2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修2课时作业含解析:Unit 6 Period Five

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1、Period Five Lesson 4 Dream Houses基础巩固.单句语法填空1Bathed (bathe) in the sunshine,we jumped and cheered with joy.2We narrowly(narrow) missed hitting the other car.3We pay rent to the landlord 500 dollars every month.4The air in the morning is good to breathe(breathe)5Mike,would you like to join us in the

2、game?Id love to, but I have too much homework to do(do)6It was not the most exciting place ,but even so,I had a good time.7The phone was ringing,but by the time I got indoors,it had stopped (stop)8I couldn t do my homework with all that noise going on.选词填空too much, show mercy to, dream up, share wit

3、h, at least9How can you dream up a crazy scheme like this?10We cannot emphasise too much the importance of learning English.11There are at least 5 words in this sentence.12The boy was screaming and begging for mercy,but the man was so coldhearted that he didnt show mercy to him.13Id like to share wi

4、th you my thoughts about road safety.单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误 )14She said she would wake me when it was time to leave. up15David apologized to me yesterday.Even ,I wont forgive him because it was not the thensofirst time that he had hurt me.16When I got to the finishing line ,I was out of .breathebreath17We

5、 didnt find any houses rent.infor18It is by no means clear the president can do to end the strike.thatwhat能力提升.阅读理解ALook around the walls of your classroom.Do you see pictures or paintings? Most of the art on show was probably created by yourself and your classmates,using imagination and your own ha

6、nds.Each year in Toronto thousands of school children make the best use of their imaginations and their creative abilities in workshops provided by an organization called the Inner City Angels.These children work directly with professional (专业的 ) artists on different art programs.Natalie McHaffie is

7、 one of the many professional artists who work with the Inner City Angels.“My purpose is to teach the children about design, ” she says.“Once they learn how to put things together,they can use that knowledge for other things they may want to do,such as making a kite or designing a house.”Recently Ms

8、 McHaffie worked with 16 children at St.Bernard School to create a wall painting in the hallway leading to the kindergarten classroom.Together they designed and did the wall painting during one school week.When Ms McHaffie first met the student artists,she told them, “We must do a painting that will

9、 not only please the kindergarten kids but will also offer them information.”Each of the 16 students was asked to imagine and draw ideas for the painting.After discussing the different ideas together,they chose the theme (主题) “The Four Seasons.”Finishing the painting,four of the student artists had

10、something to say about their experience.Alfea: “You learn more when you do it yourself.As you go along you keep finding out things you didnt know before.”Mauro: “I like working in a group because you get more done than if you work alone.”Paolo: “Its been fun working in a group,not the same kind of e

11、xciting fun as when youre playing basketball.When you do art,it makes you feel peaceful.”Paulina: “You can learn from working with the other kids.By talking to each other you can find ways to do things.”语篇解读 本文是记叙文。多伦多的学生每年都有机会和职业艺术家合作,共同描绘美丽画卷。19Each year ,thousands of school children in Toronto .A

12、join the Inner City AngelsBtake part in the citys art programsCtake art classes in different workshopsDcreate paintings on the walls of their classrooms答案 B解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Each year in Toronto thousands of school children”和“These children work directly with professional (专业的) artists on different a

13、rt programs.”可知,每年都有成千上万的学生参加多伦多的艺术项目。20Ms McHaffie hopes the children .Awill understand the importance of designBcan design a house of their own some dayCwill start learning easy things such as making a kiteDcan spread knowledge of how to put things together答案 A解析 推理判断题。根据第三段中 Natalie McHaffie 说的“M

14、y purpose is to teach the children about design”和“they can use that knowledge for other things they may want to do”可推测,她希望孩子们理解设计的重要性。21What was the task of the sixteen students?ACollecting paintings at St.Bernard School.BPlaying with the kindergarten kids.CDesigning a classroom.DPainting on a wall.

15、答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“16 children at St.Bernard School to create a wall painting”可知,这 16 名学生的任务是创作一幅壁画。22We can infer from the text that all the four student artists .Aenjoyed the peace of their workBlearned quite a lot from their workCsaid something good about each otherDrealized the advantages of g

16、roup work答案 B解析 推理判断题。根据最后四段中的开头语可知,这四名学生都从这次的工作中受益匪浅。BFor nearly 50 years,Zhao Yuming has been absorbed in his own world of clay figurines(泥塑)At age 62,Zhao is the only remaining clay sculpture master craftsman in Laoting County, Hebei Province.He has been officially recognised as a master of intan

17、gible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) 23 This is more of a responsibility and a source of pressure.24 In ancient times,Laoting clay figurines were mainly childrens toys made by countryside artists.After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949,there were several workshops in villages in Laot

18、ing County and the production reached a high level,but the prices were too low. 25 However,for a long period,many clay artists relied on making and selling clay figurines at those poor prices to make ends meet.Nowadays,shopping malls are full of highend toys,so the Laoting clay figurines have gradua

19、lly fallen out of favor. 26 Zhao said that although his children have other jobs to feed their families,he still wants to pass on his skills to them and his grandchildren.“If we do not pass it on,we will do a disservice to our country.Passing on the skills,honoring ourselves and repaying the country

20、 is the best option.”Facing a demand for economic development,many regions are increasingly attaching importance to the protection of valuable traditional cultural skills.People come to realise that developing our cultural relics promotes the development of local economies. 27 ABut for him,this is n

21、ot only an honor.BLater,it became known as “literary clay figurines”CClay figurines were sold for just a few pennies each.DLaoting clay sculpture has a nearly 500year history.ELaoting clay sculpture is an important part of Zhaos life.FHowever,some craftsmen have chosen to continue the tradition.GMor

