2019-2020学年人教新标准版英语必修1:Unit 4 单元知识滚动练

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1、单元知识滚动练.单词拼写1Having been told many times,he finally(终于) understood it.2No matter how full your schedule(日程安排) is,you can always manage to do more things.3For all our shortcomings(缺点),our parents dont love us any less.4He can always organize(组织) his article in the correct and clear order.5You must dr

2、ink boiled(烧开的) water.Or you can buy bottled water.6The school was completely destroyed(毁坏) in the earthquake.7Unluckily, I quickly lost her track(足迹) in the crowd.8The storm caused serious damage(损坏) to the house.9Reporters(记者) were soon on the scene after the accident.10The soldiers were sent ther

3、e to rescue(援救) those trapped in the fire.选词填空be known as,for company,be proud of,dig out,change ones mind,on schedule,burst into,be trapped in,as usual,right away11He could have finished it on schedule,but somehow he fell behind.12If you change your mind about the colour,its easy to just paint it o

4、ver.13Though it was raining heavily,I went to work early in the morning as usual.14I kept a dog at home for company so that I wouldnt feel lonely.15Do you want to let your family be proud of you and your work?16We should dig out weeds before sowing seeds.17Some people burst into that house and took

5、away some books.18Paris is known as the fashion center.19I was trapped in the heavy rain on the way to school yesterday.20He was injured so badly.I called in the doctor right away.单句语法填空21The meeting is scheduled(schedule) to begin at 9 oclock,lasting the whole morning.22At a certain altitude,the ai

6、r will be difficult to breathe(breathe)23Not only Tom,but also Mary was surprised(surprise) at the news last night.24There are many disadvantages(disadvantage) about the job,but I like it all the same.25You must care about the details(detail) if the plan is to be carried out smoothly.26They stood th

7、ere.Suddenly they burst out laughing(laugh)27I must warn you that my patience is almost at an end.28Stop doing it,or youll do yourself an injury(injure)29The soldiers were shocked(shock) by what they saw there.30She was talking there as if she had been(be) every corner of the world.31The woman trapp

8、ed the old man into buying her goods.32He wrote a letter to congratulate her on her good performance.33The boy was so shy that he was not good at expressing(express) himself.34Most of the people invited(invite) to the party were his old classmates.35Maria has written two novels ,both of which have b

9、een made into television series.完成句子36His view of life has changed a lot ever since the experience he had in Africa three years ago.自从三年前在非洲的经历后,他的人生观发生了很大变化。37The school insisted that a good school (should) have strict rules and regulations.校方坚持主张一个好的学校应该有严格的规章制度。38As far as I am concerned, the pla

10、n is difficult to carry out.就我个人而言,这项计划很难实施。39It is my father who gives me my pocket money.是我爸爸给我零花钱。40Once he understood,he did what he was told to do.一旦他明白了,他就按照吩咐的去做了。41That s not a good idea;the ice is too thin to bear your weight.那不是个好主意。冰太薄了承受不了你的重量。42It seems as if I could do anything when I

11、am in a passion.我怒火中烧时,似乎什么事都干得出来。43All students dont obey/Not all students obey the school rules,so as teachers,we should be strict with them.并非所有的学生都遵守学校的规章制度,因此作为老师,我们应严格要求他们。44Everywhere he went,he received a warm welcome.无论他走到哪里,都受到热烈的欢迎。45He stood by the window watching people passing by his w

12、indow.他站在窗前,望着来来往往的人。.单元语法翻译句子46他就是那个想见你的人吗?Is he the man who/that wants to see you?47他正在谈论他上周访问过的老师和学校。He is talking about the teachers and schools that he visited last week.48你认识我们在街上碰到的那个小女孩吗?Do you know the girl whom/who/that we met in the street?49我昨天买的那本书值得一读。The book (that/which) I bought yesterday is worth reading.50我们在这儿能看得见屋顶的那座建筑是一个旅馆。The building whose roof we can see from here is a hotel.


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