(江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修六:Unit1 Period Three学案(含答案)

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1、Period Three Task.重点单词1 n外国人adj.外国的2 vt.教授,传授;命令,指示;告知n命令3 adj.最初的,初始的; n.(人名的)首字母adv.最初,开始4 vt.(通常经过努力)获得;得到;达到5 vt.提高;修改;润色.重点短语1 接纳2 对感兴趣3 继续;继续前进;开始做(别的事) ;换 (话题)4 与相配5 关于.重点句式1once 引导时间状语从句,some of his students go on to become quite well known themselves.一旦他们掌握了这些技巧,他的一些学生便会继续下去,直到自己变得非常出名。2why

2、 not.?So,if you want to try crosstalk lessons, with a real old master?因此,如果你想尝试一下相声课,为什么不跟随一名真正的相声大师学习呢?重点词汇1He has instructed students from over 70 different countries.他已指导过来自 70 多个不同国家的学生。归纳拓展(1)instruct vt.教授,传授;指示,命令;告知instruct sb.to do sth.指导某人做某事(2)instruction n指示;说明书 ;使用指南(常用复数);U 指导obey/foll

3、ow instructions 遵从指令 /指示(3)instructive adj.有教育意义的,有启发性的(4)instructor n指导员,教练注意:instruct 表示“命令”时,后面 宾语从句的谓语动词 要用 should do,should 可以省略。语境助记(1)It was Jay that instructed me to throw myself out of the plane.是杰伊告诉我从飞机上跳下去的。(2)They instructed him that he (should) leave the country at once.他们命令他立刻离开这个国家。(

4、3)It is important to follow the teachers instructions in the lab.在实验室听从老师的指示非常重要。题组训练(1)用 instruct 的适当形式填空What the says is often .Under his ,we have all made progress.(2)Operate the electrical appliance following the attached in the box,or youll be at risk.Ainstructions BexplanationsCintroductions D

5、statements2In an interview,he told us that he is always happy to take on new foreign students.在一次采访中,他告诉我们,他总是乐意接收新的外国学生。归纳拓展take on 接纳,承担;从事;较量;开始雇用;呈现;具有的特征take back 收回take down 记下来;拿下来take off 起飞;脱下take out 取出take over 接管语境助记(1)They have taken on a new worker.他们已经雇用了一名新员工。(2)Who will take over no

6、w that David has resigned?大卫已经辞职了,谁会接任呢?题组训练(1)选词填空take back,take on, take off,take down,take outAfter the heavy rain,the old city a new look.The policeman all details of the accident.We the CD player because it didnt work well.Well in five minutes.Please fasten your seat belts.I had two of my teeth

7、 .(2)The word “cool” has expanded to many different meanings.Atake on Bput onCcarry on Dget on3Then they move on to creating crosstalk dialogues in pairs with other students.然后,他们就开始与其他的学生两人一组表演相声了。归纳拓展move on 接下去;继续;继续前进;开始做( 别的事);换( 话题)(后接介词 to);让(某人) 离开(事故现场等)move in 搬家,搬入新居move off 起程;出发;离开on th

8、e move 在移动中语境助记(1)We tried to see who had been hurt,but the police told us to move on.我们试图看看谁受伤了,但警察让我们离开现场。(2)Though he failed this time,he moved on again.尽管他这次失败了,但他仍继续努力。(3)Dont jump off a train when its on the move.火车未停稳时切勿跳下。题组训练(1)看完体育版后,他又开始看娱乐版。After finishing the sports section,he the enter

9、tainment section.(2)载重汽车排好队准备出发。The lorries were lined up,ready to .(3)Id done the same job for years and felt it was time to .Amove on Bgo onChave on Dtake on经典句式1Once they have polished their skills,some of his students go on to become quite well known themselves.一旦他们掌握了这些技巧,他的一些学生便会继续下去,直到自己变得非常出

10、名。归纳拓展once 引导时间状语从句,意为“一旦就” 。如果 once 引导的从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句中的谓语动词 含有 be 动词的某种形式时,或从句为“it be.”形式时,从句中的“主语be”或“it be ”可以省略。语境助记(1)Once you have heard the song,you will never forget it.一旦你听过这首歌,你将永远不会忘记它。(2)Once broadcast,the TV play will be very popular with young people.一旦开播,这部电视剧将会非常受年轻人的欢迎。题组训练(1)水一开

