing from the chemical plants nearby _ _.(并列句) (2)I saw it flowing from the chemical plants nearby,.(非限制性定语从句),查看答案,find some black water in the river,find there was some black water in the river,and it was always

9、pouring,black water into the river,which was always pouring black water into the river,用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇100词左右的英语短文。,查看答案,参考范文 Last Sunday,I found special ink that cost nothing,which was amusing.,I was doing my homework at home when I found that my ink had run out.Then I hurried to a st

10、ore nearby to buy a bottle of ink.On the way,I was astonished to find there was some black water in the river.I saw it flowing from the chemical plants nearby,which was always pouring black water into the river.This is good ink! So I got some water and went home.It worked well for writing and I felt content with it. I think that the environment is important to everyones health.It is necessary to prevent the pollution at once.It is useful to recycle the waste as well.,查看答案,


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