2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修2课件:Unit 5 Period Five

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1、,Period Five Lesson 4 Lets Dance,PART 1,基础自测,PART 2,课文预读,PART 3,互动探究,PART 4,达标检测,PART 1,基础自测,默写练习(四),.写出下列单词(词语)的汉语意思(共9小题;每小题2分,满分18分) 1.waltz n. 2.breakdance n. 3.encyclopedia n. 4.sword n. 5.peacock n. 6.Swan Lake 7.ballroom n. 8.tap dancing 9.tango n.,查看答案,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,华尔兹舞,霹雳舞,百科全书,剑,孔雀,(芭

2、蕾舞剧)天鹅湖,舞厅,跳舞场,踢踏舞,探戈舞,.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共7小题;每小题3分,满分21分) 10. adj. 平常的;普通的 11. n. 代,一代 12. n. 类型,种类 13. vi. 跳,蹦 14. adj. 独特的,唯一的 15. adj. 贵族的;高贵的,高尚的 n.贵族 16. adj. 移民的,移居的,ordinary,generation,type,skip,unique,noble,查看答案,immigrant,.写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) 17. 符合,与一致 18. 因而闻名 19. 在特殊的场合 20.

3、来自 21. 穿着衣服 22. 往返,来回 23.make sure 24.in the 1970s 25.from one generation to another 26.in the air,fit in with,be famous for,on special occasions,come from,查看答案,_ _ _ _,back and forth,确保;确信;证实,在二十世纪七十年代,一代一代地,be dressed in,在空气中;尚未决定的,.完成句子(共5小题;每小题6.2分,满分31分) 27.They are easy and are usually danced

4、in couples. 它们容易学,通常是两人一起跳。 28.In many parts of the country,you can see people dancing in the street during festivals. 在这个国家的许多地方,节日期间你可以看到不同年龄的人们在街上跳舞。 29.They are dressed in beautiful costumes, the rhythm of loud drums. 他们身着漂亮的服装,和着鼓点儿,扭来扭去。,to learn,of all ages,skipping back and forth to,查看答案,30.

5、 called “Swan Lake”. 最著名的芭蕾舞剧之一是天鹅湖。 31. returned in the 1970s and 1980s with “disco” music. 二十世纪七八十年代随着迪斯科音乐的流行,双人舞再次兴起。,查看答案,One of the most famous ballets is,Dancing in couples,PART2,课文预读,回归教材 萃取文本主旨,.Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F). 1.Folk dances are usually popular

6、 for only a short time.( ) 2.The United States is home to the Tango.( ) 3.Ballet can date back to the 15th century in Russia and France.( ) 4.Folk dances exist only in China.( ) 5.Folk dances came from social dances.( ) 6.Ballet uses music and actions to express feelings.( ),查看答案,F,F,F,F,F,T,.Choose

7、 the best answer according to the text. 1.When we speak of a kind of dance telling a story,we refer to . A.ballet B.folk dances C.social dances D.ballroom dances,查看答案,2.Folk dances are usually danced . A.in singles B.in couples C.in groups D.in China,查看答案,3.What happened to social dances in the late

8、 eighteenth and nineteenth centuries? A.It was introduced to North America. B.It became more popular. C.It was held in palaces or the homes of noble families. D.It began in the noble families.,查看答案,4.Which type(s) of dancing came into being in the USA? A.Ballet and folk dances. B.The waltz and the T

9、ango. C.Tap dancing. D.The ChaCha and rock n roll dances.,查看答案,5.How is the last paragraph developed? A.By space. B.By comparison. C.By analysis. D.By time.,查看答案,PART3,互动探究,探究重点 互动撞击思维,Make sure that the sentence fits in with the sentences before and after it.确保句子与前后的句子一致。,1, fit in with符合,与一致;与相处得好

10、,重点词汇,fit v.合适;适合,符合 adj.合适的,恰当的 be fit for sth. 适合某事 be fit to do sth. 适合做某事,(1)I wasnt sure if she would fit in with my friends. 我不确定她是否能与我的朋友们融洽相处。 (2)We made sure the land was fit farming. 我们确认了这块土地适合耕种。 (3)He is not fit (lead) this team! 他不适合带领这个队伍!,查看答案,for,to lead, including prep.包括,2,Many co

