2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修2学案含解析:Unit 4 Period Three

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1、Period Three Lesson 2 Websites.写出下列单词(词语)的汉语意思(共 6 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 18 分)1.military adj.军事的,军用的2.the Pentagon (美国)五角大楼3.nuclear adj.原子能的work n.网络5.project n.课题;方案;工程6.fashion n.时髦,时尚.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共 5 小题;每小题 5 分,满分 25 分)7.scientific adj.科学的science n.科学scientist n.科学家8.fancy vt.(非正式) 想要做;幻想9.suggestion

2、n.建议,提议suggest vt.提议,建议10.reject vt.拒绝,不接受11.arrangement n.安排arrange vt.安排;排列;整理.写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共 10 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 30 分)12.get in touch 取得联系13.hang on (电话用语)别挂断 14.be up to 做,从事于15.make suggestions 提议16.make an arrangement 做安排17.look for 寻找18.get on 上车;穿上;取得进展19.pay attention to 注意20.so that 为的是;结

3、果是21.fancy doing sth. 想要/幻想做某事.完成句子(共 3 小题;每小题 9 分,满分 27 分)22.Then it was in the mid-1990s that the Internet really began to grow fast.因特网真正开始迅速发展是在 20 世纪 90 年代中期。23.How about the cinema on Friday?周五去看电影怎么样?24.Why dont we go on Saturday morning?我们为什么不在星期六上午去呢?重点词汇And do you fancy going to the dance

4、on Saturday night? 你 想 周 六 晚 上 去 跳 舞 吗 ??fancy vt.& n.(非正式)想象;幻想;喜爱 adj.别致的,花哨的一词多义 写出下列句子中 fancy 的词性及汉语意思(1)She wants to buy a handbag,not fancy but strong.adj.花哨的(2)Do you fancy that girl?vt.喜欢(3)Children are always full of fancies.n.奇思;幻想(4)I fancy I have met you before.vt.想,认为fancy sth. /doing s

5、th. 想要某物;想要/幻想做某事fancy sb. as/to be.想象某人是fancy (sb. ) doing sth. 真想不到(某人) 做某事(常用祈使句表示惊奇或震惊 )have a fancy for 喜欢(5)Do you fancy going to the cinema this evening?今晚你想不想去看电影?(6)Fancy her saying such rude things!想不到她竟然说出这样无礼的话! (7)I cant fancy him as/to be an English teacher.我无法想象他当英语老师是什么样子。Get in touc

6、h.联 系 我 。get in touch with 和取得联系 表示动作be in/out of touch with 和 有/ 失去联系 表示状态keep in touch with 同保持联系 表示状态lose touch with 和失去联系 表示动作注意:get in touch 与 lose touch 表示短暂动作,不与一段时间连用;be in touch 与 be out of touch 表示状态,可以与一段时间连用。(1)To make it easier to get in touch with us,youd better keep this card at hand.

7、为了更容易地和我们取得联系,你最好把这张名片放在手头。(2)We are in close touch with our office in Spain.我们和在西班牙的办事处保持密切联系。(3)We have made many foreign friends but we have lost touch with some of them.我们结交了很多外国朋友,但已和他们中的一些失去了联系。语境串记 I kept/was in touch with my college classmates for about ten years.Unfortunately,when I lost my

8、 mobile phone,I lost touch with them.Later,I got in touch with them online after we were out of touch for about half a year.我与大学同学保持了十年的联系。不幸的是,当我丢了手机后,我与他们失去了联系。后来,在失去联系大约半年后,我在网上与他们取得了联系。Just hang on a second.别 挂 电 话 , 稍 等 一 会 儿 。?hang on (电话用语)别挂断;紧紧抓住(to );坚持;取决于一词多义 写出下列句子中 hang on 的汉语意思(1)Dont

9、 be nervous.What you should do is hang on to the rope when falling down.抓紧(2)We are going hiking tomorrow,but it hangs on the weather.取决于(3)Its a hard task,but if you hang on ,you will succeed in the end. 坚持;不放弃hold on 别挂断hang up/ring off 挂断电话get through 接通电话;打通;联系上(4)Ive been trying to phone Charle

10、s all evening,but there must be something wrong with the network;I cant seem to get through.一整晚上我都试图给查尔斯打电话,但是网络肯定出了故障,我似乎无法接通电话。单句改错(5)It is often the case that anything is possible for those who hang on hope. to一句多译(6)请别挂断电话。史密斯先生就要来了。Hang/Hold on please! Mr Smith is coming.Dont hang up please !Mr

