译林版高中英语选修七(江苏)课件:Unit 3 Period Three

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1、Unit 3 The world online,内容索引,Period Three Task,基础自测,写作专题,要点探究,当堂达标,基础自测,.重点单词 1. vt.展现;授予;提出;介绍adj.目前的;现在的;出席的n.礼物;现在n.出席,到场;存在n.展示,介绍;颁发;提交,出示 2. n.形式,形状;外形;表格;方式vt.形成;构成;组织,present,presence,presentation,form,3. vt.代表;表现,象征 4. vt.比较,对比n.比较,对照 5. n.样本,样品vt.采样;尝试;品尝,represent,compare,comparison,sampl

2、e,.重点短语 1. 以形式/形状 2. 把与比较 3. 与相比,更喜欢 4. 依赖,依靠 5. 根据,in the form of,compare.with,prefer.to.,rely on,according to,.重点句式,One of the most common ways is in the form of charts. 呈现事实和数据最常用的方法之一就是用图表形式,1.way作先行词的定语从句,The first is facts and figures more than opinions. 首先要依赖事实和数据而不是主观臆断。,2.不定式短语作表语,that fact

3、s and figures are presented,to rely on,要点探究,重点词汇,One of the most common ways that facts and figures are presented is in the form of charts. 呈现事实和数据最常用的方法之一就是用图表形式,(1)present vt.展现;授予;提出;介绍;adj.目前的,现在的;出席的,在场的;n.礼物;现在 sb.with sth. sth.to sb. be present at出席 at present目前 for the present暂时,暂且 (2)presen

4、ce n.出席,到场;存在 (3)presentation n.展示,介绍;颁发;提交,出示,归纳拓展,present,把某物呈现给某人,注意:present作前置定语时意为“目前的,现在的”;作后置定语时意为“出席的,在场的”。,(1)A good idea presented itself in his mind. 一个好主意浮现在他的脑海里。 (2)All the students present were moved. 在场的学生都深受感动。 (3)The boy who was often absent from class was present at the party. 经常缺

5、课的那个学生却在晚会上露面了。,语境助记,(1)写出下列短语或句子中present的词性及汉语意思 We should live in the present. _ the present president _ the professors present at the meeting _ to present an award _,题组训练,n.目前,现在,adj.目前的;现在的,adj.出席的,到场的,vt.授予,(2)Teaching a pronunciation class to a mixed group of learners can a teacher with many c

6、hallenging problems. A.provide B.produce C.present D.offer,答案,解析,解析 provide,present,offer都有“提供”的意思。provide意为“提供,供给(某物)”;present则表示“呈现(某种状况)”;offer构成offer sb.sth.或offer sth.to sb.的结构。结合句意选C项。,Look at them and find out how Internet news compares with news from other sources. 看它们(两个图例)并找出网络新闻与其他来源的新闻作比

7、较的结果如何。,(1)compare vt.比较,对比 compare A to B 把A比作B compare A and B 对比A和B compare A to/with B 把A与B作比较 compared to/with.与比较起来 (2)comparison n.比较,对照 make a comparison作比较,归纳拓展,(1)The poet compared her teeth to pearls. 那位诗人把她的牙齿比作珍珠。 (2)Compare this with that,and youll know which is the better. 把这个和那个对比一下,

8、你就会知道哪一个更好一些。 (3)Compared with/to the sun,the moon is much smaller. 和太阳相比,月亮小得多。,语境助记,(1)把他们的状况与我们的相比很有意思。 It is interesting . (2)这很难与她以前的书相比两者是截然不同的。 It is difficult her previous booksthey are completely different.,题组训练,to compare their situation and ours,to make a comparison with,(3)When different

9、 cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. A.compared B.being compared C.comparing D.having compared,答案,解析,解析 本题考查动词compare的用法。由题意可知compare与主语we之间为主动关系,故用comparing。,.60 per cent of people prefer football to table tennis. 与乒乓球相比,60%的人更喜欢足球,(1)pref

10、er A to B 与B相比更喜欢A prefer to do/doing sth.宁愿做某事 prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do A rather than do B would rather do A than do B (2)preference n.偏爱 in preference to优先于 注意:prefer意为“更喜欢,较喜欢”,相当于like better,所以不可与better,best,more,most连用。,归纳拓展,宁愿做A而不愿做B,(1)I prefer tea to coffee. 我更喜欢茶而不是咖啡。 (2)I pr

