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1、课时跟踪练(二) Welcome to the unit add BAs; add upCIt; add up DAs; add解析:选 D 由句中逗号可知,该句为定语从句,故用 as; add . to .“把增加到上” ;add up“加起来” 。故选 D。3The _ look on his face suggested he was _.Adisappointing; disappointedBdisappointed; disappointingCdisappointing; disappointingDdisappointed; disappointed解析:选 D 句意:他脸上失

2、望的表情表明他很失望。用ed 形式的形容词修饰 look, face, voice 等,表示主语( 人) 感到怎么样也用ed 形式的形容词。所以答案为 D。4The computer was used in teaching.As a result, not only _, but students became more interested in the lessons.Asaved was teachers energyBwas teachers energy savedCteachers energy was savedDwas saved teachers energy解析:选 B

3、在 not only .but also .句型中,当 not only 置于第一个分句句首时,第一个分句要用部分倒装语序。又因为第一个分句为被动句,因此答案为 B 项。5The accident caused some _ to my car, but its nothing serious.Aharm BinjuryCruin Ddamage解析:选 D 句意:这场事故给我的车造成了一些损坏,但问题不严重。根据短语搭配 cause some damage to .“对造成一些损坏” ,选 D 项。harm“伤害,损害” ,常用于do harm to 短语中;injury“伤害 ”,常用于对

4、人身体的伤害; ruin“毁灭” 。6We all agreed to the plan he _ at the meeting.Ahas put forward Bhad put upChad put forward Dput out解析:选 C 从 agreed 判断后面的定语从句应使用过去完成时。 put forward 意为“提出,提议” ,符合语境。7I had hardly got to the office _ my wife phoned me to go back home at once.Awhen BthanCuntil Dafter解析:选 A 句意:我刚到办公室,我妻

5、子就打电话叫我立刻回家。had hardly done something when .为常用固定句型。8He appears careless, but _, he is a very careful person.Ain all Bin realityCin return Din a word解析:选 B 句意:他看起来很粗心,但事实上,他是一个非常细心的人。in reality意为“事实上” ,相当于 in fact。in all“总计” ;in return“作为回报” ;in a word“总之” 。9What shall we use for power when all the

6、oil in the world has _?Agiven out Bput outCheld up Dused up解析:选 A 句意:一旦地球上的石油全部用完,我们将用什么作为能源?give out和 use up 都有“用光,用尽 ”的意思,give out 后不能接宾语,而 use up 后必须接宾语。put out“扑灭” ;hold up“兴起;停顿” 。10This company has just invented a new kind of machine and they are going to hold a(n) _ about it next week.Aintrod

7、uction BpresentationCinstruction Dconstruction解析:选 B 句意:这家公司刚发明了一种新型机器并且将要在下个星期举行关于这台机器的展示会。A.介绍;B.展示会;C.指示,说明;D.建设。根据句意,应选 B 项。二、勤练语篇阅读,多练自能生巧.完形填空The Great Spirit, in a time not known to us looked about and saw nothing. No colors, no beauty. Time was silent in darkness. There was no sound. _1_ cou

8、ld be seen or felt. The Great Spirit decided to _2_ this space with light and life.From his great power he started his _3_. He ordered the Great Turtle to come from the waters and become the land. The Great Spirit created the _4_ and the valleys on turtles back. He put white _5_ into the blue skies.

9、 He was very happy. He said, “Everything is ready now. I will fill this place with the happy movement of _6_ .” He thought and thought about what kind of _7_ he would make.Where would they live? What would they do? What would their purpose be? He wanted a _8_ plan. He thought so hard that he became

10、very tired and fell _9_.His sleep was filled with dreams of his creation. He saw _10_ things in his dream. He saw animals crawling on four legs, some on _11_. Some creatures flew with wings, some swam with fins (鳍 ). _12_, there were plants of all colors, covering the ground everywhere. Insects buzz

11、ed around, dogs barked, _13_ sang, and human beings called to each other. Everything seemed out of place. The Great Spirit thought he was having a _14_ dream. He thought, nothing could be this imperfect.When the Great Spirit _15_, he saw a fish swimming in the water. He realized the world of his _16

12、_ became his creation. Everything he dreamed about came true. _17_ he saw the fish make his home, a dam to provide a pond for his family to swim in, he _18_ knew everything has its place, and purpose in the time to come.It has been _19_ among our people from generation to generation. We must not _20

13、_ our dreams. They are our creation.语 篇 解 读 :这 是 一 篇 神 话 故 事 ,讲 述 了 The Great Spirit 伟 大 的 神 灵 创 造 世 界 的 经 过 。1A.Something BAnythingCEverything DNothing解析:选 D 第一段主要讲述的是 The Great Spirit 创造世界的原因:周围世界空无一物(nothing),于是 The Great Spirit 决定用光和生命来填满这个空间。2A.fill BbuildCarm Dcover解析:选 A 从第二段中的“I will fill th

14、is place with .”可得出答案。3A.conversation BcareerCcreation Ddream解析:选 C The Great Spirit 开始创造世界。这里应用名词形式 creation。4A.islands BmountainsCoceans Dseas解析:选 B 在陆地上造出的应该是山 (mountain),而不可能是岛屿或海洋。5A.kites BplanesCpictures Dclouds解析:选 D 依据常理,The Great Spirit 在蓝天上装点的应该是白云(white clouds)。6A.children BinsectsCanima

15、ls Dlife解析:选 D 从下文可知,The Great Spirit 想要创造生命(life)。7A.colors BsoundsCbeauties Dcreatures解析:选 D The Great Spirit 绞尽脑汁,不知应该造出什么样的生物(creatures) 。8A.native BperfectCreliable Dpersonal解析:选 B 由前面一连串的疑问可知, The Great Spirit 要的是完美的(perfect)计划。9A.ill BasleepCcrazy Dsilent解析:选 B 下一段说 The Great Spirit 在梦中创造生命,由

