北师大版高中英语选修6课件:Unit 16 Vocabulary Breakthrough

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1、Unit 16 Stories,Step One 构词助记,内容索引,Step Three 语境助记,Step Two 词义助记,Vocabulary Breakthrough,Step One 构词助记,A组(前缀) wind v. vi.& vt.倒回 normal adj. adj.反常的,不正常的 courage n. vt.使泄气,使灰心 bearable adj. adj.不能忍受的 certain adj. adj.不确定的 B组(后缀) novel n. n.(长篇)小说家 violin n. n.小提琴家 particular adj. adv.特别地,特定地,rewind,

2、abnormal,discourage,unbearable,uncertain,novelist,violinist,particularly,character n. adj.典型的 suffer v. n.痛苦,困难 music n. adj.音乐的;n.音乐剧,音乐片 admire v. adj.令人钦佩的 restrict v. n.限制,约束 sweet adj. n.甜蜜,温柔 warm adj. n.温暖,characteristic,suffering,musical,admirable,restriction,sweetness,warmth,C组(合成) adj.n. n

3、.艰苦,困苦 n.n. n.可视电话 n.adj. adj.引起麻烦的 adj.adv. adj.直接的,坦率的 v.prep. n.突破,重大发现 v.adj. adj.讨厌的,令人厌倦的,hardship,videophone,troublesome,straightforward,breakthrough,tiresome,D组(转化)n.证人;目击者;证据vt.目击n.特征;特性adj.典型的n.爆发,突发;爆炸vi.爆炸;冲;闯n.时态adj.紧张的,witness,characteristic,burst,tense,Step Two 词义助记,A组(同义词) desert vt.

4、 vt.放弃,遗弃 protect vt. vt.保护,保存 happen v. vi.发生 specially adv. adv.特别地,特定地 building n. n.建筑 sadness n. n.悲伤,难过 explode v. vi.爆炸 importance n. n.重要性;意义,abandon,preserve,occur,particularly,architecture,sorrow,burst,significance,outstanding adj. adj.出色的,卓越的 strict adj. adj.严重的,严厉的 exact adj. adj.准确的,精确的

5、 valuable adj. adj.宝贵的,珍贵的 enlarge vt. vt.扩大,扩充 complicated adj. adj.复杂的 obvious adj. adj.明显的,显而易见的 tiring adj. adj.令人厌倦的 uncomfortable adj. adj.令人不舒服的 nervous adj. adj.紧张的,superb,severe,precise,precious,expand,complex,apparent,tiresome,awkward,tense,B组(反义词) adopt vt. vt.放弃,遗弃 destroy vt. vt.保护,保存 f

6、ake adj. adj.原作的,真正的 happiness n. n.悲伤,难过 encourage vt. vt.使灰心,使泄气 comfort n. n.痛苦 ordinary adj. adj.出色的,卓越的 latter adj. adj.以前的;前者的 simple adj. adj.复杂的 relaxed adj. adj.紧张的,abandon,preserve,authentic,sorrow,discourage,suffering,superb,former,complex,tense,C组(形近词) teach vt. vt.嘲笑,取笑 serve vt. adj.严厉

7、的,严重的 farmer n. adj.以前的 complete adj. adj.复杂的 precious adj. adj.准确的,精确的,tease,severe,former,complex,precise,Step Three 语境助记,背诵经典 1. Once upon a time,there was a novelist who wrote a story about the life of a victim that was once knocked over and abandoned beside the road. 2. The man witnessed the te

8、rrible volcanic eruption which occurred several minutes ago. 3. In a way,the monument is a characteristic architecture in the area. 4. On the way to the college,the violinist came across an abnormal fellow who drew pictures for the passersby. 5. As an awesome teacher,our English teacher never discourages us or teases us,so we students all admire him.,


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