2019-2020学年人教新标准版必修1学案:Unit 3 Period Four

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1、Period Four GrammarThe Present Continuous Tense:expressing futurity感知下列句子,完成方框下的小题1We are waiting for you now.2Now she is planning our schedule for the trip.3I am taking the kids to the zoo this Sunday.4I kept asking her, “When are we leaving and when are we coming back?”1现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作。如句 1、2。2

2、现在进行时有时可以表示按计划或安排即将发生的动作,这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感。如句 3、4。一、现在进行时的基本用法1表示说话时正在进行的尚未完成的动作或状态。常与 now,right now,at this moment,at present 等时间状语连用。What are you doing now,Bob?鲍勃,你现在在干什么?Look!What are they watching?看,他们正在看什么?2表示目前一段时间正在进行的动作。现在进行时可表示目前一段时间内在做某一件事,但此时此刻未必正在进行的动作。George is working on a new book a

3、bout stories in schools.乔治在写一本关于校园故事的新书。3表示反复性、一贯性动作的用法。现在进行时与 always,constantly,all the time 等副词( 短语)连用时,可表反复性、一贯性动作,常用来表示赞扬、生气、不满、厌恶等感情色彩。He is always asking for money.他老是要钱。She is constantly changing her mind.她总是改变主意。二、现在进行时表将来的用法1动词 come,go,arrive,leave ,start,begin ,return 等的现在进行时可以表示将来的动作,常有“意

4、图” “安排”或“打算”的含义。这种用法比较生动,给人一种期待感。它常表示最近或较近的将来会发生的动作。They are coming here this afternoon.他们今天下午来这儿。When are you starting?你们什么时候动身?2除上述动词外,还有一些动词也可用现在进行时表示将来,如do,buy,meet,have,play,spend 等,此时句中一般要有表示将来的时间状语。What are you doing next Sunday?下星期天你打算干什么?My mother is buying me a bike soon.我妈妈不久将给我买一辆自行车。Im

5、meeting you after class.下课后我要见你。3偶尔也表示较远的将来。When I grow up,I m joining the army.我长大了要参军。4现在进行时也可用在时间、条件或原因状语从句中表示将来。If they are not going,I wont go,either.如果他们不去,我也不去。三、其他几种表示将来的结构1will/shall do 表达单纯的将来时,是对未来事情发生的一种“预见性” 。可用于说话时才想到或决定的事。will 用于各种人称,而 shall 仅用于第一人称。Im sorry.I forgot to post the lette

6、r for you.Never mind.I will post it myself this afternoon.对不起,我忘了给你寄信了。不要紧,今天下午我自己去寄。注意:表示事先未经过考虑的打算、计划,是在说话时才想到或决定的事,即临时起意,这时通常用 will。Where is the telephone book?Ill go and get it for you.电话号码簿在哪里?我去给你拿。2be going to do 用来表示近期或事先考虑要做的事情,以及有迹象表明将要发生的事。Look at those black clouds;theres going to be a s

7、torm. 瞧那些乌云,眼看要有暴风雨了。3be to do 表示预定、按计划或安排将要发生的动作。The meeting is to take place early tomorrow.会议明天一早召开。4be about to do 表示马上就要发生的事,不与具体的时间状语连用,但可用于句型 be about to do.when.“即将做某事,就在这时” 。Be quiet!The film is about to start.安静!电影马上开始。She was about to leave when some guests came.她刚要离开,这时来了一些客人。5一般现在时可表示按时

8、刻表、日程表的安排所发生的将来的动作,也可用于状语从句中表示将来。The next plane leaves at 6 pm.下一班航班下午 6 点起飞。If it is fine tomorrow,we will go to the Great Wall.如果明天天气好,我们就去长城。单句语法填空1My washing machine is being repaired(repair) this week,so I have to wash my clothes by hand.(2018天津)2Hi,let s go skating.Sorry,Im busy right now.I am

