2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修2课件:Unit 4 Period Eight

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1、,PART 1,技法点拨,PART 2,写作训练,Period Eight WritingAn Internet page,PART 1,技法点拨,文体分析 把握写作动脉,本单元的写作任务是网页制作,写作话题是地点介绍。地点介绍属于介绍性的说明文,常常是对一个国家、地区或城市的简介,一般包括地理位置、首都或政府所在地、人口、气候、环境、物产与历史文化等。时态常用一般现在时。,写作指导,1is the largest/second largest city in. 2.It lies in the north/west/east of. 3.It has a population of. 4.I

2、t has a history of. 5.The city is an important centre for politics,business,culture,and industry. 6.The history of the city can go back to. 7.It is easy to travel between.and. 8.In the city,you can enjoy an amazing view of. 9is one of the best attractions in the world. 10.In a word/In conclusion,you

3、 will not feel lonely wherever you are from.,常用表达,PART 2,写作训练,弄清文络 写作妙笔生花,假如你的家乡安庆正在创建一个介绍安庆的网页,学校安排你就如下内容写一篇安庆地区的概况。 位于安徽省的西南方,是一个著名的港口城市; 有着超过800年的悠久历史,是中国历史上最早进入工业革命的城市之一; 面积15.3万平方公里,人口约630多万; 是中国京剧和黄梅戏的发源地,有很多值得游览的风景胜地。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节。 参考词汇:进行工业革命embrace the industrial revolution

4、;发源地cradle,审题 1.确定体裁:本文为一篇介绍一个城市(安庆)的网页,属于介绍性说明文; 2.确定人称:本文应用第三人称来写; 3.确定时态:文中多用数据、事实进行说明,时态应采用一般现在时。 谋篇 Para.1 描述安庆的地理位置、人口、面积等; Para.2 叙述安庆的历史、特色行业; Para.3 介绍安庆的旅游,并欢迎到安庆游览。,审题谋篇,_ _ _ _ _,必备词汇 1.港口城市 2.占地面积 3.涉及,谈及 4.除之外 5.特点,遣词造句,查看答案,port city,cover an area of.,refer to,in addition to.,characte

5、r,关键句式 1.安庆位于安徽省的西南方,是一个著名的港口城市。 Anqing lies in the southwest of Anhui Province.It is a famous port city. 2.它的面积是15.3万平方公里,约有630多万人口。 It covers a total area of 153,000 km2.It has a population of about 6,300,000. 3.它是中国最早进入工业革命的城市之一。 It is one of the earliest cities in China that embraced the industr

6、ial revolution.,句式升级 1.用现在分词短语作定语改写句1。 Anqing, ,is a famous port city. 2.用with复合结构改写句2。 It covers a total area of 153,000 km2 about 6,300,000. 3.用不定式作定语改写句3。 It is one of the earliest cities in China .,lying in the southwest of Anhui Province,with a population of,to embrace the industrial revolution

7、,查看答案,用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇100词左右的英语短文。,组句成篇,Anqing,lying in the southwest of Anhui Province,is a famous port city.It covers a total area of 153,000 km2 with a population of about 6,300,000.,参考范文,查看答案,Anqing has a history of over 800 years.It is also one of the earliest cities in China to e

8、mbrace the industrial revolution.The first steam engine and the first motor boat in China were made in Anqing.Anqing has long been referred to be the city of culture and the cradle of Peking Opera and Huangmei Opera. In addition to those characters,there are many beauty spots.If you come to Anqing,you can go to climb the Tianzhu Mountain.,查看答案,


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