2019-2020学年人教新标准版必修1学案:Unit 5 Period One

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1、 Nelson Mandela: Six Things You Didnt KnowNelson Mandela was very famous.But here are six things you may not have known about him.1He was a boxing fan.In his youth,Nelson Mandela enjoyed boxing and longdistance running.Even during the 27 years he spent in prison,he would exercise every morning.2His

2、original(最初的) name was not Nelson.Rolihlahla Mandela was nine years old when a teacher at the primary school where he was studying gave him an English nameNelson.3He was on a US terror(恐怖) watch list until 2008.Mr Mandela was only able to visit the US with special permission from the secretary of st

3、ate,because the ANC had been considered as a terrorist organization(恐怖组织) by South Africas former government.4He forgot his glasses when he was freed from prison.Mr Mandela was freed on 11 February,1990.When he pulled out the text of his speech,he realized he had forgotten his reading glasses and ha

4、d to borrow his wifes.5Once he dressed up as a driver to escape the police.He used to dress up as a driver to escape the police while going underground in the country.6He had his own law firm , but it took him years to get a law degree.Mr Mandela studied law on and off for 50 years from 1939,failing

5、 about half the courses he took.He finally got a law degree while in prison in 1989.根据短文内容判断正(T)、误 (F)1Nelson Mandela liked boxing when he was very old.(F)2Nelson Mandela left his reading glasses in the prison when he was freed.(T)Period One Warming Up & ReadingPrereading匹配左边的单词与右边的汉语意思第一组1generous

6、A律师2lawyer B费( 会费、学费等);酬金3guidance C慷慨的;大方的4legal D法律的;依照法律的5fee E指导;领导答案 1.C 2.A 3.E 4.D 5.B第二组6hopeful A同盟;联盟;联合会7youth B投票;选举;选票;表决8league C青年;青年时期9stage D怀有希望的;有希望的10vote E舞台;阶段;时期答案 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.E 10.B第三组11attack A暴力;暴行12violence B相等的;平等的13equal C乐意的;自愿的14willing D进攻;攻击;抨击15unfair E不公正的;不公平的答案

7、 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.EStep 1 Fastreading1Whats the main idea of the passage?AThe life of black workers.BThe fight between Mandela and the white people.CThe stories between Mandela and Elias.DThe education of Elias.答案 C2Match the main idea of each part.Part 1(Paras.12) AThe change of Elias life af

8、ter he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela didPart 2(Paras.37 ) BThe life of Elias before he met Nelson Mandela答案 Part 1 B Part 2 AStep 2 Carefulreading.Match what happened to Elias with the following years.11940 AElias began school.21946 BElias was twelve years old and met Mandela.31948 CElias left

9、 school.41952 DElias was born.51963 EElias helped Mandela blow up some government buildings.答案 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.E.Choose the best answer.1Elias had to leave school because .Ahe was too youngBhe didnt like to studyChis school was far away from his homeDhis family could not continue to afford the sch

10、ool fees and the bus fare答案 D2When Elias first met Nelson Mandela, .Alife was difficult for EliasBMandela was in troubleCElias was at schoolDElias was a very good worker答案 A3In 1952,Mandela was a .Aworker BpresidentCteacher Dlawyer答案 D4In Elias eyes,Mandela was .Asilent and helpful Brich but selfish

11、Ckind and helpful Dpoor but kind答案 C5Whats the purpose of Mandelas work?ATo help the poor become rich.BTo build a new government.CTo make black and white people equal.DTo help the black beat the white.答案 CStep 3 PostreadingAfter reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks.Elias,a poor bl

12、ack worker in South Africa,said that the time 1.when he first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of his life.In 1952,he went to see Mandela,2.a black lawyer, for advice.Mandela was generous with his time,for which Elias was very grateful.Elias began school at six,but he had to leave scho

13、ol two years later 3.because his family couldnt afford the school fees and the bus fare.As a result,he had very little 4.education(educate)After trying hard,he got a job in a gold mine.However,5.to live(live) in Johannesburg, one had got to have a passbook.Not having one because he was not born ther

14、e,he worried about 6.whether he would become out of work.Then Mandela helped him,telling him how to get the correct 7.papers(paper) to stay in Johannesburg.He became more hopeful about his future and later joined the ANC Youth League 8.organized(organize) by Mandela.Just as Mandela said,the blacks w

15、ere so 9.badly(bad) treated that they had reached a stage where they had almost no rights at all.In 1963,Elias helped Mandela blow up some government buildings.He knew that only by answering violence with violence could they achieve their dream of 10.making(make) black and white people equal.Step 4

16、Sentencelearning1However,this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.句式分析 本句为主从复合句,句子的主干是 this was a time,when 引导的定语从句修饰 a time,在该定语从句中不定式 to live in Johannesburg 作目的状语。自主翻译 然而在那个时候,一个人要想住在约翰内斯堡就非得要有身份证不可。2Sadly I did not have one because I was not born there,and I wo

