2019-2020学年英语必修5北师大版学案:Unit 13 Period Eight

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1、Period Eight WritingAn introduction to a person1概念本单元的写作任务是人物描写。人物描写是对一个人的外貌、性格、爱好以及生平事迹等进行介绍。人物描写的体裁一般是记叙文,有时也以看图作文、表格、书信、新闻等的形式出现。2人物描写的一般顺序开头:对该人物进行简要地介绍,如身高、职业等;主体:可以按照时间顺序或在事件中的主次地位进行介绍;结尾:对该人物进行评价或者发表自己的感想。3人物描写的主要内容(1)总体描写:年龄、性别、出生地、家庭及教育背景等;(2)外表、性格特点以及爱好、特长等;(3)详细介绍人物的特点以及生平大事等;(4)对人物进行总体评价

2、。1.be born on/in/at.2.has a height of.and a weight of.3.loves./His/Her favorite.is /are./His/Her hobbies/interests are.4.is considered (to be) one of the greatest.5.is such a learned/strongminded person that we all.6We can learn.from him/her.7Wellknown as.,he/she.8He/She is praised/honored for.9.wil

3、l live in the hearts of.forever.请你根据以下表格信息,写一篇 100 词左右的英语短文,简要介绍羽毛球运动员林丹。姓名 林丹 籍贯 中国福建省龙岩市出生日期 19831014身高 1.78 米体重 72 公斤职业生涯5 岁开始打羽毛球;12 岁参军;18 岁进入国家队;获得过多项国际大赛冠军,包括北京奥运会和伦敦奥运会两枚金牌。其它 左手握拍;获胜后常常将衣服扔向观众以示庆祝。参考词汇:羽毛球 badminton 审题写作要求是介绍著名羽毛球运动员林丹。写作时应注意以下几点:1确定文体:这是一篇人物介绍,写作中应注意人物介绍的常规格式;2主体时态:文章应以一般现

4、在时和一般过去时为主;3主体人称:由于是介绍别人,所以人称应该以第三人称为主。谋篇第一段:人物情况基本介绍;第二段:介绍人物的基本经历和取得的成就;第三段:对人物进行评价。必备词汇1在岁时 at the age of.2被接收 be admitted into.3到目前为止 so far4各种各样的 a variety of/varieties of/all kinds of5庆祝某人的胜利 celebrate ones victory关键句式1林丹于 1983 年 10 月 14 日出生于中国福建省的龙岩市。Lin Dan was born on Oct.14th,1983,in Longy

5、an City,Fujian Province,China.2林丹是一位世界著名的羽毛球运动员。Lin Dan is a worldfamous badminton player.3六年后他进入了国家队。He was admitted into the national team six years later.4他的职业生涯开始了。His professional career began.5到目前为止,他在各种各样的国际比赛中获得了很多冠军和荣誉。So far,he has received lots of champions and honors in a variety of inte

6、rnational competitions.6他的奖项中包括北京奥运会和伦敦奥运会两枚金牌。Two Olympic gold medals from Beijing and London are among his awards.句式升级1请把第 1 句和第 2 句按下面括号内的提示合成一句话。(1)Lin Dan,born on Oct.14th,1983,in Longyan City,Fujian Province,China,is a worldfamous badminton player.(使用非谓语动词)(2)Lin Dan,who was born on Oct.14th,1

7、983,in Longyan City,Fujian Province,China,is a worldfamous badminton player.(使用定语从句)2请把第 3 句和第 4 句按下面括号内的提示合成一句话。(1)His professional career began six years later when he was admitted into the national team.(使用定语从句)(2)Six years later he was admitted into the national team,so his professional career b

8、egan.(用 so改为并列句)3请把第 5 句和第 6 句按下面括号内的提示合成一句话。(1)So far,he has received lots of champions and honors in a variety of international competitions,including the two Olympic gold medals from Beijing and London.(including.)(2)So far,he has received lots of champions and honors in a variety of internationa

9、l competitions,among which are the two Olympic gold medals from Beijing and London.(使用非限制性定语从句)用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇 100 词左右的英语短文。参考范文Lin Dan,born on Oct.14th,1983,in Longyan City,Fujian Province,China,is a worldfamous badminton player.He is 1.78 metres tall and weighs 72kg.Lin Dan started

10、playing badminton at the age of five and joined the army when he was twelve.His professional career began six years later when he was admitted into the national team.He is famous for his lefthanded playing style.So far,he has received lots of champions and honors in a variety of international competitions,including the two Olympic gold medals from Beijing and London.After winning a game,he often throws his sportswear to the audience to celebrate his victory.He is loved by many fans around the world.


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