2020年新课标通用高考英语一轮训练:专题一 语法基础考点三 形容词和副词

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2020年新课标通用高考英语一轮训练:专题一 语法基础考点三 形容词和副词_第1页
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2020年新课标通用高考英语一轮训练:专题一 语法基础考点三 形容词和副词_第2页
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2020年新课标通用高考英语一轮训练:专题一 语法基础考点三 形容词和副词_第3页
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1、考点三 形容词和副词限时 25 分钟一、单句语法填空1I think playing games every evening is a waste of timethere are more _ (mean) things to do 答案:meaningful 句意:我认为每天晚上玩游戏是在浪费时间还有很多有意义的事情要做。此处应用形容词修饰名词 things。意为 “有意义的” , 故填 meaningful。2At first Robert wouldnt let his daughter go diving, but _ (eventual) he gave in as she was

2、 so confident about her skills答案:eventually 句意:起初 ,罗伯特不愿让他女儿去潜水 ,但最终他让步了,因为她对她的技能是如此有把握。修饰整个句子使用副词,作状语。3John has three sisters Mary is the _ (clever) of the three 答案:most clever/cleverest 设空后的 of the three 表示三者,因此暗示要用形容词最高级。4Dont defend him any more Its obvious that he _ (deliberate) destroyed the f

3、ence of the garden 答案:deliberately 句意:不要再为他辩解了,很明显他是故意弄坏花园的栅栏的。分析句子结构及句意可知,此处应用 deliberate 的副词形式修饰动词 destroyed,意为“故意地 ”,故填 deliberately。 5The Forbidden City attracts a constant stream of visitors every day, _ (especial) during national holidays 答案:especially 句意:每天都有源源不断的游客来参观故宫,尤其是在国家法定假日。根据句意可知,此处应

4、用副词作状语修饰 “during national holidays”。6What was so _ (impression) about Jasmine Westlands victory was that she came first in the Marathon barefooted 答案:impressive 句意:关于 Jasmine Westland 的胜利令人印象深刻的是她在马拉松比赛中赤脚,并且得了第一名。此处应用形容词作表语。故填impressive。 7Nowadays teenagers are not _ (satisfy) with appreciation of

5、art works; they prefer to participate in them 答案:satisfied 句意:现在的青少年并不满足于只是欣赏艺术作品,他们更加喜欢参与到其中。be satisfied with 为固定词组,意为“对感到满意” 。8John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes _ (opening) 答案:open 当 open 作宾语补足语时 ,一般用它的形容词 ,不用它的现在分词。比如:with his eyes open。9The pianos in the other shop will be _

6、 (cheap), but not as good 答案:cheaper 根据句意,两个商店之间的比较,应填入比较级形式。该句可理解为:The pianos in the other shop will be cheaper, but not as good as those in this shop10Everything seemed to be going _ (smooth) for the first two days after I arrived in New York 答案:smoothly 句意:在我到达纽约的前两天,所有事情似乎都进展得很顺利。go 是一个实义动词,修饰动词

7、,使用副词作状语。11If we had followed his plan, we could have done the job better with _ (little) money and fewer people 答案:less better 和 fewer 暗示应用比较级形式,根据句意应填入 less,修饰不可数名词 money。12It is _ (possible) for so few workers to do so much work in a single day 答案:impossible 句意:这么少的工人在一天内做这么多的工作是不可能的。由句意可知,此处需填 i

8、mpossible “不可能的 ”。13Listening is thus an _ (act), not a passive behavior, consisting of hearing, understanding and remembering 答案:active 句意:听是一种主动的,而不是被动的行为,它包含了听、理解和记忆。根据后面的“not a passive”可知,此处与 passive 并列作定语,修饰后面的 behavior,故使用形容词形式 active。 14The students are _ (most) young people between the age o

