外研版高中英语选修七课件:Module 3 Vocabulary Breakthrough

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1、Module 3 Literature,Step One 构词助记,Step Two 词义助记,内容索引,Step Three 语境助记,Vocabulary Breakthrough,Step One 构词助记,A组 前缀 pay v. v.报答;回报 B组 后缀 novel n. n.小说家 cruel adj. n.残酷 adv.残酷地 serve v. n.服务 health n. adj.健康的,repay,novelist,cruelty,cruelly,service,healthy,intend v. n.打算 illegal adj. adv.违法地;非法地 distribu

2、te v. n.分布;分配 nutrition n. adj.有营养的 starve v. n.挨饿,饿死 concern v. adj.关心的;担忧的 accomplish v. n.完成,intention,illegally,distribution,nutritious,starvation,concerned,accomplishment,C组 合成 n.n. n.济贫院;贫民习艺所n.垃圾箱,垃圾桶n.纳税人n.资料;文件,workhouse,dustbin,taxpayer,paperwork,Step Two 词义助记,A组 同义词 hopeless adj. adj. gra

3、sp v. v. B组 形近词 tough adj.费力的;棘手的;困难的 adj.多暴力的;犯罪率高的,desperate,seize,rough,Step Three 语境助记,1.背诵经典 The desperate orphan whispered to me that he wanted to escape from the prison.2.背诵经典 The cruel mistress screamed,seized the maids collar and wanted to hang her.,3.背诵经典 The healthy novelist was eager to repay the ambassador,who helped him accomplish his new novel.4.背诵经典 The naughty pedestrian intended to distribute the paperwork at the wedding ceremony.5.背诵经典 The humble taxpayer once served in the navy and now he works in a big corporation.,本课结束,


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