11、 Smith is coming.Dont ring off please!Mr Smith is coming.What are you up to this weekend?这周末你要做什么??be up to(doing) sth. 能胜任(做) 某事;从事/ 忙于(做) 某事一词多义 写出下列句子中 up to 的汉语意思(1)Some study rooms are for 23 people and others can hold up to 68 people.达到;多达(2)The children are very quiet.I wonder what they are u

12、p to.忙于(3)John was dismissed because he wasnt up to his work.胜任(4)Up to now hes still quiet.直到(5)This is up to you.取决于be up to sb. to do sth. 做某事是某人的职责;由某人决定做某事up to sth. 达到 某数量、程度等 ;至多有Its up to you. 交际用语 由你决定。(6)Shall we go to the Science Museum?Its all up to you.咱们去科学博物馆怎么样?这完全由你决定。(7)Its up to t

13、he manager to make(make) the final decision.由经理来做最终的决定。Reject suggestions拒 绝 建 议?reject vt.拒绝;不接受,不录用reject an argument/a claim/a decision/an offer/a suggestion 拒绝接受一个论点/ 一项要求/一个决定/一项提议/一个建议rejection n.拒绝接受,否决;(对求职者等的) 拒绝;嫌弃,厌弃(1)Like those early days for Dad,I faced lots of rejections . (2017天津)和父亲

14、早些时候一样,我也被拒绝多次。易混辨析 reject,refusereject 表示因为令人不满意、有缺陷或无用而抛弃,它暗示无条件地拒绝。refuse 也表示“拒绝” ,不仅可以用来拒绝别人的请求,还可以用于拒绝别人的邀请或帮助;既是及物动词也是不及物动词。可以与不定式连用,而 reject 则不能。选词填空 reject,refuse(2)I refuse to take part in anything that is illegal.(3)Tom rejected Marys suggestion that he go to the West.(4)She refused a seco

15、nd piece of cake.(5)Its obvious why his application was rejected.?suggestion n.建议,提议suggestion 作“建议,提议 ”讲时,对应的主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中的谓语动词用“should动词原形” ,should 可以省略。suggest v.提议,建议;暗示,表明suggest sth. to sb. 向某人建议某事( 不能说 suggest sb. sth. )suggest doing sth. 建议做某事suggest (to sb. ) that.(向某人)建议(that 从句中谓语动词用“s

16、hould动词原形” ,should可省略)注意:suggest 作“暗示,表明”讲时,从句要用陈述语气。(6)Her suggestion was that we (should) go there at once.她的建议是我们立刻去那里。(7)Her pale face suggested that she was ill,and her friends suggested that she (should) have a medical examination.她苍白的脸色表明她病了,她的朋友们建议她做个体检。句型转换(8)I suggested that the sports mee

17、ting be put off.I suggested putting off the sports meeting.Make an arrangement做 安 排?arrangement n.安排make an arrangement/arrangements (for sth. )(为某事)做安排arrange vt.安排arrange for sb. to do.安排某人做 arrange to do.安排做(1)We have already made arrangements for our vacation.我们已经做了假期安排。(2)I arranged to meet(mee

18、t) him in secret.我安排与他秘密会面。单句改错(3)Please arrange someone to pick me up at six. for经典句式How about the cinema on Friday?周五去看电影怎么样?句中 how about 表示征求对方意见,后面还可以接 v.-ing 形式。上句可改为:How about going to the cinema on Friday?表示征求对方意见、看法的句型还有:(1)What about (doing) sth. ?(做) 某事如何?(2)How is sth. ?用于询问别人对所经历过的事情的看法或

19、反应以及对某物的评价。(3)What do you think of sb. /sth. ?用于询问对某人/ 某事的看法或想法。(4)How do you like sb. /sth. ?主要用来询问对某人 /某事的感觉怎么样。(1)What/How about meeting at the nearby restaurant?在附近的饭店见面怎么样?(2)Id like to go shopping today.What/How about you?我今天想去购物。你呢?(3)How do you like your new job?你感觉你的新工作怎么样?.单词拼写1.Tom was re

