牛津译林版高中英语必修5:Unit 2 Period Four课件

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1、Unit 2 The environment,基础自测,内容索引,要点探究,达标检测,课文预读,Period Four Project,基础自测,.重点单词 1. n.范围;一系列;山脉vi.(在一定范围内)变化;包括;排列,排序 2. adj.违法的,非法的adj.合法的 3. n.(对自然环境的)保护vt.保护;节约 4. vt.欣赏,赞赏;感谢;领会n.欣赏,感激,range,illegal,legal,conservation,conserve,appreciate,appreciation,5. n.气候n.天气 6. adj.低碳的 7. n.交通工具,车辆 8. adj.电的,用

2、电的n.电 9. vt.消耗,耗费;消费n.消费者,climate,weather,low-carbon,vehicle,electrical,electricity,consume,consumer,10. adj.专指的,特指的;特别的;讲究的,挑剔的adv.特别,尤其 11. vt.吸收;理解;使全神贯注adj.全神贯注的,专心致志的 12. n.十年,particular,particularly,absorb,absorbed,decade,.重点短语 1. way进行中 2. regard to关于;至于 3.let 排放;不惩罚,宽恕 4. this case在这种情况下 5.

3、particular尤其,特别 6.last not least最后但同样重要的 7.do ones 尽自己的职责,under,in/with,off,in,in,but,part,.重点句式 1.nor/neither助动词/情态动词/be动词主语 也不 This is not good news for the people who rely on the Yangtze River for water. for the wide range of fish and wildlife that live in or along the river. 这对依赖长江用水的人来说是个不好的消息,

4、对生活在江中或沿岸的大量鱼类和野生生物来说也是个不好的消息。 2.There is no doubt that.毫无疑问the world climate has been changing in recent years. 毫无疑问,世界的气候近年来一直在变化。,Nor is it good news,There is no doubt that,3.the比较级.,the比较级.越,就越 Therefore, petrol and electricity we consume, carbon we are letting off. 因此,我们消耗的汽油和电越多,我们排放的碳就越多。 4.过

5、去分词短语作后置定语 Although we produce carbon when we breathe,the carbon we produce is much less than that . 尽管我们呼吸时产生碳,但我们排出的碳要比汽车产生的碳少很多。,the more,the more,produced by a car,课文预读,.根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F) 1.Only the Chinese are concerned about the health of the Yangtze River. ( ) 2.All the illegal hunting of anim

6、als in the Yangtze River has been stopped. ( ) 3.People havent seen white-flag dolphins for years.( ) 4.The amount of carbon is becoming larger with more petrol and electricity consumed.( ) 5.Youd better throw away paper products in time.( ),答案,F,F,T,T,F,.课文阅读填空,concern,living,education,illegally,in

7、cluding,Effect/ Results,responsible,improved,breathe,carbon,Measures,public,used,Recycle,take,.阅读本单元Project部分,试着以约30个词概括第一篇课文Protecting the Yangtze River第一、二段(P38,L111)总的段落大意。 _,The pollution of the Yangtze River is getting more and more serious.Fish and wildlife living in or along the river are in

8、great danger.Many people now think it important to protect the river.,要点探究,As the third longest river in the world,the health of the Yangtze River has raised concern both in China and abroad. 作为世界上长度第三的河流,长江的环境问题已经引起了国内外的关注。,(1)concern n.关心,关注;关系;vt.与有关;使担忧 concern oneself about(be concerned about)关

9、心,挂念 (2)concerned adj.关心的,担心的;有关的 be concerned about对感到担心 be concerned with与有关 (3)concerning prep.关于,有关,重点词汇,(1)The boys poor health concerned his parents. 那个男孩的健康不佳令他的父母担忧。 (2)He what people say. 不管人们怎么讲,他都不去在意。 (3)Her latest documentary youth unemployment. 她最新的一部纪录片是关于青年人失业问题的。,doesnt concern hims

10、elf about/isnt concerned about,is concerned with,单项填空 (4)The managing directors only was how to improve the quality of their products. A.concern B.arrival C.shame D.measure,解析 句意为:总经理唯一关心的是如何提高他们产品的质量。concern关心,关注,符合题意。arrival到达;shame羞耻,羞愧;measure措施,尺寸,测量。,答案,解析,Nor is it good news for the wide rang

