仁爱版英语八年级下册Unit8 Topic3同步讲义

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1、Unit 8 Topic31. 重点单词(所有程度学生都要掌握)traditional(adj.)-tradition(n.) minority(n.)- majority(反义词)Tibetan (adj.)-Tibet(n.) Korea(n.) -Korean(adj.)decorate (v)-decoration(n.) Asian (adj.) -Asia (n.)personal(adj.) -person(n.) attractive (adj.)-attract(v)express(v) -expression(n.) above -below (反义词)marriage(n

2、.)-marry (v) celebration(n.)- celebrate (v)choice( n.)-choose(v)-chose(过去式)-chosen (过去分词)二词组(的程度较差可以不掌握,中、上学生需全部掌握)Section A 1. watch the fashion show 看时装表演 2. in Xidan Shopping Center 在西单购物中心 3. another one=one more 另外一个4. model the clothes 展示服装 5. silk hat / woolen dress / cotton blouse 丝质帽子/ 毛料裙子

3、/ 棉衬衣 6. a leather overcoat 皮外套 Section B7.a traditional dress 一件传统服装 8. in the world of high fashion 在高级时装领域 9. a traditional Russian costume 一件传统俄罗斯服装 10. be in /wear minority costumes 穿着少数民族服装11. be in the Zhuang minority costume 穿着壮族民族服装 12. be sure about/of sth. 确定、确信 13. with pleasure 很乐意 Sect

4、ion C14. be full of culture 充满文化 15. stand for 代表16. get ones name 得名 17. from then on 从那时起 18. the Han and Tang dynasties 汉唐时期 19. silk knots 花结20. design A as B 将 A 设计成 B 21. formal /casual clothes 正装/休闲装 22.either A or B 不是 A 就是 B 23. the personal style 个人风格24. western-style suits 西式风格的服装 Section

5、 D26. wear heavy cotton jeans 穿着厚重的棉质牛仔裤27. the most popular choice 最受欢迎的选择 28. at one time 曾经,一度 29.casual and formal occasions 非正式和正式场合 30. on special occasions 在特殊场合三重点句子(所有程度学生都要掌握) Section A1. And he said the fashion show was wonderful.并且他说时装表演很精彩。the fashion show 意为“时装表演”。主句为 he said,宾语从句为 the

6、 fashion show was wonderful,引导词 that 在句中常省略。在这个句子中,我们重点注意宾语从句的时态必须与主句呼应,本句符合主过从过,即若主句是过去时,从句中谓语动词的时态要变成相应的过去时态,即般现在时变为一般过去时;一般将来时变为过去将来时; 现在进行时变为过去进行时等。例: Jim asked if it was very cold in Moscow.吉姆问莫斯科是不是很冷。He asked when they would visit the farm。他问他们什么时候去参观农场。Mary told me( that) she was working har

7、d on her Chinese.玛丽告诉我她正在努力学汉语。2. Many models will be there to model the clothes. 许多著名的模特儿将去那里展示时装。model 作名词时,意为“模特;模型”,例: a model plane作动词时,意为“展示”,例: model the clothesSection B3.People call it a cheongsam.人们称它旗袍。call v.给命名;称呼;把叫作;call 后接宾语及宾语补足语,也称复合宾语。 例: They decided to call the baby Brooklyn. 他们

8、决定给婴儿取名布鲁克林。例: People called the lake West Lake. 人们把这个湖叫作西湖。4. Its a traditional dress for Chinese women, and its becoming popular in the world of high fashion.它是中国妇女穿的一种传统服装,而且它在高级时装领域内正逐渐流行起来。a traditional dress 传统服装, traditional adj.传统的例: traditional Chinese medicine 中医 traditional music 传统音乐in t

9、he world of在领域。例: in the world of football 在足球界5. Here come another three models, and they are all in minority costumes.又过来三个模特,而且她们三人都穿着少数民族的服装。Here come another three models.是一个倒装句。英语中以 here/there 等方位副词开头的句子,如果主语是名词,要用倒装句,即谓语动词放在主语之前。且谓语动词单复数由位于倒装句句尾的主语决定。例:Here is your watch. 这是你的手表。Here comes th

10、e bus!车来了!There goes the bell.铃响了。Here are some flowers. 这里有一些花。主语若是代词,主语和谓语的语序不变。例:Here she comes!她来了。Here it is.它在这儿。Here you are.给你。another 是形容词,意为“又一个;另一个”,其结构为:another+单数可数名词=one more+单数名词another+数词+ 复数名词=数词+more/ other+复数名词例:another two apples =two more applesPlease drink another cup of tea.请再

11、喝一杯茶。Where shall we be in another ten years/ten more (other)years?再过十年,我们将在哪里?minority costumes 少数民族服装。6. But Im not sure about the last one.但最后那套服饰我不确定。be sure about/of “对有把握,肯定,确信”。例:Im not sure about the result.我对结果没把握。Im sure of our success 我确信我们能成功。be sure 后可接动词不定式或 that 从句。例:We re sure to win.

