牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit8-story time课件

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1、Unit8 Our dreams,Think & circle,What do you want to be in the future?,I want to be a/an,(将来),Story time,Q:What are they talking about?,Miss Li is asking the students about their dreams.,What do they want to be in the future?,Ask and answer,Think & circle,Read and find,Tips: 1.默读P78 2.用不同符号划出关键词 3.组内

2、成员核对答案 4.小组成员进行汇报,dentist,help children with bad teeth,Lets fill,dentist,astronaut,help children with bad teeth,fly a spaceship to the Moon,Lets fill,dentist,astronaut,football player,help children with bad teeth,fly a spaceship to the Moon,play in the World Cup,Lets fill,Think & circle,Watch and ch

3、oose,Whats Miss Lis dream?,What do you think of Miss Li?,She wants to see all herstudents dreams come true(实现).,She loves/cares about her students.,Think & circle,以六人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read it together. 小组一起读。,Read in roles. 组内分角色读。,Read it one by one.一人一句读。,Lets read,Lets retell,Miss Li is writing

4、 about her students dreams. Mike wants to be _. Because he wants to _. Wang Bing has a big dream. He wants to be _ and _ to the Moon. Su Hai wants to be _. Because _. Nancy is good at writing. She wants to _ for children. Yang Ling likes playing the piano. She wants to be _. I hope I can see all my

5、students dreams come true someday.,a dentist,care about childrens teeth,an astronaut,fly a spaceship,a dancer,dancing makes people healthy and beautiful.,write stories,a pianist,Why do we need dreams?,Dreams are flowers.They make our life beautiful. Dreams are chocolate. They make our life sweet. Dreams are songs. They make us happy. Dreams are birds. If we dont care about them, they will fly away.,Once you have a dream, just go for it. 一旦你有梦想,就要去争取。,Never give it up easily. 永远不要轻言放弃。,Your dream might not come true in one day or two, but it will someday. 你的梦想可能不会在一两天实现,但某一天一定会。,


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