22、e importantly,it contributes to the goal of building “a beautiful China”语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了河北省乐亭县的非物质文化遗产泥塑及传承人赵玉明以及乐亭泥塑从古到今的发展历史。因为没有多少经济效益,如今泥塑面临着后继无人的困境,在经济发展的今天,人们逐渐意识到保护和传承传统文化遗产的重要性。23答案 A解析 由此处语境以及空后句中的“a responsibility, a source of pressure”可知 A 项中的 an honour 与此呼应,其中的 not only 与空后句中的 more of 相

23、对应,故选 A 项。24答案 D解析 设空处在第二段段首,为该段的主题句,接下来都在介绍泥塑的发展历史,故选 D项。25答案 C解析 与设空处上文中的“the prices were too low”相对应的是 C 项“每个泥塑才卖几分钱”。故选 C 项。26答案 F解析 设空处上一句提到“如今商场里充满了高档玩具,泥塑逐渐失宠” ,下文提到“赵玉明说虽然孩子们都有自己养家糊口的工作,但是他仍然希望把这项技艺传给他们和孙辈们” ,所以 F 项“然而,一些工匠选择继续延续这一传统”符合语境,故选 F 项。27答案 G解析 设空处上文阐述发展文化遗产的意义,所以接下来继续说明其更重大的意义。G 项

24、“更重要的是,它有助于实现建设美丽中国的目标”符合语境,故选 G 项。.七选五Taking a Child FishingThere is nothing quite like seeing the smile on a young persons face when they catch their fish.Here are some simple steps that can be taken to help children and parents enjoy these early fishing experiences.28 Its easier to teach young ch

25、ildren to fish if your attention is towards them and not towards your own fishing.If you are also trying to fish,this can make that difficult for both of you. 29 When they need your help,you can hand down your tool and they can keep fishing.Keep trips short.Children have short attention periods. 30

26、Take this into consideration when planning a trip.When it stops being fun for them,its time to call it a day.Bring plenty of snacks and drinks.Even though most of these trips will be short,they will get hungry and thirsty.Bringing plenty of snacks and drinks gives them a little break from fishing. 3

27、1 You can use this time while they are eating or playing to do some fishing yourself.Other than fishing.Just because they are on a fishing trip doesnt mean that they have to fish all the time.Let them do things besides fishing as long as it isnt interfering(打扰) with the people fishing around you. 32

28、 A stop on the way home for ice cream or other treats can also be a fun part of the trip.Remember its all about them having fun and hopefully wanting to go fishing with you again.ALet them help make choices.BMake the fishing trip about them.CChildren love to feel like they are helping out.DThis can

29、be more exciting to them than the actual fishing.EThe same is true if you bring a few small toys for them to play with.FOne way to solve this problem is for you to use the tool the child can use.GAn hour or possibly two will be about all of the fishing they can handle in a day.语 篇 解 读 本 文 是 一 篇 说 明

30、文 。 文 章 介 绍 了 一 些 简 单 的 步 骤 来 帮 助 孩 子 和 父 母 享 受 钓 鱼 的经 历 。28答案 B解析 此空是小标题,应该是短小精悍的祈使句,在 A、B 项中选择。再根据下文内容,“如果你把注意力集中在孩子身上,而不是自己钓鱼的话,那么教他们钓鱼就容易多了。如果你也想钓鱼,这对你们俩来说都很困难。 ”由此推知,B 项“(围绕着孩子计划钓鱼)”切题。关键词是 fishing。故选 B。29.答案 F 解析 根据上文提示“如果你也想钓鱼,这对你们俩来说都很困难。 ”并观察备选项可知,F 项“(解决这个问题的一种方法是使用孩子可以使用的工具。)”承接上文。故选 F。30

31、答案 G 解析 上文提示“孩子们注意力集中的时间很短。 ”承接上文,G 项( 他们一天大约能钓一个或两个小时的鱼。)切题。故选 G。31.答案 E解析 根据上文“带上足够的零食和饮料可以让他们在钓鱼的间隙放松一下。 ”和下文“你可以在他们吃东西和玩耍的时候自己钓鱼。 ”可知,E 项“(如果你带一些小玩具给他们玩,情况也是一样。)”切题。故选 E。32答案 D解析 上文提示“让他们做一些钓鱼以外的事情,只要不干扰你周围的人钓鱼。 ”承接上文,D 项(对他们来说,这比真正的钓鱼更令人兴奋。)切题。故选 D。.短文改错The other day my friend Xu Rui found I am

32、 in low spirits,so she gave me a dozen roses to cheering me up.However,I only have one leave now,for I gave them all away.I gave one to my sister in hope that it would bring herself a little cheer.I took one to a friend who had not been feeling well recent.The flower or the visit helped much than I

33、could tell but the friend was grateful.The rest went to those who had helped me in such many ways.Xu Rui gave me the flowers to help brighten up my day,but the biggest joy I received it was giving them away.答案 The other day my friend Xu Rui found I in low spirits,so she gave me a dozen roses to amwa

34、sme up.However,I only have one now,for I gave them all away.I gave one to my cheeringcheer leaveleftsister in hope that it would bring a little cheer.I took one to a friend who had not been the herselfherfeeling well .The flower or the visit helped than I could tell the friend was recentrecently muchmore butandgrateful.The rest went to those who had helped me in many ways.Xu Rui gave me the suchsoflowers to help brighten up my day,but the biggest joy I received it was giving them away.


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