12、我们一定能赢。Are you sure that he will come here on time?你确信他会准时到吗?Section C7. It got its name when China became known to other countries during the Han and Tang dynasties.唐装是因为在汉、唐时期中国开始闻名于世而得名。get its name 得名例:The village got its name from the lake in it.这个村庄因村内的湖泊而得名become known to 变得为 所熟知,意思相当于 be kno

13、wn to。例:Beijing is/becomes known to all the people in the world because of the 2008 Olympics.北京因 2008 年奥运会而 为全世界的人所熟知。be/become known(famous) as+表示职位、身份等的词: 作为而出名be/become known(famous) for+表示特征、性质等的词:因非而出名例:Yao Ming is/becomes known( famous) as a basketball player.姚明作为一名篮球运动员而出名。Henan is/becomes kn

14、own( famous) for Shaolin Temple.河南因少林寺而出名。8. From then on, people called Chinese clothes,“ Tang costumes”.从那时起,人们把中式服装称为“唐装”。from then on“从那时起”。例:I lived alone from then on.从那时起,我就一个人住。from.on 从起”例:From now on you can work on your own.从现在起,你可以独立工作了。I never spoke to him again from that day on.从那天起,我再

15、没和他说过话。9. Today people can design the Tang costume as either formal or casual clothes.现在人们可以把唐装设计成正式款或者休闲款。design.as.把设计成。例:The designer designed this piece of cloth as a beautiful dress.设计师把这块布设计成一条漂亮的裙子。eitheror 或者或者,要么要么,通常连接同等成分,可以连接名词、动词、形容词、副词等。连接主语时,其谓语动词的形式服从“就近原则”,即取决于最靠近动词的那个名词或代词的单复数形式。例:

16、Either my wife or I am going. 要么我妻子去,要么我去。 Either you leave now or I call the police!要么你马上离开,要么我叫警察。not only.but also.(不但 而且),neither.nor.(既不也不)和 there be 句型,谓语动词的数也服从“就近原则”。例:Not only the children but also their father likes to see the film.不仅仅孩子们,而且他们的爸爸也喜欢看电影。either 表“也”,只用于否定句句末 ,用逗号隔开。例:I don t

17、 like this movie, either.我也不喜欢这部电影。either of.(两者中 )任意一个,作主语时表单数。例:Either of them is going to the meeting.他们俩中有一人要去参加会议。10.Which costume above do you like best?上面的服装你最喜欢哪一件?above adv. “以上,上述,在上面”。例:Please read the passage above again and answer the questions.请把上面的文章再读一遍,然后回答问题。Put in on the shelf abo

18、ve. 把它放到上面的搁板处Section D11. They are the most popular choice of clothing for young people around the world.走遍全球,对年轻人来说,牛仔裤都是最受欢迎的选择。choice n.选择,挑选例:She had no choice but to leave.除了离开,她别无选择That shop has a large choice of hats.那家商店有许多帽子可供选择.choose v.“选择,挑选”例:Joan chose a red shirt.琼选了件红裙子。He chose whe

19、re to go.他决定去哪了。12. At one time, Japanese people wore kimonos for casual and formal occasions.曾经,日本人在非正式和正式场合都穿和服。at one time 曾经,一度,相当于 once。例:At one time, he was a teacher.他曾经是一位老师。at a time 依次,逐一,每次例:Enter two at a time. 每次进来两人。13. Today, few people wear kimonos except on special occasions like ma

20、rriages and national celebrations.如今,除非在特殊场合,像婚礼或国家庆典等,很少有人穿和服。celebration n.“庆祝,庆祝会”。例:A big celebration is going on in the city. 一个盛大庆典正在这座城市举。I will have a birthday celebration.我明天要举行一个生日庆祝会。celebrate v. 庆祝例:We celebrated his birthday.我们给他庆祝生日。They decided to celebrate with a party.他们决定举行聚会来庆祝。4语

21、法:宾语从句(时态)1、宾语从句的时态必须与主句呼应。当主句中谓语是现在时或将来时,从句中谓语不受主句谓语时态的影响,可以按需要使用任何时态。例:She says( that) she will leave a message on his desk 她说她要在他桌子上留个便条。2、若主句是过去时,从句中谓语动词的时态要变成相应的过去时态,即般现在时变为一般过去时;一般将来时变为过去将来时;现在进行时变为过去进行时等。例:Jim asked if it was very cold in Moscow.吉姆问莫斯科是不是很冷。例:He asked when they would visit the farm.他问他们什么时候去参观农场。Mary told me( that) she was working hard on her Chinese.玛丽告诉我她正在努力学汉语。3、当从句是客观事实、永恒真理时,时态不受主句的谓语动词时态的限制,常用一般现在时。例:Mr. Green told his son( that) the earth goes round the sun.格林先生告诉他的儿子说地球绕着太阳转。


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