17、rried about whether I would become out of work.句式分析 本句为 and 连接的并列句。第一个分句中含有 because 引导的原因状语从句;第二个分句中含有 whether 引导的宾语从句。自主翻译 不幸的是我没有身份证,因为我不是在那里出生的,因而我担心自己是否会失业。3.we were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important,or fight the government.句式分析 本句为主从复合句,句子的主干是 we were p

18、ut into a position;in which 引导的定语从句修饰 a position;在该定语从句中 either.or.连接两个并列成分。自主翻译 我们被置于这样一个境地:要么我们被迫接受低人一等的现实,要么跟政府作斗争。4But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal.句式分析 本句为主从复合句。because 引导原因状语从句;I knew 后面是宾语从句;making black and white

19、 people equal 为动名词短语作介词 of 的宾语,指梦想的内容,为“make宾语宾补”结构。自主翻译 但是我乐于帮忙,因为我知道,这将有助于实现我们黑人和白人平等的梦想。.阅读理解AMandela became president in South Africas historic 1994 election(选举)After that,he often turned to Walter Sisulu,one of his closest friends for more than sixty years,for guidance.Sisulu was in many ways a

20、s important as Mandela in the fight against South Africas racist system(种族主义制度)In 1944,the two,along with Oliver Tambo,founded the ANC Youth League.The ANCYL favored a more militant(激进的) way to the movement against the government.They soon took over the ANC,with Sisulu serving as its secretary gener

21、al from 1949 to 1954.In 1963,he,Mandela and other top ANC leaders were sentenced to life in prison.Sisulu was always calm and patient after he was released.The day after his release on Oct.15,1989,Sisulu explained to reporters how “it was not possible to lose hope because the spirit of the people ou

22、tside was too great”Mandelas release came four months later.Sisulu was born in 1912.Unlike Mandela,whose father was a chief(酋长),Sisulu was the child of a black maid(女仆) and a white worker.His father left the family when Sisulu was small.He was educated for a while at a local school,but left when he

23、was 15 to support his family.He took whatever jobs he could,and continued to learn on his own.In 1940,he joined the ANC and got Mandela to join it a year later.“Our paths first met in 1941.During the past 62 years,our lives have been closely connected.We shared the joy of living,and the pain.We walk

24、ed side by side through the valley of death.Together we enjoyed the taste of freedom, ” Mandela said after Sisulu died on May 5th,2003.“A part of me is gone.”语篇解读 本文是记叙文,介绍了南非著名反种族隔离斗士沃尔特西苏鲁,他是曼德拉的好战友。1In what way was Sisulu similar to Mandela?AHe also supported peaceful means.BHe also ran for the 1

25、994 election.CHe was also a founder of the ANC.DHe was also a great freedom fighter.答案 D解析 推理判断题。由前两段可知,西苏鲁和曼德拉一样,都是伟大的南非自由战士。2What made Sisulu feel hopeful about the future?AMandelas release.BThe peoples power.CThe prisoners high spirits.DReporters encouragement.答案 B解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“it was not poss

26、ible to lose hope because the spirit of the people outside was too great”可知,西苏鲁之所以对未来充满希望,是因为他受到了人民力量的鼓舞。3What did Mandela tell us about in the last paragraph?AHis lifelong friendship with Sisulu.BHis important influence on Sisulu.CHis hard efforts to win freedom.DHis opinions on Sisulu s life.答案 A解

27、析 推理判断题。由最后一段曼德拉的话可知,他深情地回顾了他与西苏鲁六十多年的革命友谊。4What is the purpose of the text?ATo compare Sisulu with Mandela.BTo show the greatness of Mandela.CTo explain the history of the ANCYL.DTo describe Sisulus life and achievements.答案 D解析 写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了南非著名反种族隔离斗士西苏鲁的生平和成就。BHarriet Tubman was born a slave

28、.She didnt get a chance to go to school.As a child,Harriet had to work very hard in the fields all day.That way,her owner could make a lot of money when he sold his crops.Harriet didnt think that she was being treated fairly.After Harriet grew up,she ran away from the plantation(庄园) to the northern

29、United States.There and in Canada,black people could be free.Harriet liked to be free.She felt sorry for all of the black people who were still slaves.Harriet returned to the South to help other slaves to run away.She made sure that they got to the north and became free.Harriet was in great danger b

30、ecause of a law that had just been passed.The law said it was not permitted(允许) to help slaves run away.She also found out that the slave owners said they would pay $ 40,000 to anyone who could catch Harriet Tubman.There were many stories about Harriet helping slaves run away.In all,she made ninetee

31、n trips back to the South and guided about 300 slaves to freedom.When the Civil War broke out,the Northern States fought against the Southern States.Harriet stood for the Northern States because they believed that slaves should be free.She worked as a nurse and spied(侦察) behind enemy lines until the

32、 Northern States won the War.语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。生来就是奴隶的哈莉特塔布曼对受到的不公平待遇不满,逃离了奴隶主的控制,并且帮助大量奴隶逃走。5Harriet Tubman was once .Aa traveller from CanadaBa plantation ownerCa soldier in AmericaDa black slave of America答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据文章开头“Harriet Tubman was born a slave.”和第二段首句“After Harriet grew up,she ran away f

