2019-2020学年人教新标准版英语必修1:Unit 3 单元知识滚动练

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2019-2020学年人教新标准版英语必修1:Unit 3 单元知识滚动练_第1页
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1、单元知识滚动练.单词拼写1Can you list some countries that use English as a(n) official(官方的) language?2He looked calm,but actually(事实上),he was very nervous.3She failed in the English exam because of her poor English vocabulary(词汇量)4The girl used to be shy,but she is gradually(逐渐地) getting active in group work an

2、d is willing to express herself.5Travelling in Australia,we found native(本土的) people easygoing.6The old woman was persuaded(说服) into buying many goods that day.7Mary is too stubborn(固执的) to follow other peoples advice.8The goods will be transported(运送) to that area next week.9The report forecasts(预测

3、) that house prices will rise by 3% next month.10The flames(火焰) were growing higher and higher.选词填空at present,make up ones mind,play a part in,put up,make use of,stay awake,even if,change ones mind,build up,give in11Even if many difficulties remain,we can overcome them.12My parents and I are flying

4、to London for a holiday and Ill make use of the chance to practice my spoken English.13No one knows what the young man is doing at present in Beijing.14Every farmer knows that weather plays a part in farming.15Im very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually building up.16At first he said he wo

5、uld go there with us on Sunday,but at last he changed his mind.17He is a determined person and never gives in to any difficulty.18If you make up your mind to work hard at your lessons,you are to succeed.19He drank a cup of coffee before bedtime,so he stayed awake all night.20If you have any question

6、s to ask,please put up your hands.单句语法填空21Here are John and David;the latter is my younger brother.22Good use has been made of the natural resources to improve peoples life in this area.23Based(base) on a real love story,the film is very popular with the teenagers.24The great part science and techno

7、logy plays in our daily life is seen everywhere.25As the saying goes,there is no such thing as a free lunch.26The total number of shared bikes,which are easy to rent through smartphone apps,is(be) increasing rapidly.27It is said that the new task is really difficult to complete(complete)28It was my

8、parents who/that helped me out when I was in trouble.29After his graduation(graduate) from college,he took some time off to go traveling.30The woman was determined to teach(teach) her son a lesson.31I really dont know what his attitude towards/to the news is.32Once the man has made up his mind,no on

9、e can persuade him to change his mind.33None of us could have ever dreamed of there being such a beautiful place.34She is honest and helpful and we all consider her to be reliable(rely)35He is so ill that he doesnt feel like eating(eat) anything.句型转换36Dogs are more than a kind of pet to us;they are

10、our friends.Dogs are not only a kind of pet to us but also our friends.37Because of his carelessness,he failed the test again.Because he was careless,he failed the test again.38He commanded that we should take quick action to stop it.He commanded us to take quick action to stop it.39He was caught in

11、 the rain.Thats why he caught a cold.The reason why he caught a cold is that he was caught in the rain.40Environment pollution is recognized to have become one of the most serious problems that people face.It is recognized that environment pollution has become one of the most serious problems that p

12、eople face.41Helen likes green tea better than coffee.Helen prefers green tea to coffee.42Its not easy to persuade him to play basketball with us.Its not easy to persuade him into playing basketball with us.43My parents like travelling,and they have been to many places.My parents are fond of travell

13、ing,and they have been to many places.44He was born and grew up in the house.Its in the house that he was born and grew up.45Tom is a famous film star and he is popular with his fans.Tom is such a famous film star that he is popular with his fans.单元语法完成句子46What time are they arriving there?他们要几点钟到那儿

14、?47We are leaving for Beijing tomorrow.我们明天就要动身去北京。48My mother is returning from the United States this weekend.我妈妈本周末要从美国回来。49The plane takes off at 10:10.That is to say,it is leaving in ten minutes.飞机十点十分起飞,也就是说,飞机将在十分钟后离开。50Christmas Day is coming,and they are busy decorating the supermarket to attract more customers.圣诞节就要到了,他们正忙着装饰超市来吸引更多的顾客。


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