9、f sixteen and twenty 答案:mostly 根据语境和后面的“young”可知,使用副词 mostly,意思是“主要地” ,修饰谓语动词。15The new bridge is three times as _ (width) as the one built last year 答案:wide 句意: 这座新桥是去年建的那座桥的三倍宽。表示 “某物是某物的几倍( 宽、长、大)” 应用“Sth be倍数as形容词原级as sth ”的结构。故填 wide。16She said she had never gone abroad, but _ (actual) she had

10、ever been to three countries at least答案:actually 句意:她说她从未出过国 ,但实际上她至少去过三个国家 。由句意可知,此处需用副词 actually “实际上” ,修饰整个句子 。17What followed was a _ (touch) scene答案:touching 句意:随后发生的是感人的一幕 。这里要用ing 形式的形容词, touching “感人的,动人的” 。18How was your job interview?Oh, I couldnt feel _ (bad) I hardly found proper answers

11、 to most of the questions they asked答案:worse 根据答语的第二句可推知 ,回答者感觉再糟糕不过了 ,“cant/couldnt比较级” 表示“再不过了” ,所以答案为 worse。19Our notes are much _ (thin) than the books so we can learn them more easily and can often review them答案:thinner 句意:我们的笔记和书相比薄多了,所以学习起来相对比较容易,而且我们可以经常温习笔记。由空格后的 than 可知,此处应用形容词比较级,much 修饰比

12、较级。thin 的比较级形式需要双写字母 n 再加er。20It is reported that global warming is heating the planet twice as quickly as _ (previous) feared答案:previously 句意:据报道,全球变暖正以两倍于先前所担心的速度加热着地球。previously “早先,以前” ,相当于 before “以前” ,符合句意。21If you decide to do your own makeup, here are a few _ (value) tips that will help you

13、look your best答案:valuable 句意:如果你决定自己化妆,这里有一些有用的小窍门,可以帮助你呈现最美的一面。valuable “有用的;有价值的” ,修饰 tips。22It was one of the largest and _ (fine) ships at that time答案:finest 句意:它是当时最大最好的船只之一。由句意及 and 前面的largest 一词可知此处应填形容词的最高级形式。23Seeing a dog suddenly appearing on the road, the driver turned the steering wheel

14、 _ (sharp) to avoid hitting it答案:sharply 句意:看到一条狗突然出现在路上,司机迅速转动方向盘,以免撞上它。此处用副词 sharply “迅速地,突然地 ”,修饰谓语动词 turned。24Alex has been in China for quite a few years _ (consequent), he speaks fluent Chinese答案:Consequently 句意:亚历克斯已经在中国待了好多年了 ,因此,他说一口流利的汉语。consequently “因此,所以” , 符合句意。25The lion attacked a go

15、at and soon the goat fell to the ground, _ (die)答案:dead 句意:狮子袭击了一只山羊 ,很快这只山羊倒地不起 ,死了。此处指状态,故用形容词 dead 作伴随状语。26Australia is the _ (large) island country in the world, which is in the south of the earth答案:largest 句意:澳大利亚是世界上最大的岛国,位于地球的南部。根据后面给出的范围 in the world 可知,这里应用形容词的最高级形式。27Many people have donat

16、ed that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs _ (much)答案:more 根据句意可以判断,此处表示血库需要更多该种类型的血。故填 more。28The manager has a strong preference for a job interview, for it evaluates a candidate more _ (thorough)答案:thoroughly 句意:经理对面试工作有强烈的偏好,因为这能够更全面地评估一个应试者。thoroughly “彻底地 ,全面地” ,修饰谓语动词evaluates。29We

17、could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us, which made us even more _ (frighten)答案:frightened 句意:我们可以很清楚地看到在前方出现了一道奇异的光芒,这使得我们更加害怕。由句意可知此处应填形容词 frightened,修饰人。30The farmers living conditions have improved _ (significance) ever since the policy of supporting agriculture was introduced答案:signi