11、untries have produced ballets,including China.许多国家,包括中国,都创作芭蕾舞剧。,include vt.包含,包括;把列入,(1)The World Bank has included the project on its list of “100 ideas to save the planet”.(2017江苏) 世界银行已经把这个计划列入其“拯救地球的100个主意”。,易混辨析 including,included including是介词,指某事物是上文整体中的一部分。常用于“includingn./pron.”结构。 included是

12、过去分词,也可作形容词,意为“包含在内的”,常用于“n./pron.included”结构。,句型转换 (2)Most of the students passed the exam.Tom passed it,too. Most of the students passed the exam,Tom . Most of the students passed the exam, Tom.,查看答案,included,including, ordinary adj.普通的;平常的,3,Folk dances are traditional styles of dancing that come

13、 from ordinary people.民族舞蹈是来自普通民众的、传统的舞蹈形式。,(1)What is very ordinary in one country may be very strange in another. 在一个国家很平常的事,在另一个国家可能很奇怪。,易混辨析 ordinary,common,general,usual ordinary指由于与一般事物的性质或标准相同,因而显得平常,无奇特之处。 common意为“常见的,普通的,不足为奇的”,有时引申为“平凡的”,强调事物的共同性。另外,它还有“公共的,共同的”之意。 general意为“普通的,一般的”,表示涉及

14、到各方面,强调整体性而非个别和例外。 usual意为“通常的,惯常的”,强调“习惯性的,符合规章制度的”,是一般用语。,选词填空 ordinary,common,general,usual (2)Its very disappointing that the violinist,popular with us,gave a very performance at the concert last night. (3)Letter boxes are much more in the UK than in the US,where most people have a mailbox inste

15、ad. (4)We will meet at the time. (5)The book is intended for the reader,not for the specialist.,查看答案,ordinary,common,usual,general,They are dressed in beautiful costumes,skipping back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums.他们身着漂亮的服装,和着鼓点儿,扭来扭去。, be dressed in穿着衣服(状态),4,be well/badly dressed衣着讲究/衣衫褴褛

16、get dressed穿上衣服(动作) dress sb. /oneself给某人/自己穿衣服(动作) dress up装扮;乔装打扮,(1)Joly was always well dressed. 乔利总是衣着讲究。 (2)Youd better get dressed!Its almost time to leave for school! 你最好穿好衣服!差不多该去上学了! (3)The girl (dress) in white is my sister. 穿着白衣服的女孩是我妹妹。 (4)The boy is too young to dress (he). 这个男孩太小了还不会自

17、己穿衣服。 单句改错 (5)Its a small informal partyyou dont have to dress .,dressed,查看答案,himself, up,up and down来回地;上上下下 day and night日日夜夜;夜以继日地 here and there到处, back and forth往返,来回,(6)If it cried,she rocked it back and forth and gave it little comforting pats. (2016四川) 如果它哭了,(熊猫)妈妈会来回摇晃它,轻轻拍打,给它安慰。 (7)He wal

18、ked outside the delivery room waiting for news of his wife and baby. 他在产房外焦急地走来走去,等待妻子和婴儿的消息。 (8)He to pay back the money he borrowed. 为了还借的钱,他日夜工作。 (9)There are many books in his room. 他的房间里到处都是书。,up and down,查看答案,worked day and night,here and there,(10)He dances to the music.他随着音乐起舞。 (11)He sang h

19、is guitar.他伴着吉他演唱。, to prep.和着(音乐等);按(某种调子),查看答案,to,People like to watch performances of this unique folk dance.人们喜欢观看这种独特的民间舞蹈表演。, unique adj.独特的,唯一的;难得的;特有的,5,be unique to sb. /sth. 是某人/某地特有的a unique opportunity难得的机会 uniquely adv.唯一地;独特地 uniqueness n.独特性,(1)Each persons fingerprints are unique. 每个

20、人的指纹都是独一无二的。 (2)You should learn to accept your own uniqueness. 你应该学着接受自己的独一无二。 (3)Do you have something that is (unique) different from your competitors? 相对于你的竞争对手,你独特的地方是什么?,uniquely,查看答案,单句改错 (4)The issues being discussed here are not unique in the US. 名师点津 unique可以用quite,almost,nearly,really,sur

