2019-2020学年人教版英语必修4作业含解析:Unit 5 Section Ⅰ

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1、Unit 5 Theme parksSection Prereading (Warming Up to; for 8The town is so beautiful!I just love it.Me too.The character of the town is well _ (preserve)答案:preserved 9The West Lake, which we visited last year, is really _ attraction and wed like to visit it _ second time next year.答案:an; a 10This fiel

2、d measures fifty meters in _ (long), which is twice the size of another one next to it.答案:length 能力题 阅读理解A great idea would be to take your child to visit an animal shelter (收容所). New York City has many animal shelters that would attract your child and fascinate W1him/her. This could be a great idea

3、 if your child especially wants to have a pet.Take your kids out for a horse ride. One perfect place in New York City is the Forest Park, Queens NY. This great park offers all kinds of fun activities such as merrygoround, park, baseball field and band shelter.For the more adventurous types, a trip t

4、o Coney Island is the perfect answer. W2Visit the Astroland Amusement Park and your kid will fall in love with it. Here you P1can play many different daring (冒险的) games as Cyclone Roller Coaster, arcade (游戏厅) rooms having many video games.There are so many arcade centers in New York City, where one

5、can visit with children and have a great time playing different games and exercising. Dave and Busters is a great arcade plus food centre offering delicious bread in addition to P2interesting video games. ESPN Zone is another great place in New York City where you can easily mix fun with delicious f

6、ood with your children.P3If you are a local of New York City, perhaps the best place to take your child W3to is the Public Library. Children love books and New York City has some of the best libraries in the world. So take your child to a good library in New York City on a weekend and spend some gol

7、d time with him/her.1In Forest Park you can enjoy _.Awalking a pet Briding a horseCplaying basketball Dplaying volleyball答案:B 细节理解题。根据第二段前两句可知,可以去 the Forest Park 骑马。2If you look for adventurous activities, you can go to _.AForest Park BConey IslandCDave and Busters DESPN Zone答案:B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,喜

8、欢冒险的人可以去Coney Island。3Which video games center offer delicious bread?AForest Park.BAstroland Amusement Park.CDave and Busters.DThe Public Library.答案:C 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句可知,Dave and Busters 提供美味的面包。4We can know from the passage that _.Aanimal shelters attract the children having petsBAstroland Amusement

9、Park attracts game playersCESPN Zone is the best place to have bread and funDthe best place to take your child to is the Public Library答案:B 推理判断题。由第三段中的“Visit the Astroland Amusement Park and your kid will fall in love with it. Here you can play many different daring (冒险的) games .”可知,在 Astroland Amu

10、sement Park 人们可以玩电子游戏。故 B项正确。W重 点 单 词1fascinate v. 深深吸引 2.adventurous adj. 惊险的3local n. 当地人,本地人P重 点 短 语1fall in love with 爱上;喜欢上2in addition to 除以外(还)3mix . with 把和混合/融合起来 完形填空Disneyland opened in 1955 and instantly became the worlds most recognizable and popular theme park. This was the only Disney

11、 theme park visited by Walt Disney, who died in 1966. Disneyland is _1_ in the south of Los Angeles, California. You may get there by air or by bus.Disneyland _2_ most of its visitors from _3_. So avoid weekends and school vacations to get the _4_ waits. The period before or after Christmas Day is t

12、he busiest of the _5_, with the park often holding more extra guests each day. Whenever you visit, _6_ early about an hour _7_ the opening timeto get the popular attractions before crowds _8_.Disneyland also _9_ tickets online, but does not allow you to _10_ them at home. So youll have to order far

13、enough _11_ for them to arrive by mail. Tickets _12_ also be available through your local auto club, Disney Store or your school or work activities office.Space Mountain _13_ in July, 2005 after a twoyear rehabilitation (修复) to rebuild the track and improve show _14_. If you are travelling with litt

14、le kids, youll want to visit Fantasyland first in the morning, _15_ several popular kids rides in that area, _16_ Dumbo and Peter Pan, have low capacities (容量) and build long _17_ early in the day. _18_, head west to Adventureland and New Orleans Square _19_ the park opens, visiting the Indiana Jone

15、s Adventure and Splash Mountain, _20_ coming back to the Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean.1A.limited B locatedCcircled Dexpanded答案:B 此处是关于迪士尼乐园位置的介绍。固定短语 be located in 意为“位于某处” 。2A.pleases B organizesCdraws Dbenefits答案:C 作为一个旅游胜地,必是吸引游客,draw 有“吸引”的意思,且与其后的 from 搭配。please “使人满意,取悦” ;organ

