人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit2 A Let's learn课件

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1、Part A 第二课时,Unit 2 My favourite season,spring,spring,summer,autumn,winter,Lets learn,Mother season has four daughters.,The four daughters have magic power,What colour is she?,Whats the weather like?,Whats the weather like?,What can you see in spring?,What can you wear?,Who is she?,Spring,Green tress

2、 green grass Green leaves(树叶),The four daughters have magic power,What colour is she?,Whats the weather like?,Whats the weather like?,What can you see in spring?,What can you wear?,Who is she?,summer,The sun is big。 There are many beautiful flowers.,The four daughters have magic power,What colour is

3、 she?,Whats the weather like?,Whats the weather like?,What can you see in spring?,What can you wear?,Who is she?,autumn,Yellow trees Yellow grass yellow leaves,The four daughters have magic power,What colour is she?,Whats the weather like?,Whats the weather like?,What can you see in spring?,What can

4、 you wear?,Who is she?,winter,White snow,Lets chant,Spring is green with flowers and songs.,Summer is hot and the days are long.,Autumn is golden and farmers are busy,Winter is white and the year is gone,Talk about seasons,Draw pictures,Homework,1.抄写单词及背诵Lets learn中的对话,下节课前小组内或同桌间检查。2.阅读短文,完并填空。 There are four_ in a year. In _,its warm. In _,its hot. In _,its cold. In _,its cool. I like the four seasons。3.写一下自己最喜欢的季节,并详细说明。,


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