18、ficantly 句意:自支持农业的政策实施以来,农民的生活条件显著提高了。该空需要用副词修饰动词 improved, 故填 significantly “显著地,重大地” 。二、单句改错1In college, it is going to be different from high school and Ill have to make an entire new group of friends _答案:entireentirely 此处 entire 并不是修饰名词 group,而是修饰形容词 new,故将 entire 改为 entirely。2It was original 60

19、0 dollars, but I got a 10 percent discount _答案:original originally 此处应用 originally,作状语,意为“起初” 。3After waiting for about half an hour, I began to get impatiently _答案:impatientlyimpatient 此处 get 在句中意为“变得” ,为系动词,故其后应用形容词作表语。4Giving help to the people who need it really counts in making us happily _答案:h

20、appilyhappy 此处使役动词 make 后应用形容词作宾补。5The mans body was pinned under the second car after it came to a suddenly stop_答案:suddenlysudden 句中 stop 用作名词,意为 “停止” ,修饰名词应用形容词。6It seems that if the result is bad, what people work for will be meaningless Personally speaking, the process of fighting for a goal is

21、 less important than the result _答案:lessmore 根据语境可知,表示过程比结果更加重要,因此将 less改为 more。 7She found someone was following her, so she felt very frightening _答案:frighteningfrightened 句意: 她发现有人跟着她,因此她感到非常恐惧。描述人的心理感受,应该使用ed 结尾的形容词 。8As a result, people in the modern world generally live much more longer than p

22、eople in the past_答案:去掉 more much 用于修饰比较级,表示程度 ,而 more 用于构成比较级。此处 longer 本身已是比较级的形式,所以不需要加 more。9I used to watch TV a lot in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football to build up my body_答案:interestinginterested be interested in “对感兴趣” ,为固定搭配。10David sings better than me, but he doesnt sin

23、g as good as my brother_答案:goodwell 句意:戴维唱歌比我好,但他不如我兄弟唱得好。此处修饰动词 sing,因此应用 good 的副词形式 well。11We decided to stay at home instead of climbing the mountains because it was raining hardly_答案:hardlyhard hardly 为否定副词,意思是“几乎不” 。此处指雨下得大,因此应用副词 hard,也可用 heavily。12He is a hardworking boy and often comes to cl

24、ass early and leaves lately_答案:latelylate lately 为副词,意思是“最近,近来” 。late 也可用作副词,意思是“晚” 。根据句意,应该用 late。13More important, it reminds them that youre thinking of them_答案:important importantly more importantly “更重要的是” ,作整个句子的状语,因此必须用副词。14Chopsticks may be made of any of the follow materials: bamboo, wood,

25、gold, silver, ivory, or plastic_答案:followfollowing follow 为动词,意思是“跟随,遵循” ;following 为形容词,意思是“下面的,接着的” 。the following materials “下面的材料” 。15I am not satisfied with his answer at all It couldnt have been bad_答案:bad worse 句意:我对他的回答一点也不满意。真是糟糕透了。“否定词比较级”表示最高级的含义,因此应用 bad 的比较级形式 worse。形容词和副词( 一)一、形容词和副词的基

26、本用法1形容词一般用作定语修饰名词,用作表语说明主语的性质、状态等或用作宾语补足语说明宾语的情况。2副词一般用作状语,修饰形容词、副词、动词或整个句子等。但是,也有少数几个形容词,如:tired, hungry, dead 等也可作状语,说明主语当时的情况或状态。同时,有的副词,如:here, there 等也可作后置定语。二、 “形容词ly”构成副词的规则三、与形容词同形的副词一般情况下形容词词尾加ly 可以构成副词,但有的形容词以 ly 结尾,如:friendly, lively, lovely, manly 等。另外,英语中也有一类副词,形式上与其形容词相同,但同时又可以加上ly 构成另