16、ize “组织” ;benefit “使人受益” 。3A.villagers BforeignersCstudents Dlocals答案:D 根据下文提到的避开周末或者学校放假时间来游玩可知 ,当地人利用周末来玩的可能性最大,故选 D。4A.shortest BbusiestClongest Dbiggest答案:A 周末和假期游客多,等候的时间肯定要长 ,而这里特别指出了要避开这两个时间,为的是等候的时间短一些,故排除 C 项,选 A。5A.time BweekCday Dyear答案:D 根据“the period”可知,此处考虑的是一个时间段,所以首先排除 A 项;圣诞节前后应该是一年

17、(year)中的一个时间段,不可能是一周或一天,所以也排除 B、C 两项。6A.leave BplanCarrive Dbook答案:C 该部分提示游客来玩时尽量到(arrive)得早点儿,避免在受欢迎的景点遇到游客拥挤的现象。7A.after BuntilCpast Dbefore答案:D 为了避开拥挤的时间段,应该提前约一个小时到达 ,故选before。8A.avoid B buildC break Dcombine答案:B 提前约一个小时到达迪士尼乐园,是为了避免在受欢迎的景点遇到游客拥挤的现象。before crowds build 可指“在游客扎堆、拥挤情况形成前”。9A.sells

18、 BshowsC sends Dcollects答案:A 该段谈购票的问题。该句主语为迪士尼乐园 ,为售票方,所以选 A。10A.reserve BkeepCcopy Dprint答案:D 这里指迪士尼乐园也在网上售票,为了防止造假 ,应该是不允许游客在自己家里打印(print) 。reserve 和 keep 都有“储备,保存”的意思;copy “复制” ,均不符合逻辑。11A.in advance Bin caseCin order Din turn答案:A 订好的票需要邮寄给你,这需要一定的时日 ,所以要尽可能提前(in advance)订购。in case “万一” ;in order

19、 “有条理” ;in turn “轮流” 。12A.ought to BmustCwill Dmay答案:D 此处需要一个情态动词,意思吻合最关键 ,这里表示除了在网上购票外,还可以通过其他途径购票,所以选 may 最合适。ought to “应该” ;must “必须” ;will “将” 。13A.opened BreopenedCclosed Dreduced答案:B 根据下文“经过两年维修和重建”可知,此处表述重新开业的意思。故选 B。14A.possibilities BchangesCdevelopments Deffects答案:D possibility “可能性” ;chan

20、ge “变化” ;development “进展,发展” 。三个单词在和 show 搭配时均不能体现维修的目的。此处谈 Space Mountain 两年维修的目的是提升 show effects “演出效果” 。15A.when BsinceCas D because of答案:C 此处建议带小孩的游客尽量在早晨去 Fantasyland,后面是提出该建议的理由,因为是比较明显的理由,所以用 as。because of 后不能接句子;when 引导时间状语从句;since 是“既然”的意思。16A.unluckily BunexpectedlyCespecially Dnormally答案:

21、C 上文提到有几个受小孩子欢迎的景点,此处专门提示其中最好的两个地方,所以用 especially。unluckily “不幸地 ”;unexpectedly “出乎意料地” ;normally “正常地 ”。17A.rows BwaitsCplaces D passages答案:B 此处指这个景点客容量较小,很容易出现游客扎堆现象,这样就很可能会等很长时间,所以用 wait(名词,表示“等待的时间”),且与上文吻合。18A.If not BIn a wordCAs a result DWhats more答案:A 此处需要承上启下的转折,if not 意为“如果不” ,指“如果不参观前面的景

22、点,那么就” 。其他选项均不合语境。in a word “总而言之”;as a result “结果” ;whats more “而且” 。19A.where BthatChow Dwhen答案:D where 引导地点状语从句; how 一般表方式。这里是时间状语从句,表述那么就在公园刚开门时,往西走,去参观 Adventureland 和 New Orleans Square。20A.now BandCjust Dthen答案:D 此处讲述参观各景点的顺序,最后一句为下一处景点 ,所以用then “然后” 。 短文改错(2016全国卷 )My uncle is the owner of a

23、 restaurant close to that I live. Though not very big, but the restaurant is popular in our area. It is always crowded with customers at meal times. Some people even had to wait outside. My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high qu

24、ality oil are using for cooking. My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time. Instead, he hopes that our business will grow steady.答案:My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to I live. Though not very that wherebig, the restaurant is popular in our area. It is al

25、ways crowded with customers at butmeal times. Some people even to wait outside. My uncle tells me that the key had haveto his success is . Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables high honest honesty or andquality oil are for cooking. My uncle says that he never dreams using used ofbecoming ric

26、h in short period of time. Instead, he hopes that business will the a our hisgrow .steady steadily难项分析:第一处:thatwhere 考查宾语从句的连接词。此处表达的是 “靠近我所居住的地方” ,故需将 that 改为 where。where 在此引导宾语从句,并在从句中作地点状语。第四处:honesthonesty 考查名词。根据语境“我叔叔告诉我他成功的关键在于诚实”可知,此处该用名词作表语。第十处:steadysteadily 考查副词。修饰动词 grow 应用副词,所以将steady 改为 steadily。


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