2019-2020学年英语必修5北师大版学案:Unit 15 闪卡

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1、Unit 15 Learning 单元知识复习(闪卡展示,快速高效).请说出下列单词的汉语意思1.arrow n.箭 2.oxygen n.氧,氧气 3.tick vt.打勾做记号 4.ox n.牛,公牛5.backwards adv.由前向后地 6.jar n.罐子,坛子 7.secure adj.安全的;稳定的;无忧无虑的 8.blank adj.空白的 9.swell v.被充满;膨胀,肿胀 10.throat n.咽喉,喉咙 11.saying n.格言,谚语 12.postage n.邮费 13.airmail n.航空邮政14.user n.使用者15.alphabet n.字母表

2、16.drill n.练习,训练 17.motto n.格言,座右铭18.alternative adj.非传统的;另类的19.reputation n.名誉,名声 20.loose adj.(指言行等) 不严谨的,放荡的;宽松的21.mild adj.温和的22.pace n.速度,步速 23.outstanding adj.杰出的,优秀的24.angle n.角 25.triangle n.三角形 26.atom n.原子 27.powder n.火药 28.flame n.火焰,火舌 29.acid n.酸30.onion n.洋葱 31.glue n.胶,胶水32.rank n.职衔

3、33.bureaucratic adj.官僚的 34.religion n.宗教 35.shadow n.阴影,影子 36.conventional adj.传统的,保守的37.kingdom n.王国 38.civilisation n.文明 39.vital adj.极其重要的40.choir n.合唱队,合唱团.请拼写下列英语单词1.拼写 n.spelling拼写 vt.spell2.改正,改进 n.correction改正,纠正 vt.correct3.简化 vt.simplify简单的 adj.simple4.怀疑 vt.suspect 5.现状;社会地位 n.status6.最高级

4、别的 adj.chief 7.指导,教导 vt.instruct指导,说明 n.instruction8.在一边,向一边 adv.aside 9.埋葬 vt.bury 10.区别,辨别 vt.distinguish11.保守的,旧式的 adj.conservative12.惩罚,处罚 n.punishment惩罚 vt.punish13.少量的,微小的 adj.slight稍微地 adv.slightly 14.服从,听从 vt.obey15.接收者 n.receiver接收 vt.receive16.反映;反射 vt. reflect反射;反思 n.reflection17.挑选 vt.se

5、lect挑选 n.selection 18.误解 v.misunderstand误解 n.misunderstanding19.倒,灌 vt.pour20.缺乏,没有 vt.lack21.吐口水,吐痰 vi.spit22.拖,拉 vt.drag 23.(使用或见到的)机会,权利 n. access24.值得努力的 adj.worthwhile 25.间谍,特务 n.spy 26.同伴 n.fellow27.获得,得到 vt.acquire 28.思考,考虑 n.thinking29.值得的 adj.worthy 30.保卫,保护 n.defence保卫 vt.defend 31.忽视,不顾 v

6、t.ignore不知道的 adj.ignorant32.不情愿的 adj.unwilling愿意的 adj.willing 33.赞成;认可;满意 vt.approve赞成,认可 n.approval34.力劝,强烈要求 vt.urge迫切的 adj.urgent35.启发;鼓舞 vt.inspire灵感,鼓舞 n.inspiration 36.有用的,有益的 adj.beneficial好处,益处 n. benefit37.比喻;景象,形象 n. image38.假定,假设 vt. assume假设 n.assumption 39.(使)适应 vt.adapt适用;改编 n.adaptati

7、on40.欣赏 n.appreciation欣赏,感激 vt.appreciate.请说出下列短语搭配1.坦率地说 frankly speaking说实话 honestly speaking一般来说 generally speaking2.裁员,解雇 lay offlay off doing sth.停止做某事lay sth.aside 把放在一边;储存lay sth.down 放下;制定规则、原则等lay out 摆开,铺开;安排,布置3.与 set 有关的短语set up 建立set aside 放在一边set down 写下,记下set off 引发,爆炸4.aside from 除之外

8、apart from 除 之外5.switch off 关掉6.与 break 有关的短语break out 爆发break up 分手,分解break down 破裂,垮掉break off 折断7.contribute to 有助于,导致8.participate in 参加9.hand out 分发 10 在某种程度上 to a certain extent11.落在后面 fall behind12.与 go 有关的短语go over 复习go up 上升go down 下降go out 熄灭13.与 put 有关的短语put off 推迟put away 收起来放好put on 上演p

9、ut up 张贴14.for the first time 第一次15.have access to.有机会使用be accessible to.可以使用16.to start with 首先 17.be accustomed to 习惯于18.违背 go against 19.往往会,倾向于 tend to 20.赞成,赞许 approve of.请快速背出下列课文原句1.I felt as if I had done something wrong!我感觉自己似乎做错了什么!2.I decided that it was time I became an Internet user. 我决

10、定是我成为互联网用户的时候了。3.I got my grandson to instruct me on how to email and use the Internet.我让孙子教我如何发电子邮件和如何使用网络4.Some schools teach how to pass tests so that the students can go to university.有些学校教授如何通过考试,以便学生能上大学。5.Founded in 1896, “Tredona School” is proud of its long list of outstanding past students

11、.在 1896 年建立,Tredona 学校为它过去那么多优秀的学生而自豪。6.Our goal is to contribute to the students whole being by giving each of them real-life skills.我们的目标是通过给学生真正的生活技能从而有助于他们整体的生活。7.I have a slight feeling that youre angry with me.我稍微有种感觉,你生我的气了。8.Once I caught him and a friend seeing who could spit the furthest o

12、ff the school stage!有一次我当场捉到他和一个朋友比赛看谁从学校舞台上吐口水吐得最远!9.It is not surprising that people wanted to believe these ancient views as they had been put forward by the great philosopher Aristotle (384322 BC).人们愿意相信这些古老的见解,这毫不奇怪,因为那是伟大的哲学家亚里士多德(公元前384322)提出来的。10.But even though Aristotle was a great man who inspired many great scientists and philosophers after him,he was wrong at times.但是即使是亚里士多德这样一位鼓舞了很多科学家和哲学家的伟大人物,有时也会犯错误。


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