9、 filling(fill) in an application form for a new job.(2014北京)3Hurry up! Mark and Carol are expecting(expect) us.(2013北京)4Only when he apologizes(apologize) for his rudeness will I speak to him again.(2013江西)5 “The moment is coming(come) soon, ” he thought to himself,waiting nervously.(2012湖南)6I hear

10、you are working(work) in a pub.Whats it like?Well,its very hard work and Im always tired,but I dont mind.(2011江苏)7That piece of music sounds quite familiar.Who is playing(play) the piano upstairs?(2011重庆)8Ill go to the library as soon as I finish what I am doing(do)(2011辽宁).单句语法填空1The students are p

11、laying(play) games in the park at the moment.2The telephone is ringing(ring)Would you answer it?3Mr Jordan ,we want to hear your opinion about the current NBA games.OK,I am coming(come) to that.4As soon as he comes(come) back,I will tell you.5Usually the new term starts(start) on August 29th.6Did yo

12、u tell Julia about the result?Oh,no,I forgot.I will call(call) her now.7You are to hand (hand) in your compositions after class.8Because the shop is closing(close) down,everything is sold at half price.完成句子9He is leaving for London in two hours to meet with his manager.(leave)他两小时后将赴伦敦和经理会面。10We are

13、 flying to Shanghai next Friday to attend an important meeting.(fly)下周五我们将乘飞机去上海出席一个重要的会议。11What are you going to do tonight?Im going to watch the baseball game on TV.(watch)今晚你打算做什么?我打算看电视上的棒球赛。12As the festival is coming,people are busy preparing for it.随着节日即将到来,人们在忙着为它做准备。13We were about to leave

14、 for home when we were asked to practice singing.(leave)我们正要动身回家,就在这时被叫去练歌。.语法填空Lisa has been in Beijing for three years.Although she knows little about the city,she is about 14.to buy(buy) a house here.And her parents 15.are coming(come) to see her from England two days later.16.At present,she is a

15、n English teacher and her students are very 17.friendly(friend) to her.When she has trouble 18.speaking(speak) Chinese,her students are all glad to help her.She 19.goes(go) to work on foot every morning.Because Beijing is full of people and cars,walking is 20.faster(fast) than taking a bus.In the pa

16、st few years,Beijing 21.has changed(change) greatly.The only thing that troubles her is the air pollution,so she often wears a mask(口罩) to protect 22.herself.She hopes that effective measures will 23.be taken(take) to solve the problem.基础巩固.单句语法填空1Dont upset him.He is reading(read) a book.2Ill go ca

17、mping if it is(be) fine tomorrow.3John is leaving(leave) for Shanghai by plane tomorrow.4We are flying(fly) to Beijing next Friday to join in an activity.5Im not going out tonight.I am staying (stay) at home.6The weather forecast says that it is going to be(be) warm tomorrow.7Please come to see me w

18、hen you are(be) free.8My plane takes(take) off at 8:35,so I have got to hurry up.9Put on your coat.I am taking(take) you to see the doctor.10The concert is about to begin(begin)Youd better keep quiet.完成句子11Ill call on some of my old friends while I am staying in Shanghai(待在上海) 12Catherine is waiting

19、 for you(正在等你) downstairs at the moment.13When are you leaving for( 你动身去) that mountain village for a friendly visit? 14Technology is changing(正发生变化) so rapidly that we have to work hard to keep up with it.15I was about to go out(正要出去) when my uncle arrived.16They are taking their children(将带他们的孩子们)

20、 to the zoo this Sunday.能力提升.完形填空Travelers to new cities are often told to start their trip with a bus tour.The thinking is that they can then return to the places that 17 them.Its not true! What you see from the 18 of a moving bus is 19 .Its different from the real sights,sounds ,and 20 outside.Be

21、adventurous(冒险的)! The best 21 to experience any place is on foot and with completely no travel plan. 22 go wherever your feet and your interests 23 you.You finally will get to the 24 places that are on the bus tourthe museums,city hallbut you will have seen much more.You will have 25 the present lif