16、此可知,这里是指睡着了(fall asleep)。10A.strange BnormalCdangerous Dimportant解析:选 A 在梦中,The Great Spirit 梦见许多稀奇古怪的(strange)东西。11A.two BthreeCfive Dsix解析:选 A 自然界的大多数动物都是四只脚或者两只脚行走的,故选 two 最合常理。12A.However BAnywayCAlso DLuckily解析:选 C 在梦中,The Great Spirit 梦见了动物,也梦见了植物。前后句存在递进关系,用 also 连接。13A.girls BstudentsCbirds

17、Dstars解析:选 C 这句话大意是:在梦中, The Great Spirit 梦见昆虫嗡嗡叫,狗在狂吠,鸟儿(birds)在歌唱,还有人在交谈。14A.bad BgoodCsweet Dbig解析:选 A 由前一句“Everything seemed out of place.”及后一句“. nothing could be this imperfect.”可知,The Great Spirit 觉得这个梦糟糕透顶 (bad)。15A.calmed down Bfell overCwoke up Dset off解析:选 C 前一段描述的是 The Great Spirit 梦里的所见所

18、闻,这一段是讲述他醒来(wake up)后的所见。16A.love BdreamCimagination Dfamily解析:选 B The Great Spirit 发现,梦(dream) 中的一切都变成了现实。17A.Since BThoughCUnless DWhen解析:选 D 当他看见鱼儿在建造新家时,他豁然顿悟。依据语境,这里该用 when引导时间状语从句。18A.then BagainCeven Dhardly解析:选 A 前后句从时间上看存在先后关系,故用 then 连接。19A.reported BannouncedCtold Dwarned解析:选 C 这个故事世代流传。

19、tell a story 是习惯搭配。20A.realize BquestionCinterrupt Dshare解析:选 B 这个故事告诉我们:不要怀疑 (question)梦想,它们很可能会变成你的创造。.阅读理解For film lovers who are also animal lovers and people who long for a connection with nature, Wolf Totem is a good choice. Based on Jiang Rongs novel of the same name, the 3D film is about Che

20、n Zhen (Feng Shaofeng) and Yang Ke (Shawn Dou) being sent from Beijing to Inner Mongolia in the 1960s to live with local villagers. They are among the 17 million urban (城市的) middle school graduates in the “cultural revolution” (1966 1976), who answered Chairman Maos call to go work and live with loc

21、al villagers in poor provinces. After saving the life of a baby wolf and raising it in secret, Chen becomes attracted by this kind of fierce, quick and intelligent animal.These days, many animals in films are computerproduced, such as Caesar in the recent Planet of the Apes film (2011, 2014) and the

22、 tiger that Yang Zirong fights in The Taking of Tiger Mountain (2014). But Wang Weimin, the producer of Wolf Totem told China Daily that “our film needed real wolves”British animal trainer Andrew Simpson spent three years raising and training a group of wolves for the film, watching them grow from b

23、abies to adults. In the film, leading actor Feng would play with the wolves, feed them and clean their dens. The process helped Feng develop a deeper understanding of the wild creature. He told Mtime that “Wolves can treat you as friends, but never as owners”One of Wolf Totems themes is the contradi

24、ction (矛盾) between nature and human. To meet the need of feeding a growing population, the ecological balance of the grasslands was destroyed. But much of this theme is shown through Chens offscreen voice (画外音) Although there are some shortcomings in the making process and the narrative (叙述), theres

25、 no doubt that with Wolf Totem, the filmmaker has shown a true animal world and nature to us.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了电影狼图腾的概况,包括这部电影的主要内容,拍摄过程中对真狼的使用以及电影的一大主题人与自然的矛盾。1Who are most likely to be the audience of Wolf Totem?ATeenagers. BAnimal and nature lovers.CEcologists. DMiddle school graduates.解析:选 B 细节

26、理解题。通过文章第一段第一句 “For film lovers who are also animal lovers and people who long for a connection with nature, Wolf Totem is a good choice.”可知,动物和自然爱好者应该是狼图腾的潜在观众,故答案为 B。2Which of the following statements is TRUE?AThe film, Wolf Totem, is based on Jiang Rongs novel.BFeng Shaofeng and Shawn Dou were se

27、nt to Inner Mongolia to make the film.CYang Ke saved a baby wolf and raised it secretly.DThe wolves in the film are computerproduced.解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句 “Based on Jiang Rongs novel of the same name, the 3D film is about .”可知,电影狼图腾是根据姜戎的同名小说改编的,故答案为 A。3The reason why Feng was in close contact with

28、wolves is that _.Ahe had to train themBhe wanted to be the owner of themChe was forced to do itDhe could deeply understand them解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第三段 “In the film, leading actor Feng .deeper understanding of the wild creature.”可知,冯绍峰能与狼相处、玩耍的原因是在驯养过程中对狼的了解,故答案为 D。4The passage is mainly about _.Athe proc

29、ess of the film makingBthe comparison of Wolf Totem and other 3D filmsCthe brief introduction and review of Wolf TotemDthe contradiction between nature and human解析:选 C 主旨大意题。通过阅读全文可知,本文介绍电影狼图腾的故事内容,拍摄过程中对真狼的使用以及电影的一大主题人与自然的矛盾,是对这部电影的简单介绍和评论,故答案为 C。5The authors attitude towards Wolf Totem may best be described to be _.Aunconcerned BopposedCsupporting Dunclear解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,尽管电影有不足,但还是给我们展现了一个真实的自然和动物世界,由此可推知,作者对电影的观点是支持的,故答案为 C。


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