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1、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 5 There is a big bed,Learning goals,能够听、说、读、写5个家居物品类的单词或词 组:bike, clock, photo, water bottle, plant。 2. 能够在语境中正确运用这5个单词或词组。 3. 能够在“连锁问答”游戏中正确运用核心句型。,Warm-up,Whats in the picture?,There is a bed.,There are some books.,There is a clock.,There is a TV.,New words,时钟;钟,植物,瓶子,水瓶,自行车;脚踏车,照片;

2、相片,Lets learn,clock,photo,plant,water bottle,bike,This is my room. There is a clock, a.,Play roles,This is my room. I have a bed and a desk. What else do I have?,There is a clock.,clock n.(名词)时钟;钟 形近词 cock 公鸡 ;sock 短袜 运用 Look at this clock.看这个钟。,There is a photo.,photo n.(名词)照片;相片 同义词 picture 短语 tak

3、e a photo 拍照 运用 Please put up this photo.请把这张照片挂起来。,There is a plant.,plant n.(名词)植物 形近词 plane 飞机 转化 plant v.(动词) 种植 联想 seed 种子,flower 花儿 运用 There are many plants in the park.在公园里有许多植物。,There is a water bottle.,bottle n.(名词)瓶子 形近词 little 小的 短语 water bottle 水瓶 运用 He can drink two bottles of water one

4、 time.他一次能喝两瓶水。,There is a bike.,bike n.(名词)自行车;脚踏车 形近词 like 喜欢 同义词 bicycle 派生词 biker n.(名词)骑自行车的人 短语 by bike 骑自行车,This is my room.这是我的房间。,“This is”句型中无论后面加人还是物品只能是单数。,Lets play,There is a clock in my room. 在我房间里有一个钟。,There is a clock and a plant in my room. 在我房间里有一个钟和一株植物。,There is a clock, a plant

5、 and a photo in my room. 在我房间里有一个钟、一株植物和一张照片。,Play roles,Look at the picture and play games with your partners.,There is a bed.,There is a bed and a desk.,There is a bed, a desk and some books.,There is a bed, a desk, some books and some fruits. ,Practice,一、连线。,water bottle clock photo bike plant,植物 自行车 水瓶 时钟 照片,二、翻译下列句子。,有一张大床在房间里。 有一个钟和一盆植物在房间里。 有一个水瓶在桌上。 有一辆自行车在花园里。,There is a big bed in the room.,There is a clock and a plant in the room.,There is a water bottle in the desk.,There is a bike in the garden.,


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