22、e of the city.“But what if I get lost?” people might ask.No one ever gets 26 lost in a big city.At last, you can find your way back to a(n) 27 place.If it makes you afraid of being “ 28 ”,just find a taxi and go back to where you started.However,the 29 things can happen if you are lost.You can 30 at

23、 a caf to sit and relax.You can ask the local(当地的) people at the next table for directions.And 31 they dont speak your language,your trip becomes more interesting because of the 32 .Here are two more ways to help you.Know before you go. 33 a few hours before your trip learning about the history and

24、culture of your destination(目的地)Move around like a 34 .Use the subway and buses of the city that youre 35 .Youll not only 36 money,but youll also learn how people really live.语篇解读 你会很随意地而且很冒险地步行去新的城市旅行吗?采纳本文的建议,相信你一定会有许多意想不到的收获。17A.helped BconcernedCinterested Dsatisfied答案 C解析 他们的想法是,这样他们就能够返回到他们感兴趣

25、的地方了。18A.inside BfrontCback Dcenter答案 A解析 此空与第四个空后的 outside 相呼应。你从行驶的公共汽车里所看到的景色是不真实的。它不同于外面真实的风景、声音和气味。19A.real BtrueCunreal Dcommon答案 C解析 句意参考上题解析。unreal 不真实的。20A.views BcitiesCtowns Dsmells答案 D解析 能与 sights,sounds 相并列的只有 smells,故选 D。21A.use BwayCgroup Dvoyage答案 B解析 体验任何地方最好的方式是步行。故选 B。22A.Just BNe

26、verCHardly DEspecially答案 A解析 仅仅去你的脚和兴趣带领你去的地方。just 仅仅; never 从不;hardly 几乎不;especially 特别地,尤其地。23A.lead BmoveCtell Dhelp答案 A解析 句意参考上题解析。lead 带领。24A.different BwrongCright Dsame答案 D解析 你最终会到达与乘公共汽车旅行相同的地点。25A.left BfeltClived Dled答案 B解析 通过这种方式你会感受到城市现在的生活。26A.terribly BpossiblyChopelessly Dfinally答案 C解

27、析 没有人会在大城市里无可救药地迷路。根据下文可知,你可以找到方法回到原来出发的地方。hopelessly 绝望地;无可救药地。27A.unknown BwellknownCstrange Dfamiliar答案 B解析 最后,你可以找到你的方式回到一个众所周知的地方。wellknown 众所周知的,符合语境。unknown 不为人所知的; strange 奇怪的;familiar 熟悉的。28A.lost BdecidedCleft Dwent答案 A解析 如果你害怕走丢就找一辆出租车,让它带你回到出发的地方。29A.worst BhardestCnicest Dhappiest答案 C解析

28、 由下文看,迷路后你可以到路边的咖啡馆放松休息,询问当地人正确的路线,从而使你的旅行变得难忘,故此处指如果迷了路也会有好事情发生。30A.reach BgetCrise Dstop答案 D解析 迷路后你可以在一家咖啡馆停下来并坐下休息。31A.in case Bas a resultCin fact Deven if答案 D解析 即使他们不会说你的语言,你的旅行也会因为这次经历而变得更加有趣。even if 即使,符合语境。in case 以防,万一; as a result 结果;in fact 事实上,实际上。32A.experience BconversationCtalk Dtrip答

29、案 A解析 句意参考上题解析。experience 经历。33A.Take BSpendCPay DUse答案 B解析 旅行之前花费几个小时了解你的目的地的历史和文化,spend time (in) doing sth.意为“花费时间做某事” 。而 take 指花费时间时常用句型:It takes sb.some time to do sth.。pay只能指花费金钱,不指时间。34A.graduate BtouristCnative Dforeigner答案 C解析 像当地人一样四处走动。native 当地人。35A.seeing BvisitingCgoing Dwalking答案 B解析

