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1、,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part B Lets tryLets talk,Unit 6 Work quietly!,Lets talk 视频,Lets try视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Warm-up/Revision,What is she doing?,She is ,Presentation,A good students in school,having an English class,reading a book,What is Chen Jie doing?,She is_.,What is Chen Jie reading about?,sign

2、标志,a book of signs,What is Chen Jie reading about?,signs,Quiet, please!,No eating!,Lets try,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Lets try,Listen and circle.,Lets act!,Hi, I am new here. Is this the library?,Yes, it is. Can I help you?,Yes. Where are the English books?,Oh. Over here!,Shh! Talk quietly!,小声讲话,Lets

3、 talk,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Lets talk,Tom: My name is Tom. Whats your name? John: Shh. Talk quietly. Im John. I canshow you the English books. Tom: Thanks. John: Here they are. Tom: OK. Can I read the books here? John: Yes. Of course. Tom: Anything else? John: Yes. Keep your desk clean. Tom: OK.

4、 I will. Thanks.,指引,其他事儿,( ) 1. Tom wants English books. ( ) 2. They cant read books in the library. ( ) 3. They should(应该)read quietly.,Read and tick or cross.,Answer questions.,What should they do in the library?,1. Talk quietly.,2. Keep your desk clean.,3. .,Match, say and act.,Oh,my English book

5、 is here!,Work quietly!,Talk quietly!,Keep your desk clean!,重点句型,Here they are. 它们在这儿。,【详解】 这是一个部分倒装句, 正常语序为: They are here.它们在这儿。“Here we are.”的意思是“我们在这儿。”等于“We are here.”。,Test,( )1. I can_ you the English books.A. look B. show C. see ( )2. Can I _ the books here?A. read B. see C. look ( )3. _ you

6、r desk clean.A. Put B. Do C. Keep ( )4. Can I have some juice, please? _A. Of course. B. Thanks. C. Yes,I am.,A,B,C,A,一、单项选择。,1. _(What / Where)are you doing? 2. Please talk _(quiet/ quietly) in the library. 3. I want to _(reading/ read) a book. 4. Please keep the door_(open/ clean) . Its hot in the room. 5. Can you help me? Of _ (course / sure).,二、我会选词完成句子。,What,quietly,read,open,course,重点词汇,Sum-up,talk quietly 小声讲话 show 给人看;指引 anything 任何事物 else 另外;其他,Homework,Thank you!,


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