33、rom the plantation(庄园) to the northern United States.”和第三段的“Harriet returned to the South”可得出答案。6Why was Harriet in great danger?ABecause she helped other slaves run away and broke the law at that time.BBecause she killed several slave owners.CBecause she sold many black slaves to owners in the Nort

34、h.DBecause she took away something worth $ 40,000.答案 A解析 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段可知答案。7The slave owners would pay $ 40,000 to anyone who could catch Harriet because .A300 slaves gathered around herBthey were afraid of what she was doingCshe could make even more money than thatDthe law on the slaves had just

35、been passed答案 B解析 推理判断题。哈莉特帮助了大量奴隶逃走,这损害了奴隶主的利益,他们自然担心害怕。8What can we learn from the text?ABlack people were free in America and Canada.BHarriet stayed on the plantation until she was set free.CHarriet worked for the Northern States in the Civil War.DThe Southern States supported Harriet in helping

36、the slaves.答案 C解析 细节理解题。根据文章最后两句可判断出 C 项是正确答案。CRosa Parks worked at sewing clothes from the 1930s until 1955.Then she became a representation of freedom for millions of AfricanAmericans.In much of the American South in the 1950s,the first rows of seats on city buses were for white people only.Black

37、people sat in the back of the bus.Both groups could sit in a middle area.However,black people sitting in that part of the bus were expected to leave their seats if a white person wanted to sit there.Rosa Parks and three other black people were seated in the middle area of the bus when a white person

38、 got on the bus and wanted a seat.The bus driver demanded that all four black people leave their seats so the white person would not have to sit next to any of them.The three other blacks got up,but Rosa Parks refused.She was arrested.Some popular stories about that incident include the statement th

39、at Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat because her feet were tired.But she herself said in later years that this was false.A group of black women activists(积极分子) in Montgomery was known as the Womens Political Council.The group was working to oppose the mistreatment of black bus passengers.Blacks h

40、ad been arrested and even killed for violating orders from bus drivers.Rosa Parks was not the first black person to refuse to give up a seat on the bus to a white person.But black groups in Montgomery considered her to be the right citizen around whom to build a protest because she was one of the fi

41、nest citizens of the city.The womens group immediately called for all blacks in the city to refuse to ride on city buses on the day of Rosa Parks trial(审判) ,Monday,December 5th.The result was that forty thousand people walked and used other transportation on that day.Finally the rules for riding the

42、 buses were changed.The new rules said:1.Black and white people could sit wherever they wanted to sit.2.Bus drivers were to respect all riders.3.Black people were now allowed to apply for the position of drivers.语篇解读 本文讲述了罗莎帕克斯在公交车上因拒绝给白人让座而被捕的故事。罗莎 帕克斯被捕后,黑人团体为此举行抗议和斗争,最后迫使政府作出让步,修改不合理的法规。9Where di

43、d Rosa Parks ancestors live?AThe South America. BThe American South.CMontgomery. DAfrica.答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Then she became a representation of freedom for millions of AfricanAmericans.”中的 AfricanAmericans 可知,她的祖先是非洲人。故选D。10Why did Rosa Parks stay in her seat?ABecause her feet were hurt.BBecause

44、she wanted to have the same right as the white.CBecause her feet were tired.DBecause she had the right by law.答案 B解析 细节理解题。选项 A 的内容文中未提及;选项 C 的内容虽然在第四段第一句中提到了,但是由该段第二句可知罗莎帕克斯对此进行了否认;选项 D 的内容与第二段内容不符。故选 B。11What does the underlined word “mistreatment” in Paragraph 5 mean?ABeing badly treated. BBeing

45、destroyed.CAttack. DDislike.答案 A解析 词义猜测题。根据该词后面一句“Blacks had been arrested and even killed for violating orders from bus drivers.”可知,黑人受到了虐待。故选 A。12What can be inferred from the passage?ABlack groups are powerful.BRosa Parks was respected.CThe protest was a success.DRosa Parks had bad manners.答案 C解析

46、 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段首句“Finally the rules for riding the buses were changed.”及新的公交车乘车规则可知,这次抗议取得了成功。故选 C。.七选五How Much Do You Know About Albert Einstein?Albert Einstein,who was born on March 14,1879 in Germany,was a great scientist in the world.He was strange because he hated haircuts and new clothes.He be

47、lieved in peace. 13 However,his most famous idea,Emc 2,helped create the worlds most dangerous weapon.Many people thought he was the smartest person in the world. 14 Albert Einstein was also a theoretical physicist who published the special and general theories of relativity and contributed in other

48、 areas of physics.He won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric(光电的) effect. 15 At that time,everyone thought he was a fool.What did he like?Einstein liked learning sailing.He sailed in small boats all his life.He once joked, “Sailing is the sport that takes the least energy!”When Einstein was a child,his mother made him take violin lessons.At first,he didnt like the violin.But then he learned t


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