11、efer staying at home to going out with you. 我宁愿待在家里,也不愿意和你外出。 (3)I prefer to walk there rather than ride on a crowded bus. 我宁愿走着去那里也不愿乘坐拥挤的公交车。,语境助记,(1)我宁愿踢足球也不愿在家看电视。(一句多译) I prefer football to TV at home. I prefer football rather than TV at home. I would rather football than TV at home.,题组训练,playi

12、ng,watching,to play,watch,play,watch,(2)I prefer alone rather than be with him. A.being B.to be C.be D.to being,答案,解析,解析 句意为:我宁愿独处也不愿和他在一起。prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A而不愿做B,故选B。,The first is to rely on facts and figures more than opinions. 首先要依赖事实和数据而不是主观臆断。,(1)rely on/upon(depend on/upon) 依

13、靠,信赖;指望 rely on/upon it that.相信/指望 rely on.to do/doing sth.依赖做某事 (2)reliable adj.可靠的,可信赖的,归纳拓展,(1)He is a boy who can be relied on. 他是一个可信赖的男孩子。 (2)You may rely on it that he will help you when you are in trouble. 你放心好了,当你有困难时他会帮助你的。 (3)I know I can rely/depend on my parents to deal with the situati

14、on. 我知道我可以依靠父母来应对这种局面。,语境助记,(1)用所给词的适当形式填空 Can we rely on him (support) us? Tom is clever while Jack is honest and (rely).,题组训练,to support/supporting,reliable,(2)You may that they will finish the hard job on time. A.believe in B.rely on it C.depend upon D.live on,答案,解析,解析 句意为:你可以放心,他们会按时完成这项艰巨的任务。be

15、lieve in相信,信任,后面接sb.,表示“信任某人”;rely on it后接that从句,it为形式宾语,而that从句为真正的宾语;depend upon后如果直接跟从句,只能接what从句,如果接that从句,需在upon后先加it,再加that从句;live on靠生活。,当堂达标,.单词拼写 1.The boy has a bad habit of cheating in the exam. 2.He is afraid that the (目前的) situation is getting worse and worse. 3.Learning a language is a

16、 long and hard (过程). 4.Only a small (比例) of college students have the chance to apply for scholarship. 5.He all of us to give a speech at the meeting.,formed,present,process,percentage,represented,.选词填空 in the form of,rely on,compared with,according to,prefer.to. 6. Tianjin,Beijing is larger. 7.I wr

17、iting a term paper taking an examination. 8. a recent survey,cancer is the leading cause of the death among young adults in this area,especially women. 9.Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request a question. 10.You cant others to help you.,Compared with,prefer,According to,in the form of,re

18、ly on,to,.完成句子 11.昨天买的那些书质量很高。 The books are of high quality. 12.教育的目的是发展儿童完美的品格。 The purpose of education is in children. 13.一旦你开始了,就不要放弃。,never give up.,(which were) bought yesterday,to develop a fine personality,Once you start,14.我们学好英语很重要。 It is important for us . 15.我旅行时更喜欢吃小吃而不愿吃正餐。 I when Im

19、travelling a full meal.,to learn English well,prefer to snack,rather than have,.单项填空 16.At the meeting,the chairman used a computer to help with the _ of his report. A.presentation B.appointment C.competence D.assumption,解析 句意为:在会议上,主席使用电脑帮助呈现他的报告。presentation呈现,展示,符合句意。appointment约定;competence能力,技能

20、;assumption假定,假设。,答案,解析,17.Film has a much shorter history,especially when such art forms as music and painting. A.having compared to B.comparing to C.compare to D.compared to,解析 句意为:电影的历史短得多,特别是与音乐、绘画等艺术形式相比较时。film与compare之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动。when compared to.是状语从句“When it is compared to.”的省略形式。,

21、答案,解析,18.It is reported that many a new house at present in the disaster area. A.are being built B.were being built C.was being built D.is being built,解析 考查动词的时态和语态及主谓一致。由时间状语at present可知,此处动词表示的动作正在进行,且主语与build是被动关系,应用现在进行时的被动语态;“many a名词单数”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。故选D。,答案,解析,19.One reason for my for living

22、in the countryside is that it has no air pollution or traffic jams.(2016启东中学高二月考) A.preference B.attitude C.explanation D.request,解析 句意为:我喜欢住在乡下的一个原因是乡下没有空气污染或交通堵塞。preference偏爱,符合句意。 attitude态度;explanation解释;request请求。,答案,解析,20.Can you help me with the maths homework,mom? You cant always others help

23、 for your homework.Do it by yourself this time,dear. A.wait on B.rely on C.insist on D.turn on,解析 rely on依赖,依靠,符合句意。wait on服侍,焦急地等待;insist on坚持;turn on打开。,答案,解析,写作专题,Writing a report,调查报告的一般写法: 先交代所调查问题的基本情况,点明调查的结论。 然后写报告的内容,要写清事物的发生、发展过程及产生的影响、后果;可以按时间顺序写,也可以按问题性质从不同侧面来写。 经过对事实进行分析,最后得出结论性意见。,当写调查