11、e of fish and wildlife that live in or along the river. 对生活在江中或岸边的大量鱼类和野生生物来说也是个不好的消息。,range vi.& n.范围,界限;列,排;(在一定范围内)变化,变动 within/in the range of在范围之内 a range of一系列 beyond/out of ones range超出某人的范围 range from A to B 在A到B之间变化,(1)There will be an increase in the range of 1 to 3 percent. 将会有1到3个百分点的增长幅

12、度。 (2)The subject is . 那个问题已超出了我的能力范围。,图解助记,beyond/out of my range,单项填空 (3)Compared ordinary dolls,Barbie Dolls sell well,whose prices range 5 dollars to 100 dollars. A.in;in B.with;from C.with;at D.in;from,解析 句意为:与普通玩具相比较,芭比娃娃卖得好,它的价格从5美元到100美元不等。compare with与相比较,用过去分词形式作状语;range from.to.从到之间变动。,答案

13、,解析,(4)This restaurant has become popular for its wide of foods that suit all tastes and pockets. A.division B.area C.range D.circle,解析 foods后面的定语从句“that suit all tastes and pockets”说明该饭店的食物多种多样。a range of一系列。division分割,分开;area区域;circle圆圈,环,均不符合句意。,答案,解析,Two special government projects are also unde

14、r way. 两个政府专项工程正在进行中。,under way(计划、活动等)在进行中;(船)在航行 (1)all the way一直,从头到尾 in no way绝不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装) no way绝不;没门,不可能 in a way在某种意义上;在某种程度上;在某一方面 on the way在途中;即将到来,(1)The boat gave a lurch,and we were under way. 船摇晃了一下,然后我们开船了。 (2) am I going to help you. 我绝不会帮你的。,In no way/No way,(2)under control处于控

15、制中 under repair修理中 under construction建造中 under discussion讨论中 under consideration思考中 under pressure在压力下,单项填空 (3)Some special projects are to protect our environment,so we may be to having a clean and beautiful home in the near future. (2018淮安清江中学高二期中) A.on the way;under way B.under way;on the way C.i

16、n the way;on the way D.on the way;in the way,解析 句意为:一些为保护我们环境的特殊项目正在实施中,所以我们在不久的将来将会有一个干净美丽的家园。under way正在进行中;on the way在路上,即将到来。根据句意,故选B项。,答案,解析,We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems in regard to the Yangtze River. 要解决有关长江的所有问题,我们还有很长的一段路要走。,(1)in/with regard to.关于;就 as regards关于

17、,至于 in this regard关于此事;在这方面 (2)regarding prep.关于,至于 (3)regardless of不管;不顾,(1)The school authority had a discussion regarding/with regard to/in regard to/as regards whether they should set up more scholarships to meet the increasing demands. 校方就是否应该设立更多的奖学金来满足增长的需求进行了讨论。 (2)Japan is leading the way i

18、n this regard. 日本在这方面处于领先地位。 (3) what his parents think,he is leaving home for a new job in a big city. 不顾他父母的看法,他打算离开家乡到大城市去找一份新的工作。,Regardless of,单项填空 (4)The experts have given some practical advice the problems that most people are concerned about in food safety. (2017张家港高级中学高二期中) A.in charge of

19、B.in honour of C.in regard to D.in favor of,答案,The efforts of the Chinese government and people to protect this much-loved river will be appreciated for years to come. 在未来的数年里,世人将会感激中国政府和人民为保护我们这条挚爱的河所做出的努力。,appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏;感谢;领会 appreciate doing.喜欢/感激做 I would appreciate it if.如果我将不胜感激。,(1)I ap

20、preciate the difficulty. 我理解这种困难。 (2)I appreciate with you. 我喜欢和你去购物。,going shopping,单项填空 (3)I would appreciate very much if you could help me with it. (2017徐州王杰中学高二期中)A.them B.one C.that D.it,解析 it作形式宾语,I would appreciate it if.如果我将不胜感激。,答案,解析,(4)I deeply appreciate the opportunity to go abroad for

21、 further study.(2017盐城时杨中学高二期中) A.giving B.to be given C.being given D.that I have been given,解析 句意为:我深深感激有这样的机会去国外进行深造。根据appreciate doing sth. 排除B、D两项,再根据I 和give 是被动关系,故选C项。,答案,解析,However,many other human activities also let off carbon gases. 然而,人类的许多其他活动也会释放出二氧化碳。,let off排放;不惩罚,宽恕 let out泄露;发出(叫声)

