人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit3 B Read and write课件

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,Unit 3 My school calendarB Read and write,February,October,July,first,twelfth,twentieth,June 9th,March 23rd,January 16th,East party,Everyone likes to get to the party. (每个人) (得到),When is the party?,A: April 12th 7pm,B: April 21th 7pm,What will they do?,Roll east egg Look for eggs Eat chocolate eggs Meet East Bunny,Read by yourself.,小提示:读课文圈出不会的单词,Listen and repeat.,Homework,1.Search the Internet about the birthday celebration and Western Chinese traditional birthday party. 上网查找资料:中国传统的生日庆祝和西方的生日派对。 2.Make a birthday card, write greetings. 制作一张生日贺卡,写上祝福语。,Goodbye!,


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