27、一个副词,这两种副词意义大都不同。1通常与形容词同形的副词表示直接、具体意义,ly 结尾的副词表示抽象意义。常用的这类副词有:Error! Error!Error! Error!An eagle is circling high overheadThe government thinks highly of his inventionWe were all deeply moved by his story2也有一些这样的副词意义毫无关联。hard 努力地;艰苦地 hardly 几乎不late 晚;迟 lately 近来,最近,不久前most 十分,非常,很 mostly 大部分地;主要地四、

28、形容词和副词某些特殊用法1当形容词修饰不定代词 one, no, any, some 和 every 等构成的复合词,如:something, anything, nothing 时,经常位于这些词的后面作后置定语。I have something_important to tell you2形容词作状语表示伴随或结果。说明主语所处的状态,并不表示动作的方式。He went to bed, cold_and_hungry3 “否定词比较级”表示最高级含义。It cant be worseIts the worst thing (Ive ever known)4most 前如果没有定冠词 the

29、 修饰,就没有比较的意思,只是用来加强语气,有“很,非常”之意。This is a_most_interesting_story5though 也可以用作副词,但用作副词时常放在句末,意为 “然而,可是”。She promised to phone I heard nothing, though6cannot/never 与 enough 或 too 连用,意为“再也不为过;越越好” 。You cannot be careful enough/too careful to study7有些副词置于句首可修饰全句,作评注性状语。Obviously,_your answer is absolute

30、ly wrong限时 25 分钟一、单句语法填空1(2018全国卷 )According to a review of evidence in a medical journal, runners live three years _ (long) than nonrunners答案:longer 此处指跑步的人比不跑步的人多活 3 年。根据后面的 than可知,此处要使用比较级形式,故填 longer。2(2018全国卷 )Running is cheap, easy and its always _ (energy)答案:energetic 本句为主系表结构,故此处应该用形容词作表语。en

31、ergetic “精力充沛的” 。3(2018全国卷 )A taste for meat is _ (actual) behind the change: An important part of its corn is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle答案:actually 根据语境 ,此处修饰谓语动词 is,故用副词作状语。4(2018全国卷 )According to the World Bank, China accounts for about 30 percent of total _ (globe) fertilizer consum

32、ption答案:global 根据语境,此处表示中国几乎占了世界化肥消耗量的 30%,因此使用形容词作后面名词的定语。故填 global。5(2018全国卷 )That makes her baby scream, and then a 400pound male appears He screams the _ (loud) of all答案:loudest 由空格后的“of all”可知,他(雄性大猩猩 )喊叫的声音最大。因此填最高级形式 loudest。6(2018浙江高考 )The obvious one is money; eating out once or twice a wee

33、k may be _ (afford) but doing this most days adds up答案:affordable may be 后面加形容词,将 afford 变成形容词 affordable,作表语。7(2018全国卷 )Everybody can buy takeaway food, but sometimes were not aware how _ (cheap) we can make this food ourselves答案:cheaply 根据 how 后面跟形容词或者副词,设空处修饰后面的make,作状语,故填 cheaply。8(2018天津高考 )_ (

34、responsible) use of a fire extinguisher can create a dangerous situation for other residents and could result in damage to personal property答案:Irresponsible 根据语境可知 ,不负责任的使用灭火器会造成危险的情况。故将 responsible 变成反义词 irresponsible。9(2018北京高考 )With all the programs, teamwork is key as trainees learn the importan

35、ce of leadership and being part of a _ (big) task答案:bigger 此处强调与原来任务的对比,故填 bigger。10(2018浙江高考 )One study found that a cotton bag must be used at least 131 times to be _ (good) for the planet than plastic 答案:better 根据后面的 than 可知,一个棉质的袋子至少使用 131 次才会比塑料袋对地球更加有好处,故填 better。 11(2017江苏高考 )Only five years