22、;出租 let sb. alone不要管某人,不打扰某人 let alone更不用说,更谈不上 let sb. /sth. down使某人失望/使某物降低 let in受骗;让进来,(1)Ill let him off this time but next time hell be punished. 这次我会宽恕他,但若有下次他便会受到惩罚。 (2)All five boys let out a sigh of relief on accomplishing their tasks. 五个男孩一完成了他们的任务就都松了一口气。 (3)I cant afford to pay my bills

23、, buy a new car. 我连账单都付不起,更不用说买一辆新车了。,let alone,单项填空 (4)When John was arrested for drunken driving,he expected to lose his driving license,but he was with a fine. (2018南京淳辉高级中学高二月考) A.let through B.let down C.let off D.let out,解析 句意为:当约翰因为酒驾被逮捕的时候,他以为会失去他的驾驶证,但是他只是被罚款,然后被释放了。let off放走,免受惩罚。,答案,解析,(5

24、)All the students a loud laugh when the teacher told them the joke. A.let off B.let down C.let out D.let up,解析 句意为:当老师给他们讲这个笑话时,所有的学生都哄堂大笑。let out发出(笑声,叫喊声);let out a loud laugh哄堂大笑。,答案,解析,In particular,metal products and paper products require a lot of energy to produce,so you should find ways to u

25、se these again without throwing them away. 特别指出,金属和纸制品在生产时需要大量的能源,因此不要(随便)扔掉它们,要想办法再次使用。,in particular特别,尤其 be particular about/over对很讲究,易混辨析 particular,special,especial particular adj.特别的;讲究的,挑剔的。强调“特定的,个别的,与众不同的”。 special adj.特殊的;特别的;专门的(反义词:ordinary)。强调的是事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途。 especial adj.特别的;主要的,

26、突出的(反义词:common)。强调的是重要性,非普通、非寻常,主要解释为“尤其”。,(1)It happened on that particular day. 事情发生在那个特别的日子。 (2)He came to Beijing on a visit to his friend. 他来北京是专门为了看一看他的朋友。 (3)He solved the problem of importance. 他解决了非常重要的问题。,special,especial,单项填空 (4)It was a good concertI enjoyed the last song . (2018宿迁沭阳潼阳中学

27、高二月考) A.in turn B.in particular C.in advance D.in short,解析 句意为:这场音乐会很好我特别喜欢最后那首歌。in particular尤其,特别,符合题意。in turn依次,轮流,反过来;in advance提前,预先;in short简言之。,答案,解析,(5)Im sorry you dont like the skirt, because he bought itfor you.(2018射阳中学高二月考) A.specially;specially B.especially;specially C.particularly;esp

28、ecially D.specially;especially,解析 specially主要含义为“专门,特殊”;especially主要解释为“尤其”;particularly尤其,特别,格外,通常指以不同寻常的方式突出某一事物的个性或独特之处,它更强调与众不同。,答案,解析,Last but not least,you can plant a tree,because trees absorb the carbon dioxide in the air to produce oxygen. 最后但仍然很重要的是,你可以种植一棵树,因为树木吸收空气中的二氧化碳并且产生氧气。,absorb vt

29、.吸收;理解;使全神贯注 absorb ones attention吸引某人的注意 be/get absorbed in sth. 专心于某事,全神贯注于某事,(1)I read and re-read the letter,trying to its contents. 这封信我读了又读,努力理解它的内容。 (2)The study of the English language . 他全神贯注地学习英语。 (3)I dont want to too modeling.It is certainly fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal. 我不想太

30、专注于模特行业。这个行业当然很有趣,但这样的生活方式有点不真实。,absorb,absorbs all his attention,absorbed in,get,单项填空 (4)I waved to Lucy,but she was in her thoughts,and made no response.(2018宿迁沭阳县潼阳中学高二月考) A.involved B.absorbed C.stuck D.interested,解析 句意为:我向Lucy招手,但是她在沉思中,没理会我。 be absorbed in sth. 专心于某事,符合题意,故选B项。,答案,解析,Therefore

31、,the more petrol and electricity we consume,the more carbon we are letting off. 因此,我们消耗的汽油和电越多,我们排放的碳就越多。,经典句式,(1)the more.,the more.即:the比较级.,the比较级.意为“越,就越”。 (2)第一个“the比较级”是表示条件的状语从句;第二个“the比较级”是主句。在表示将来意义的情况下,从句用一般现在时表示将来,本结构中常用省略结构。 (3)“比较级and比较级”(“more and more原级”)意为“越来越”。,(1)The more tickets y