20、jected(拒绝) by the air force because of his bad eyesight.2.They are planning a nuclear(原子能的) power plant.3.It is important to build up a network(网络) of professional contacts.4.The professor has made several new scientific(科学的) discoveries.5.We should contribute to the Hope Project(工程) that helps the

21、poor children return to school.完成句子6.The question is how we can get in touch with him.问题是我们怎样与他取得联系。7.Id hang on to that letter.I might need it later.我会留着那封信,或许以后用得着。8.We all suggest that a lab (should) be built. 我们都建议建一座实验室。9.I cant fancy him doing such a thing.我无法想象他竟然做出这种事。10.How/What about takin

22、g a walk along the river after supper? 晚饭后沿着这条河去散步怎么样?11.We have arranged for another man to take his place.我们已经安排好另一个人接替他了。12.We had better not go out now.Its too late.天太晚了,我们现在最好不要出去。基础巩固.单句语法填空1.It was because of the accident that he was late.2.The belief that the world is flat is not scientific(

23、science).3.When do you know the new film will be on?4.Our teacher suggested holding(hold) a meeting on what to do for the safety education.5.What do you think of the film?Its great.I have never seen such a wonderful film before.6.What are you going to do this Sunday,Mary?Its up to the weather.7.Do y

24、ou fancy listening(listen) to music?8.Although rejection(reject) makes us feel hurt,we can never avoid it.选词填空hang on, get in touch with, make arrangements, go on, be up to9.He managed to get in touch with his English teacher,who now lives in Hawaii.10.You can pay weekly or monthlyit is up to you.11

25、.Youd better make arrangements for the meeting.12.By watching TV we can know whats going on in the world.13.Hang on a minute while I look it up.单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误 )14.How long have you in touch with Mr Wang?gotbeen15.The writer was born the late 1990s.onin16.Ive arranged Mary to meet you at the airpor

26、t. for17.Her suggestion is reasonable that everyone 或 would take an umbrella in case of rain.wouldshould18.How about to see a film tonight?gogoing能力提升.阅读理解AThe Internet doesnt only help students with their everyday school work,but can also help them find useful materials to prepare for college.One o

27、f the largest and best search engines online can be found at .When you get to the home page,type a key word or phrase into the search box,you will receive a list of websites that are connected with your search.A great site to start with is .It offers links to websites about science,history ,math and

28、 other subjects.In order to interact with some sites,you will need to download Shockwave.Shockwave is a plug-in that you can download from a site.There will be a link to download it from,if the site requires it.You will find that some of the sites charge users some money to get their services and in

29、formation.One such site is .They offer some free study aids,but charge a fee for using their lessons and quizzes in middle school and high school subjects.At ,you can learn how things work.It covers car engines to tornadoes.Children may be unable to control themselves when they are chatting online.S

30、o parents will need to set a time limit for childrens visits to chat rooms.At ,they have software that offers parental control (what sites your children view) and an Internet timer.The Internet timer is a great tool.When the users time is up, they will be logged out.This site can give parents a 30-d

31、ay-free trial(试用) to see if its right for their children and family.语 篇 解 读 本 文 主 要 介 绍 了 几 个 可 以 帮 助 中 学 生 搜 索 资 料 的 网 站 。19.This passage mainly .A.informs us that the Internet sometimes can be very usefulB.teaches parents how to help their children use the Internet properlyC.explains why students

32、need to search information on the InternetD.introduces some useful websites to middle school students答案 D解析 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了几个可以帮助中学生搜索资料的网站。故选 D 项。20.According to Paragraph 2,if you want to find a website about health,what procedure should you follow?Click the website link that you think is rig

33、ht for you.Get to the home page of .A list of websites connected with health will show up.Type the key word “health” into the search box.A. B. C. D.答案 C解析 细节理解题。根据第二段的描述可知,应先打开谷歌的主页,然后在搜索框里输入关键字,接着会有很多网站的链接跳出来,最后点击相关链接进入页面,故选 C 项。21.By saying that children may be unable to control themselves when th

34、ey are chatting online, the writer means that .A.children may talk about something improper onlineB.children may talk about something that has nothing to do with their studiesC.children may spend too much time chatting online with othersD.children may go out and meet people with whom they have chatt

35、ed on the Internet答案 C解析 句意理解题。根据最后一段第二句“So parents will need to set a time limit for childrens visits to chat rooms.”可知,此处是说孩子们在聊天室聊天的时候可能会忘记时间。故选 C。22.We can infer that the Internet timer is most popular with .A.doctors B.parentsC.students D.businessmen答案 B解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后三句可知,因特网定时器可以很好地控制孩子上网的时

