牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit 7《Summer holiday plans》课件3

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牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit 7《Summer holiday plans》课件3_第1页
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1、Unit 7 Summer holiday plans,Period 2 Grammar time & cartoon time,能听懂、会读、会说故事中出现的新词汇。 能听懂、会读、会说、会用“will”进行肯定句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的表达,并做相应的回答。 能理解并掌握Grammar time 中“will”的用法及规则,了解一般将来时的各种用法。 能完成Fun time 中的游戏。,Teaching aims,Try to retell .,Tip:复述课文内容时, 可以借助课文插图和思维图板书。,Lets learn !,看图快速找答案!,Lets play !,四组比赛,看谁能坚

2、持到最后!,Where will you go for the summer holiday?,Lets enjoy,Youll find the Grand Canyon in the US.,乌卢鲁巨石,科罗拉多大峡谷,白金汉宫,尼亚加拉大瀑布,Lets remember,Whos the fastest?,Enjoy your travelling!享受旅游Have great fun!乐在其中Enjoy your summer holiday!享受暑假Have a happy life! 快乐生活,Emotional,Cartoon time,What does Bobby say?,

3、I want to be a traveller and travel around the world.,a travel book,旅游,旅行者,环游世界,Watch and answer,Whats Bobbys travel plans?,Watch and answer,Whats Bobbys travel plans?,First,,Next,,Then,,hell go to the UK.,hell go to the US.,hell go to the Australia.,But how will they get to the UK?,By taxi.,Who is

4、excited about Bobbys plans?,Lets read,Lets act,注意模仿语音,语调和动作哦!,Sound time,Playing with his toy.,Hes so full of joy.,Sound time,插入sound time视频,Lets read,Look at the little boy. Playing with his toy. He really is so happy. Hes so full of joy!,你还知道哪些含有 “oy” 的单词吗?,roy destroy enjoy coyness ,Ticking time,introduce your friends plans to your parents write your holiday plan play the game with your friends finish the exercise book,Homework,Lets talk,Where do you want to go?,两人一小组谈论你们的旅行计划。,


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