32、ou sell,the more money you will get. 你卖的票越多,挣的钱就越多。 (2)Gas is getting . 天然气变得越来越贵了。 (3)Im becoming . 我变得越来越苗条了。,more and more expensive,slimmer and slimmer,单项填空 (4)Hi,Andrew.How can you improve your English so much? Oh,nothing difficult.The you work at it,the progress you will make.(2018射阳第二中学高二期中)

33、A.harder;less B.more hardly;more C.harder;greater D.harder;great,解析 “the比较级.,the比较级.”表示“越,就越”,A项与句意不符; hardly表示“几乎不”,无比较级; D项中的great应为greater。,答案,解析,(5)Generally speaking,the sooner a patient gets treated, . A.less pain he or she will suffer B.the less pain he or she will suffer C.the less he or she

34、 will suffer pain D.he or she will suffer the less pain,解析 句意为:一般来说,病人治疗得越早,他(她)遭受的痛苦就越少。“the比较级.,the比较级.”表示“越,就越”,less作定语修饰pain,pain应跟在less后。,答案,解析,达标检测,.单词拼写 1.My daughter cares more for new clothes than anything else in the world,so she is very about what she wears. 2.He took away my key saying h

35、e was not about to let me sit behind the wheel of a when I couldnt even walk straight. 3. (节约) of water is of great importance in desert areas. 4. in his research,he was conscious neither of time nor of space. 5.You cant really (欣赏) foreign literature in translation.,particular,vehicle,Conservation,

36、Absorbed,appreciate,6.He is the secret head of a large gambling ring(赌博团伙) which uses the computer for its operations. 7.People who eat slowly tend to (消耗) about 70 fewer calories(卡路里) per meal than those who rush through their meals. 8.A public-health campaign has greatly reduced the number of hear

37、t disease deaths by 80 per cent over the past three (十年).,illegal,consume,decades,9.Plans are well for a new shopping centre. 10.I have nothing to say your complaints. 11.The guard must while on duty to protect the safety of the school ground. 12.The director stressed that point . 13.Cars carbon gas

38、es which make the earth warmer.,.选词填空,under way,in regard to,do his part,do ones part,under way,let off,in particular,in regard to,in particular,let off,.句型转换 14.He seems to have mistaken a plus for a minus. he has mistaken a plus for a minus. 15.We have no doubt that the climate has been changing i

39、n recent years. that the climate has been changing in recent years. 16.Dont rely on others to help you. Dont rely on you. 17.Despite all our efforts we still lost the game. all our efforts we still lost the game.,It seems that,There is no doubt,others helping,In spite of,.单项填空 18.Life in the oceans

40、from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants like sharks and whales.(2017海安中学高二检测) A.differs B.ranges C.varies D.changes,解析 句意为:海洋生物从最小的浮游生物到像鲨鱼和鲸鱼那样的大型生物不等。differ不同;range from.to.在到中变动;vary变化;change改变。由句意可知选B。,答案,解析,19.When a discussion is ,everyone is welcome to have the in class.(2017泰州中学高二

41、月考) A.under way;floor B.on the way;time C.in the way;chance D.by the way;right,解析 句意为:当讨论在进行时,欢迎各位课上踊跃发言。under way在进行中;on the way在途中;in the way挡道,碍事;by the way顺便说一下。have the floor有发言权。故选A。,答案,解析,20.An increasing number of learners are buying online courses in the belief they are much convenient and

42、cheaper.A.which B.if C.whether D.that,解析 that引导的同位语从句是对前面的抽象名词(belief)的解释说明,且从句不缺主要成分。故选D。,答案,解析,21.I really appreciate if I can walk away from my computer after a long time of typing and have pain-free arms! A.that B.it C.you D.one,解析 I appreciate it if.为固定用法。句意为:长时间的打字工作之后如果能离开电脑,解放一下双臂,我将感激不尽。所以本

43、题选择B。,答案,解析,22.My younger sister enjoys listening to music very much,with pop music .(2018北京海淀高二检测) A.in detail B.in brief C.in particular D.in advance,解析 句意为:我妹妹很喜欢听音乐,尤其是流行音乐。in particular特别,尤其,符合句意。in detail详细地;in brief简而言之;in advance提前。,答案,解析,.微写作 写作素材(关于环境) 1.在过去的十年里,管理部门在环境保护方面没有尽到职责。 2.现在很多商业人士乐意减少车辆的产量。 3.这样做是为了减少二氧化碳的排放。 提示:加颜色部分用本单元词汇表达。,连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文),In the past decade,the administration hasnt done its part in environmental conservation.Now many businessmen are willing to cut back on the production of vehicles in order to decrease letting off carbon dioxide.,


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