24、报告时,要记住两件主要的事情:一是要依据事实和数据,而非人们的看法;二是要支持所掌握的事实。首先,当举出一个事实的时候,一定要说明我们是在何处找到的,或者是谁说的,如“演讲者说”或“根据我们展示的图表”。如果表达的是自己的看法,则必须说明这是自己的看法,而不是事实;其次,必须尽可能地写出我们所掌握的相关且真实的信息,这样读者就会了解所有的事实。如果我们写道:“60%的人更喜欢踢足球”,那么就要写出我们是如何知道这一点的,还要写出我们相信这个事实的理由,如“这是对100人的调查结果”和“他们说他们更喜欢足球,是因为他们能得到更好的锻炼”。,1.点明主题常用句式: As can be seen f

25、rom the graph/table/chart. As is shown in the graph/table/chart. The graph/table/chart tells/shows the changes in./between.and. /from.to. This is a line graph/chart which describes the general trend of.,2.归纳总结或发表评论常用句式: Its clear from the chart that. From the graph we can learn/know. As is described

26、 above,we can draw a conclusion that. From the graph/data/information above,it can be seen/concluded /shown/estimated that. There is no doubt that. It is clear that.,受某英文报的委托,你最近对高中生的英语阅读兴趣做了一次调查。请根据以下信息,用英语为该报写一篇150词左右的短文。调查内容:在新闻、故事、科普、学习方法四种英文文章中,学生最喜欢哪一种。 调查范围:江苏省的10所中学 调查对象:高中生 调查人数:1 000 调查方式:

27、访谈 调查结果:选择各类英文文章的 人数所占的百分比(如右图),写作步骤,Step One 审题谋篇 1.时态:说明图中表达的数据用一般现在时;说明调查过程时应用一般过去时;说明调查已完成可用现在完成时。 2.人称:第三人称。 3.目的:简明扼要地表明调查的结果并加以适当分析总结。 4.文章布局: (1)说明调查的基本情况,包括被调查的学校、人数、问题等; (2)说明调查的结果; (3)小结。,Step Two 联想词汇 1.采访 _ 2.四种英文文章 _ 3.有关学习方法的文章 _ 4.最喜欢/更喜欢 _ 5.占百分之七 _,make/do a survey,four categories/

28、types of English articles,articles about/(which are) relevant to learning methods,favourite/like.best/most/prefer,take up seven percent,Step Three 句式升级 1.对江苏省的10所中学的1 000名高中生进行了访谈。 One thousand senior middle school students _were interviewed.(介词短语作定语) One thousand senior middle school students,_,wer

29、e interviewed.(定语从句),from ten schools in,Jiangsu Province,who were (chosen),from ten schools in Jiangsu Province,2.他们被问在新闻、故事、科普、学习方法四种英文文章中,最喜欢哪一种。 They were asked among the four categories of English articles:news,stories,popular science articles and articles relevant to learning methods.(like) Th

30、ey were asked among the four categories of English articles:news,stories,popular science articles and articles relevant to learning methods.(favourite),which they liked best,which was their favourite,3.根据1 000名学生的调查样本,一半多的学生最喜欢读更新的新闻。,more than half of the students like to read up-to-date news most.

31、(according to),the survey shows that more than half of the students like to read up-to-date news most.(base.on),more than half of the students like to read up-to-date news most.(as引导非限制性定语从句),According to the sample of 1,000 students in the survey,Based on the sample of 1,000 students,As is shown in

32、 the survey among 1,000 students,4.最喜欢阅读学习方法类英文文章的学生仅占7%。 Only seven percent of the students _.(简单句) The number of the students _only takes up seven percent.(定语从句),are most interested in reading,articles about learning methods,who are most interested in reading,articles about learning methods,Step F

33、our 连句成篇 _ _,Reading Interests of Senior Middle School Students Recently,a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students.In this survey,one thousand senior middle school students from ten schools in Jiangsu Province were interviewed. They were asked which th

34、ey liked best among the four categories of English articles:news,stories,popular science articles and articles (which are) relevant to learning methods.,_ _,Based on the sample of 1,000 students,the survey shows that more than half of the students like to read up-to-date news most.Whats more,twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories are their favourites.However,the number of students who prefer reading popular science articles doubles that of those who are most interested in reading articles about learning methods,which only takes up seven percent.,本课结束,


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