11、始沸腾,温度就不再升高。,its temperature no longer rises.(2) the damage is done,it will take many years for the farmland to recover.(2015北京,32)AUntil BUnlessCOnce DAlthough2So,if you want to try crosstalk lessons,why not study with a real old master?因此,如果你想尝试一下相声课,为什么不跟随一名真正的相声大师学习呢?归纳拓展(1)why not do.?表示提出建议,意

12、为“何不/ 为什么不 呢?” ,相当于 why dont you do.?(2)why not do.?与 why do.?相似,但是前者表示提出建议,后者表示对某一建议提出质疑或反对,意为“为什么那样做呢?”语境助记(1)Why not manage to lead a green life?为何不设法过一种环保的生活呢?(2)Why give her some flowers?为什么要给她一些花呀?题组训练(1)珍妮有漂亮的珠宝,为什么不去向她借呢?Jenny has beautiful jewellery. some from her?(2)你为什么不用其他办法试一试?doing it

13、in some other way?(3)Its a long time since I last saw my sister. her this weekend?AWhy not visit BWhy not to visitCWhy not visiting DWhy dont visit.单词拼写1Only after you have a enough basic skills can you produce creative works of art.2The union issued an order (指示) its members not to work overtime.3H

14、e removed his glasses and began p them with a piece of cloth.4There is no doubt that this candidates advantage liesin his ability to communicate with f in English.5Is it true that (最初的) infection of HIV may produce no symptoms?.选词填空in regard to,in pairs,take on,have an interest in,go with6Why does t

15、he foreigner Chinese folk songs?7The teacher asked the students to discuss questions to improve their skills.8He more workers during the harvest.9I want a pair of tights(紧身裤) to this sweater. 10 teaching method,we have not yet discussed it.完成句子11在紧急情况下保持镇静是很重要的。in an emergency.12如果你不喜欢读这本书,那就换另一本。If

16、 the book bores you, .13为什么不来和我们一块爬山?and join us in climbing the mountain?14我们需要有实用技术的人。We need people .15一旦记住,永生不忘。,you will never forget it.单项填空 16At the meeting many problems came up environmental protection. (2017邗江中学高二期中)Aas a result of Bwith regard toCin return for Din place of17 there are man

17、y different types of food,some animals spend their lives eating only one type.(2017盐城龙岗中学高二调研)ASince BUnlessCOnce DWhile 18. In a typhoon,winds a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.Aassume BaccomplishCattain Dacquire 19We cant any more work,and were fully stretched at the moment.Atake in Bta

18、ke onCtake over Dtake off20. I think weve talked enough about that; lets .Acontinue Bmove onCgo on Dmove off写作指导英文电子邮件在内容结构上与普通书信一样,但在格式上有所不同。它主要由以下几部分组成:1标题栏一般情况下,开头需要填写的地方有 to:(收件人)及 subject(邮件主题)。2称呼语在 email 中,正文前的称呼应根据写信人与收信人的关系而定,一般以 Dear.或 My dear.开头。3正文正文是电子邮件的主要部分,写作时需注意以下两点:(1)首先要明确写给谁。不同的收

19、件人,语气不同。写给朋友的可用一些俚语或缩写词语,但正式的邮件就不能用俚语或缩写词语。像高考中的书面表达题,就是正规的写作,一般不用俚语或缩写词语。(2)文体的特点是简单明了,便于阅读,所以电子邮件大多把话题分成几个小主题,每个小主题一段,每段一般只有一两句话,正文由两三个或三四个简短的段落构成。当然,对重点部分要作详细介绍。太长的内容可以以附件的方式发出。4结束语结束语常用敬语,表示客套和礼节,措辞应恰当。通常用“Best Regards!” , “Best Wishes!”或使用“Have a nice day!” , “Good day to you!”等表示美好祝愿的词组作为敬意结尾。

20、5署名在结束语的下面一至两行签上自己的名字。注意:署名顶格居左。常用表达常用开头语:1Thank you for.2Im glad to receive your letter dated on.3Im sorry that I couldnt write earlier.4How are you getting along with your study?5With great pleasure I learn that.6Im writing to ask if.正文常用语:1Could you come to.?/I would very much like you to join us

21、.(邀请)2Id like to come ,but I cant because./Im really sorry to say.(委婉拒绝)3In my opinion,you should.(回复求助)常用结束语:1Im looking forward to receiving.2All my best wishes to you.3Remember me to your parents.4Good luck to you.5Please give my compliments to your family.典题示例假如你叫李华,请你写一封电子邮件告知你的英国网友保罗(Paul)有关你们