36、间,故可推断,因特网定时器应该最受父母们的欢迎。BDuring the day,Mike Kosciuk teaches students at De La Salle Collegiate High School in Michigan.However,in the evenings and on weekends,Mike provides instruction on T.Not only does he teach students math from 9th grade through college level,he also teaches other online teache

37、rs how to improve their teaching skills.Recognized as a leader in online teaching,Mike was the February 2010 Tutor of the Month for T.Chrissy Markley is one of many online teachers who are taking virtual learning to the lower grades.At Arizona Connections Academy,an online public school,Chrissy teac

38、hes 7/8th Grade Gifted Language Arts and 9th Grade Language Arts.Once a 6th grade teacher in a traditional public school area,Chrissy enjoys teaching in the virtual classroom.Recognized as an excellent teacher,she was named the schools 2011 Teacher of the Year.Having ten years experience in online t

39、eaching,Jody Shine began teaching with Davenport University.When she was asked to teach online, she was skeptical at first.“I feared something would be lost in the give and take of classroom discussion, ” Jody said.“Now I know online teaching allows students greater freedom to express themselves.”To

40、day,Jody uses voice recordings and online videos to teach English Composition to Davenport students.Like Arizona Connections Academy,Open High School of Utah is also a public school offering online instruction.There,Amy Pace is an award-winning(获奖的) science teacher.After spending 11 years in a tradi

41、tional teaching environment, Amy joined Open High School of Utah.She has helped create an interesting science course.In 2010,she was one of 103 7th to 12th grade teachers to be chosen for a Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.语 篇 解 读 本 文 是 一 篇 应 用 文 。文 章 介 绍 了 四 位 网

42、 课 老 师 。23.What subject does Mike teach?A.English Composition. B.Language Arts.C.Science. D.Math.答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Not only does he teach students math”可知,迈克是教数学的。24.The underlined word “skeptical” in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ”.A.unhappy B.doubtfulC.serious D.bored答案 B解析 词义猜测题。根据乔迪紧接着说的“I fea

43、red something would be lost in the give and take of classroom discussion”和“Now I know online teaching allows students greater freedom to express themselves”之间的对比可知,乔迪一开始担心网络授课中不能很好地进行课堂讨论交流,因此对是否要进行网络授课有所迟疑。25.What kind of readers will probably like reading the text?A.Parents who are helping their k

44、ids choose a public school.B.Students who are searching for an online teacher.C.Teachers who want to win prizes in teaching.D.Anyone who likes to study abroad.答案 B解析 推理判断题。文章主要介绍了四位网上授课老师的基本情况以及他们所获得的相应奖项,因此对于正在挑选在线老师的学生来说很有用处。.七选五The eyes are the windows of the soul.Having a pair of bright,clear ey

45、es is very important,so we should protect our eyes throughout our lives.26 Dont read while lying down or walking.Relax after every hour of reading.Keep a distance from the TV set when you watch TV and give your eyes a rest every 30 minutes.Dont stare at the sun or try to read in the darkness. 27 Thi

46、s can damage your eyes easily.Get your eyes checked often.Not many people have this habit,but it is necessary.If you feel that there is something wrong with your eyes,get them checked quickly. 28 29 You can close your eyes for a few seconds or look into the distance for one or two minutes.A small br

47、eak will relax your eyes and help to stop you from getting eye problems.Be careful when you choose your glasses. 30 Make sure your glasses are right for you.If they dont feel right,get your glasses changed.A.Develop good reading habits.B.Rest your eyes whenever you can.C.Make sure you get enough sle

48、ep every night.D.Glasses that arent suitable for you could bring you trouble.E.Eye problem can be found and treated early with regular checks.F.Even if youre wearing sunglasses,never look for directly at the sun.G.Drink green tea every day as a way to protect your eyes against eye problems.语篇解读 眼睛是心灵的窗户,我们应该好好保护我们的眼睛。本文介绍了一些保护眼睛的方法,如平时要养成良好的阅读习惯、定期检查眼睛、让眼睛休息等。26.答案 A解析 根据空格后的“Don t read while lying down or walking.Relax after every hour of reading.”可知,这里讲的是养成良好的阅读习惯。27.答案 F解析 根据空格前的“Do


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