21、ely,perhaps等来修饰。 (5)The city has an atmosphere which is quite unique. 这座城市有一种十分独特的氛围。,查看答案,to,经典句式,They are easy to learn and are usually danced in couples.它们容易学,通常是两人一起跳。,1,“sb. /sth. be形容词不定式”,在此结构中形容词说明不定式的特性,句子的主语是不定式的逻辑宾语,不定式用主动形式表被动含义。 常见的此类形容词有:easy,hard,difficult,pleasant,impossible等。 注意:该结构

22、中,不定式的动词必须是及物动词;若为不及物动词时,需在动词后加上相应的介词。,(1)These signs are hard to see clearly. 这些标志很难看清楚。 (2)The work is difficult (do). 这项工作很难做。 (3)The fresh air in the morning is pleasant (breathe). 早上的新鲜空气呼吸起来很宜人。 单句改错 (4)This sentence is not easy to explain it. (5)We all like this girl because she is easy to ge

23、t along .,to do,to breathe,查看答案, with,In many parts of the country,you can see people of all ages dancing in the street during festivals.在这个国家的许多地方,节日期间你可以看到不同年龄的人们在街上跳舞。,2,“ofadj.n.”常用来表示人或事物所具有的特征或性质,在句中常用来作表语或后置定语。 常见用法有: of different sizes/weights/shapes/metals/colors/kinds/ages.不同大小/重量/形状/金属/色彩

24、/种类/年龄 of a(an)/the same size/weight/shape/color/kind/age/height/length.同样大小/重量/形状/色彩/种类/年龄/高度/长度 of great/much/little/no value/importance/use/help.价值/重要性/用途/帮助很大/很小/没有等 注意:最后一种用法中的“ofadj.n.”就相当于“(该名词的)adj.”。,查看答案,(1)Children need friends to play with. 孩子们需要与他们的同龄人一起玩耍。 句型转换 (2)The meeting is of gre

25、at importance. The meeting . (3)The boy is as tall as his twin brother. The twins .,of their own age/of the same age,is very important,are of the same height,PART4,达标检测,当堂检测 基础达标演练,1.America is an (移民的) country,where people are from all parts of the world. 2.Maria (蹦蹦跳跳) along at her mothers side. 3

26、.He is in a rather (独特的) position,as his job is different from anyone elses. 4.The DNA test shows that the father and the son have different (类型) of blood. 5.It is said that he was from a (贵族的) family.,.单词拼写,查看答案,skipped,unique,types,noble,immigrant,6.Although she is a famous singer,she dresses like

27、 an (普通的) girl. 7.From one (代) to another,folk music has been passed down orally. 8.Its important to gather all of your materials, (包括) your books,notes,and other studying tools before the big exam.,查看答案,ordinary,generation,including,9.Coal is to the development of industry. 煤炭对于工业发展非常重要。 10.He is i

28、n our school. 他是我们学校最高的学生之一。 11.The chair looks rather hard,but in fact it . 这把椅子看起来很硬,但实际上坐起来非常舒服。 12.You at the funeral. 你在葬礼上应该穿黑色衣服。 13.He in the waiting room. 他在候诊室里来回走动。,.完成句子,of great importance/very important,one of the tallest students,is very comfortable to sit on,查看答案,should be dressed in

29、 black,walked back and forth,During the 15th century,ballet began in Italy and France 14._told a story with music and actions 15. no words,“Sleeping Beauty”,“Swan Lake”,“The Whitehaired Girl” 16. (include).17._ (come) from ordinary people, folk dances are traditional styles of dancing,which are grou

30、p dances 18. (teach) from one generation to another.The Yangge is often performed 19. special occasions.Many people 20._ (dress) in beautiful costumes,skipping back and forth 21. the rhythm of loud drums.,which/that,but,included,Coming,.课文语法填空,查看答案,taught,on,are dressed,to,Popular dances which come from folk dances,22. (be) popular for a short time.They are easy to learn and are danced in 23. (couple).The waltz, the Tango and the ChaCha are forms of ballroom dances.,查看答案,are,couples,


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