22、学校的一些情况。学校概况 共有 1 800 名学生,32 个教学班,200 名教职员工。班级情况 高二(3)班:共 50 名学生,其中男生 35 名、女生 15 名;班主任是一位女老师,教英语,心地善良、工作严谨。学习科目 语文、数学、英语为必修课,另外还有许多选修课。参考词汇:必修课 required courses;选修课 selected courses写作步骤Step One 审题谋篇1时态:本文应以一般现在时为主。2人称:以第一人称写。3目的:告知网友保罗你们学校的有关情况。Step Two 联想词汇1工作努力 2从中选择 3对和蔼 4对工作严格 5对认真 Step Three 句式

23、升级1我们学校有 1 800 学生,32 个班,有 200 个教职工。There are 1,800 students and 32 classes in our school. (两个简单句)There are 1,800 students and 32 classes in our school. (with)2. 除此之外,我们还有很多选修科目可供选择。Besides these,we have many selected courses.We . (两个简单句)Besides these,we have many selected courses . (不定式作后置定语)3我的英语老师

24、是我们的班主任,她对我们很和蔼,但是对工作很严格、很认真。My English teacher is our head teacher. but she is very strict and serious about her work. (两个简单句)My English teacher is our head teacher, but is very strict and serious about her work.(定语从句)Step Four 连句成篇答案精析基础自测.1.foreigner;foreign 2.instruct;instruction3initial;initial

25、ly 4.attain 5.polish.1.take on 2.have an interest in 3.move on to (doing) sth. 4.go with 5.in regard to.1.Once they have polished their skills 2.why not study要点探究重点词汇1(1)instructor;instructive;instruction(2)A 句意为:按照 贴在盒子上的 说明书操作该电动设备,否则,你会有危险。instructions 说明书,指南,符合句意。explanation 说明,解 释;introduction

26、介绍,引进;statement 陈述,叙述。2(1)took on took down took back take off taken out(2)A take on 具有 的特征。3(1)moved on to reading (2)move off(3)A 句意为:我做同一份工作多年了,我感到是时候更换工作了。move on 开始做(别的事),继续(做某事),换(话题);go on 继续;have on 穿着(衣服等);take on 呈现,接受,雇用。由句意知选 A 项。经典句式1(1)Once water begins to boil(2)C 考查连词。句意为:一旦造成损害,要花费许

27、多年的时间耕地才能恢复。 until 直到;unless 除非; once 一旦;although 尽管。由句意可知 选 C。2(1)Why not go and borrow/Why dont you go and borrow (2)Why dont you try/Why not try(3)A why not 后只接动词原形,意为“为何不”,用于向对方提出建议。 当堂达标.1.attained 2.instructing 3.polishing 4.foreigners 5.initial.6.have an interest in 7.in pairs 8.took on 9.go

28、with10In regard to.11.It is important to keep calm 12.move on to another13Why not come 14.with practical skills 15.Once you remember it. 16.B 句意为:在会议上很多关于环境保护的问题被提出来了。as a result of 因为;with regard to 关于;in return for 回报;in place of 代替。由句意可知选 B 项。17D 句意为:虽然有很多不同种类的食物,一些 动物还是只靠吃一种来生存。 since 由于;unless

29、除非; once 一旦;while 虽然。由句意可知选 D 项。18C 句意为:在台风中,风速能达到每小时 120 公里。attain 达到(目的等),取得 (成就等);assume 假定,假设,承担;accomplish 完成;acquire 获得,学到,习得。19B 句意为:我们不能再接受更多的工作了,目前我们已经是全力以赴了。take on 在此意为“接受,承担”,符合句意。take in 吸收,理解,欺 骗;take over 接收,接管;take off 拿掉,脱衣,起飞。20B 句意为:我想那一点我们已经谈得够多了,谈点别的吧。move on 开始做(别的事),换(话题) ,符合句

30、意。continue 继续(同一话题);go on 继续同一 话题;move off 离开。写作专题写作步骤Step Two1work hard 2.choose from. 3.be kind to sb.4be strict in one s work 5.be serious about.Step Three1There are 200 teachers and staff.;with 200 teachers and staff2can choose from them;to choose from3She is very kind to us;who is very kind to

31、usStep FourDear Paul,Im writing to tell you something about my school.There are 1,800 students and 32 classes with 200 teachers and staff in our school.The teachers in our school work hard.Chinese,maths and English are our required courses.Besides these,we have many selected courses to choose from,t

32、oo.I m in Class 3,Grade 2.There are fifty studentsthirtyfive boys and fifteen girls in my class.My English teacher is our head teacher,who is very kind to us but is very strict and serious about her work.We all think that she is a great teacher.How about your school?Please write to me soon.Yours,Li Hua


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