外研版(三起)五年级下英语Module2 Unit2 Mr Li was a teacher课件

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外研版(三起)五年级下英语Module2 Unit2 Mr Li was a teacher课件_第1页
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Module 2 Grandparents,Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher,am,is,do,buy,go,eat,have,run,meet,was,did,bought,went,ate,had,ran,met,make,made,learn,learnt,study,studied,live,lived,Yesterday, he Ali. Today, he Hello Kitty.,met,meets,Many years ago, he a teacher. Now, he retired.,was,is,They to school on foot before. Now they to school by bus.,went,go,Five years ago, she in a small house. Today, she in a big house.,lived,lives,He music before. Now he computer.,learnt,learns,He lazy(懒惰的) before. Now he very hard.,was,studies,Five years ago, she books. Today, she lots of dresses.,bought,buys,


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