外研版高中英语必修三课件:Module 5 Vocabulary Breakthrough

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1、Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China,Step One 构词助记,Step Two 词义助记,内容索引,Step Three 语境助记,Vocabulary Breakthrough,Step One 构词助记,A组 后缀 important adj. n.重要;重要性 philosophy n. n.哲学家 teach v. n.教导;学说 think v. n.思想家 kind adj. n.善良 influence v.&n. adj.有影响的 honest adj. n.诚实 just adj.&adv.

2、 n.公正,importance,philosopher,teaching,thinker,kindness,influential,honesty,justice,invent v. n.发明家n.发明;创造 argue v. n.争论 free adj. n.自由,inventor,invention,argument,freedom,B组 转化 v.n. 秩序强调;重要性仁爱 adj.v. 与相等;等于,order,stress,love,equal,Step Two 词义助记,A组 同义词 location n. n. quarrel n. n.,position,argument,B

3、组 反义词 hard adj. adj.,soft,C组 形近词 principal adj.首要的 n.原则 feather n.羽毛 n.皮革,principle,leather,Step Three 语境助记,1.背诵经典 They usually advocate principles with good morals,such as justice,honesty,love and kindness.2.背诵经典 The great thinker often stresses the importance of freedom,peace and order.,3.背诵经典 Whether they were in high positions or terrible conditions,they were all influential to common people and our societys development.4.背诵经典 In conclusion,all of the inventors made great contributions to our country and we are proud of them.,本课结束,


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