2019-2020学年人教新标准版英语必修1:Unit 5 单元知识滚动练

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1、单元知识滚动练.单词拼写1My father set a(n) trap(陷阱) for mice in the garden.2This article discussed a series of events(事件) that caused the war between the two countries.3Soldiers rescued( 救援) five persons of different countries from the place of terrorists last week.4During the earthquake ,almost all the factor

2、ies in the city were destroyed(摧毁)5A teacher should know how to give proper guidance (指导) to students in his teaching.6I wont do that ,for it is against my principle(原则)7The women workers in that country are fighting for equal(平等的) rights.8It is generous of that old man to give most of his money to

3、the poor.9Everyone wants to buy something of high quality (质量) in this shop.10It is said that the president(总统) will pay a visit to our school next week.选词填空think little of, lose heart,right away,in trouble,at an end,put.in prison,in ruins,set up,turn to,dig out11As soon as John heard his mothers vo

4、ice,he opened the door right away.12Many buildings are in ruins now after the earthquake.13The streets were covered with water,though the rain was at an end.14I know that the boss thinks little of your work.You must be careful with your work.15A man tried to dig out the trapped car but failed.16He a

5、lways turns to his friends for help when he has problems.17The boy is too young to know what to do when he is in trouble.18The thief will be put in prison for stealing an expensive car.19He set up his own business after he graduated from university.20They didnt lose heart though they suffered so man

6、y failures.单句语法填空21Congratulations(congratulate) on your winning the game.I knew you could beat them.22Judging(judge) from what everyone says about him,I would say he has a good chance of winning.23I sincerely(sincere) hope that I can have the opportunity to talk with the famous scientist face to fa

7、ce.24She felt greatly honoured(honour) to have been invited to give a lecture at the meeting.25Its said that there was a car accident last night,killing five people and making more injured(injure)26He is very old,but he is still taking an active part in politics.27The woman has devoted herself to ta

8、king(take) care of the old people.28We vote to decide(decide) whether we will hold a party on Sunday.29He is so young that he may be not equal to the important task.30Attacked(attack) by a dog,the postman refused to enter the village.31We have reached a point where a change is needed.32Only when Mar

9、y read the text again did she notice the spelling mistake.33He thought of a very good way to stop the car from being stolen(steal)34The old man to whom you spoke just now fell and hurt his legs.35He did wrong,but he was lucky to escape punishment/being punished(punish) by his father.完成句子36Its useles

10、s/no use trying to persuade him to buy the product.He is too careful.试图说服他买这种产品没用,他太小心了。37As you know,she is a stubborn girl,and I cant persuade her to change her mind.你知道,她是一个倔强的女孩,我不能说服她改变主意。38He is speaking as if/though he were a native.他讲起话来好像是个本地人似的。39I was walking along the river when I heard

11、a cry for help.我正沿着河边走,突然我听见求助的叫喊声。40Im grateful that you have rescued me from the difficult situation.我很感激,你把我从困境中解救了出来。41She was a great scientist and devoted herself/all her life to protecting wild animals.她是一位伟大的科学家,一生致力于保护野生动物。42In fact/As a matter of fact ,his father has been out of work for t

12、wo years.实际上,他的父亲已经失业两年了。43When his relatives and friends turn to him for help,he is always willing to lend them a hand.当他的亲戚朋友向他求助时,他总是乐于帮助他们。44After he became rich,he set up a primary school in his hometown.他富裕以后就在家乡建了一所小学。45He was suffering a lot of pain the first time I saw him.我第一次见到他时,他正遭受着巨大的

13、痛苦。.单元语法完成句子46Were living in an age when many things are done on the Internet.我们生活在一个很多事情都在网上完成的时代。47Ive come to the point where I cant stand him.我已到了无法忍受他的地步。48The pen with which he wrote was broken.他用来写字的钢笔坏了。49Wu Dong with whom I went to the concert enjoyed it very much.和我一起去音乐会的吴东很喜欢它。50The reason why/for which he was late that day is unknown to us.他那天迟到的原因我们还不知道。


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