36、after Steve Jobs death, smartphones defeated _ (convention) PCs in sales答案:conventional 句意:仅仅在 Steve Jobs 去世 5 年后,智能手机就在销售上打败了传统的个人电脑。设空处应该用形容词形式修饰后面的名词。12(2018河南八市重点高中质检)He gave me one thing I had lost _ (complete): hope答案:completely 句意:他给了我一件我完全失去的东西:希望。设空处需用副词修饰动词 lost。13(2018江西九江一中第一次月考)It is _

37、(real) an exciting place答案:really 句意:那真是一个令人兴奋的地方 。 设空处用副词作状语。14(2018河北唐山一次调研)Als adult son, Ernie, however, is one of the _ (kind) men I have ever known答案:kindest 句意:然而 Al 已成年的儿子 Ernie 是我认识的最有爱心的人之一。根据“I have ever known”可推知空处需用形容词最高级。15(2019湖北襄阳一次调研)Learning signals of respect in _ (variety) cultur

38、al backgrounds can help you avoid misunderstanding答案:various 句意:学会在各种文化背景里表示尊重的信号可以帮助你们避免误解。设空处后为名词短语,需用形容词作定语,故填 various。16(2018江西二次联考 )Then I sat there with her, a _ (pride) mother and wife who lost her entire family a few years ago答案:proud 句意:然后我和她坐在那里,这是一个几年前失去了全部家人的自豪的女人,她是一位母亲、一位妻子。设空处需用形容词作名词

39、短语mother and wife 的定语,故填 proud。17(2017全国卷 )_ (unfortunate), you must carry the necessary equipment with you, since its all but impossible to find natural substitutes答案:Unfortunately 句意:不幸的是,你必须随身携带必备的设备,因为你几乎找不到天然的替代品。unfortunately 用在句首,修饰整个句子,作评论性状语。18(2018福州质检 )With the word “PM25” _ (constant) ap

40、pearing in media reports, people pay great attention to it and seek health tips for smoggy days答案:constantly 句意:随着“PM25”这个词不断地出现在媒体报道中,人们更关注它,并寻找应对雾霾天气的健康建议。根据结构可知,此处应用副词形式修饰 appearing。19(2016全国卷 )The title will be _ (official) given to me at a ceremony in London答案:officially 句意:这个头衔会在伦敦的典礼上正式地授予我。此

41、处修饰动词 given 应用副词形式。20(2016全国卷 )If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify (识别) those of _ (great) and less importance答案:greater 句意:如果你因为工作责任而感到有压力的话,那么你应该暂缓一下,识别哪些事情更重要,哪些不太重要。由 and 连接两个并列成分可知,所填词应与 less 并列,故用比较级 greater。21(2016全国卷 )Food in small piece

42、s could be eaten easily with twigs which _ (gradual) turned into chopsticks答案:gradually 句意:小块的食物用树枝容易吃到,这样树枝就逐渐演变成了筷子。所填词修饰动词,所以用副词形式。22(2016浙江高考 )That young man is honest, cooperative, always there when you need his help In short, hes _ (rely)答案:reliable 句意:那个年轻人很诚实 ,有合作精神,当你需要他的帮助的时候,他总会在那里。简而言之,他

43、是可以信赖的。be 动词后面要接形容词作表语。23(2019江苏启东中学月考)Many actors, actresses and models hold ordinary, less _ (glamor) jobs, often working as waiters or waitresses, in order to support themselves答案:glamorous 句意:许多男演员、女演员和模特都从事着普通的、不那么令人向往的工作,通常是做服务员来养活自己。此处修饰名词 jobs,表示令人向往的,故填形容词 glamorous。24(2019湖南长沙长郡中学摸底)As a result, farmers are _ (gradual) unable to use fields close to the sea答案:gradually 句意:结果 ,农民们渐渐不能使用靠近海洋的土地 。此处应使用副词形式作状语。25(2018吉林普通中学一调)I _ (recent) returned to my home city and my first stop was at a museum on the River Mersey答案:recently 句意:最近我回到了我的家乡,第一站就是默西河畔的一家博物馆。此处需用


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