30、使用你正在游览的那个城市的地铁和公共汽车不仅省钱,而且还可以了解当地人的真实生活。故选 B。36A.organize BbendCsave Dflow答案 C解析 乘坐地铁和公交等公共交通工具肯定是比较“节省”开销的,故用 save。organize组织;bend 弯腰;flow 流动。.语法填空Dear Toby,Thank you very much for your letter.Your trip sounds 37. (excite)!I cant wait 38. (see) what Africa is like.Ever since my last letter to you,

31、I 39. (have) an interesting experience of my own.This month,my mother and I took 40. flight to Dunhuang.The desert there was really amazing.I found 41. (I) very excited because this was the first time I 42. (see) a camel so close.We had hoped that we would see some other wildlife in our trip,but 43.

32、 (sad) we didnt.Since you are going to the Sahara,I have some advicebe sure to bring a large hat and a shirt 44. long sleevesyou will need these for protection.The sun can be so brilliant 45. you will need to keep covered or you will get burnt(晒伤)And youll also need to keep plenty of water with you.

33、Im sure you will have a nice trip.I look forward to 46. (enjoy) your photos.Yours,Li Hua语篇解读 本文是一封书信,作者介绍了自己的敦煌之旅,并给收信人提了一些去撒哈拉沙漠的建议。37答案 exciting解析 考查词类转换。设空处在句中作表语,修饰主语 trip,指“令人兴奋的” ,应用exciting。38答案 to see解析 考查固定短语。cant wait to do sth.迫不及待地想做某事。39答案 have had解析 考查时态。ever since 作介词,后接表示时间的名词,常与现在完成

34、时连用。故该空填 have had。40答案 a解析 考查冠词。该处指“乘飞机” ,应用 take a flight。41答案 myself解析 考查代词。设空处在句中作动词 found 的宾语且与主语 I 是同一人,故该处用反身代词。 “find oneself形容词”表示“发现自己” 。42答案 had seen解析 考查时态。根据固定句式“it was the first time that sb.had done sth.某人第一次做某事”可知该处用过去完成时,故填 had seen。43答案 sadly解析 考查词类转换。设空处在句中作状语,修饰全句,应用副词,故填 sadly “令

35、人遗憾的是” 。44答案 with解析 考查介词,该处表示“带一件长袖的衬衣” ,with 表示“有” 。45答案 that解析 考查状语从句。so.that.如此以至于,引导结果状语从句,so 后接形容词或副词。46答案 enjoying解析 考查非谓语动词。look forward to doing sth.盼望着做某事,动名词作介词 to 的宾语。.概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。Does writing come hard to you?Are you discouraged to find yourself poor at writing? Nobod

36、y is born knowing how to write.Good writing habits,which help make you write on a regular basis,are necessary for you to improve your writing.Firstly,you are supposed to read a wide range of books.Its obvious when a writer is not wellread.Lack of reading will be obvious in every sentence one writes.

37、Reading prepares you with necessary knowledge to be a good writer.Whats more, it provides you with basic skills for writing.The importance of reading cannot be stressed too much:read as much and as often as you can.Secondly,its important to make a writing schedule and write daily if it is possible.W

38、hether you write for two hours a day or fifteen minutes a day,daily writing is the key to developing good writing habits.Its better to write for fifteen or twenty minutes every day than to sit for five or six hours to write over the weekend.However,if you can make a daily writing schedule with longe

39、r hours on your writing on weekends,then its much better.One of the worst habits is never to get help from others to improve your writing.It is advised that you share your work with others.For example,you can post a scene on your blog,send your writing around to a few friends,round up some readers a

40、nd let them comment on your writing.That way,youll find your writing gradually improved.参考范文Good writing habits make great sense to improve your writing.First,you should read as much as possible to get the knowledge and skills for writing.You should also make a writing plan and keep up your daily writing.Besides,youd better turn to others for help to improve your writing.


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